Sharpie (boat)

Sharpie (boat)

Sharpies are long, narrow sailboats with flat bottoms, extremely shallow draft, centerboards and straight, flaring sides. They are believed to have originated in the New Haven, Connecticut region of Long Island Sound, United States, for oystering, but later appeared in other areas.

Traditional sharpies

New Haven sharpies

These were long boats, about 27 feet or so, crewed by one man and rigged as a cat-ketch, with three mast steps; one at the bow, one amidships and one in between. Typically, in the summer, two masts would be stepped: one at the bow and amidships. In the winter, when heavier weather was expected, a single mast would be stepped in between. Larger versions, up to 35 feet, were crewed by two men. The New Haven models were typified by plumb bows with round counter-sterns rising just out of the water.

Although most sharpies were rigged as a cat-ketch with free standing, sprit rigs, larger versions - especially those found in the Carolinas and Florida - used stayed gaff schooner rigs which included a jib.

The sharpie type migrated south and west to other regions where shallow water prevented deep-draft vessels from operating, including Chesapeake Bay, the Carolinas, the Great Lakes (Ohio) and Florida.


Sharpies were introduced to Florida in 1881, when Commodore Ralph Munroe brought a 30-foot sharpie to the Key West area of Florida. Several years later, the Commodore brought his 33-foot "Kingfish" to St. Augustine, Florida. Perhaps the most famous of sharpies was the Commodore's "Egret" design, now immortalized in plans available from "WoodenBoat" magazine. The Commodore designed "Egret" in 1886 and had her built on Staten Island and delivered to Key West.

"Egret" was unique in that she had higher, flaring sides than the typical sharpie and was double-ended. As with a dory, this meant more stability as she was loaded and the ability to run before a following sea without waves breaking over the stern. These attributes contributed to behavior that led the Commodore to call the "Egret" a "sharpie-lifeboat". Modern designers sometimes refer to the design as a 'shorie' - a cross between the sharpie and the dory.

Throughout the late 1800s, the Commodore and others helped to evolve the type. Thomas Clapham used a v-bottom in his "Nonpareil sharpies", and Larry Huntington introduced a rounded, arc bottom that has been used by modern designers like Bruce Kirby and Reuel Parker. Some believe the Chesapeake Bay skipjack with its v-bottom may have evolved from the early sharpies. Whatever the case, Chesapeake sharpie skiffs were common, especially in the smaller sizes, because of easy and cheap construction.

Howard I. Chapelle was a particular advocate of pleasure boats based on workboat models and designed many sharpie sailboats, cruisers and yachts. For a typical example, see [ 14-foot sharpie] . With Chappelle's encouragement, S. Owen Davis designed and built a sharpie disguised as a Chesapeake Bay bugeye in the late 1940s (see WoodenBoat Magazine October 1980). This boat incorporated the so-called "patent stern" that was used to provide deck space aft on the canoe-like double enders then working the Bay.

Modern sharpies

In recent years, the sharpie, as with many traditional American small craft, has enjoyed renewed interest as designers and sailors have sought boats with the virtues of shallow draft. However, most are homebuilt or of one-off construction. Exceptions include Bruce Kirby's Norwalk Islands series of sharpies, Phil Bolger's "Dovekie" and B&B Yacht Designs CoreSound series.

The Twelve Square Metre Sharpie was designed in 1931 by the Kroger Brothers. The peak of the class was in the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. To this day, the original design has been preserved, and the class is sailed competitively in the [ UK] , [ Holland] , [ Germany] , and [ Portugal] . The European Championships are rotated between these four countries every year.

The term 'Twelve Square Metre' evolves from the original sail area, though on modern sharpies due to modern sail designs has now reached to around sixteen square metres.

There are still a small number of original sharpies in Australia, though they have not been sailed competitively since the 1960s. In Australia, the original 'heavyweight' Sharpie has now evolved into the lightweight Australian Sharpie.

Because of the design, the type has limitations that prevent mass-production in fiberglass. Fiberglass, by its nature, is stronger when used for compound curves. The flat bottom and sides of a sharpie are not well suited to this building material. Some designers, such as Bruce Kirby and Reuel Parker have managed to add some curves (typically at the chine) without compromising the qualities of the type, but there are limits as to what can be done before the boat becomes something other than a sharpie.

ee also

* Boat building
* Catboat - a wider, gaff-rigged variation of the design concept
* Center for Wooden Boats - offers free rides in two classic sharpies, an Egret, and a New Haven type.
* Skiff - the general boat type upon which the Sharpie is based

External links

* [ John's Sharpie] for information about the sharpie kit available from Chesapeake Light Craft
* [ Great Falls Boat Works] for information regarding semiproduction custom CoreSound 17 capable of planing speeds to 12 knots and for one off building of other Sharpies.
* [ B&B Yacht Design] for information on plans for the CoreSound and Princess series of Sharpies
* [ WoodenBoat Publications] for sharpie plans and information about "WoodenBoat" magazine
* [ Bolger Boats On The Web] for a list of Bolger boats (including sharpies) that can be found on the Internet
* [ Square Boats] a web site dedicated to Bolger's boxy sharpies
* [ Black Skimmer] for a brief overview of Bolger's "Black Skimmer" design
* " [ Shoal Draft Mecca] " an article on cruising Florida Bay in a "Black Skimmer"
* [ Phil Bolger Books, Boats & Magazine Articles] for information about Phil Bolger's designs
* [ Phillip C. Bolger] a brief biography of Phil Bolger
* [ Instant Boats] for Phil Bolger's "Black Skimmer" plans
* [ Norwalk Islands Sharpies One Stop Shop] for information about the Norwalk Islands Sharpies
* [ Bruce Kirby Marine] for information about Bruce Kirby and his designs
* [ Jim Michalak's Boats] for information about Jim Michalak's Boats
* [ Jim Michalak's Boat Designs] for Jim Michalak's homepage
* [ Parker Marine Enterpises] for Reuel Parker's homepage
* [ NIS Boats] main agents for Bruce kirby's Norwalk Is Sharpies
* [ ] Microcruising in the Bahamas - several small cruising sharpies designed by Matt Layden - photos, sketches, hints
* [] Paradox a Matt Layden micro-sailboat coastal cruiser - construction photos, owners' photos
* [] Jubilee, 40Cruising Sharpie Ketch designed by Chris Morejohn
* [ British Sharpie Owners Association] The British 12 m² Sharpie Owners Association, web development By William D. Fillingham
* [ British Sharpies in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil] Sailing out of the Caicaras Country Club on the Logoa in Rio back in the 1940s through the 1970s; reportedly, the fleet moved across the Guanabara Bay to the City of Niteroi.

Other Types of Sailing Vessels

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  • Sharpie — refer to:* Sharpie (marker), a line of permanent markers manufactured by the Sanford company * Sharpie (boat), a long, narrow sailboat with a shallow draft * Sharpies, members of youth gangs in Australia in the 1960s and 70s * Sharp shinned Hawk… …   Wikipedia

  • sharpie — ☆ sharpie [shär′pē ] n. [< SHARP: in SHARPIE sense 1, referring to its sharp lines] 1. a long, narrow, flat bottomed New England fishing boat with a centerboard and one or two masts, each rigged with a triangular sail 2. Informal a shrewd,… …   English World dictionary

  • Sharpie — Sharp ie, n. (Naut.) A long, sharp, flat bottomed boat, with one or two masts carrying a triangular sail. They are often called {Fair Haven sharpies}, after the place on the coast of Connecticut where they originated. [Local, U.S.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • boat — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. See ship. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. vessel, bark, sailboat, yacht, steamboat, craft, watercraft, bottom, hulk; see also ship . Types of small boats include: rowboat, shell, scull, kayak, dugout, canoe,… …   English dictionary for students

  • sharpie — or sharpy noun (plural sharpies) Date: circa 1859 1. a long narrow shallow draft boat with flat or slightly V shaped bottom and one or two masts each carrying a triangular sail 2. a. sharper b. an exceptionally keen or alert person …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sharpie — n. flat bottomed fishing boat equipped with triangular sails (Nautical); sharper; alert person …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sharpie — noun (plural sharpies) 1》 a sharp prowed, flat bottomed New England sailing boat, with one or two masts each with a triangular sail. 2》 informal, chiefly N. Amer. a dishonest and cunning person. 3》 Austral. informal (in the 1960s and 1970s) a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • sharpie — /ˈʃapi/ (say shahpee) noun 1. a long, flat bottomed boat with one or (commonly) two masts, each rigged with a triangular sail, formerly in use along the North Atlantic coast of the US. 2. a type of small racing yacht. 3. a. → sharper. b. an alert …  

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