Rhododendron canadense

Rhododendron canadense

name = "Rhododendron canadense"

image_width = 240px
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Ericales
familia = Ericaceae
genus = "Rhododendron"
subgenus = "Pentanthera"
sectio = "Rhodora"
species = "R. canadense"
binomial = "Rhododendron canadense"
binomial_authority = (L.) Torr.

"Rhododendron canadense" (Rhodora) is a deciduous flowering shrub that is native to northeastern North America. The wild distribution of the rhodora begins at its easternmost extreme in Canada in Labrador and extends into eastern Ontario and the United States, where it has its most famous home in New England and also occurs naturally in New York, New Jersey, and at high altitudes in the Appalachian Mountains further south to Pennsylvania. It thrives in the moist, acidic soils of bogs, swamps, and clearings in woodlands.

It reaches a mature height of 0.5-1.2 m (approximately 1-3 feet). In early spring, it produces pinkish-purple flowers in clusters of 2-6 together; each flower is 2-3 cm (approximately 1 inch) in diameter, with a five-lobed purple corolla. The flowers are unusual in comparison with other species of the genus "Rhododendron" found in northeastern North America. Most rhododendrons of the region have tubular flowers with 5 stamens each, while "R. canadense" has 10 stamens housed inside an irregularly shaped corolla. The leaves open only after the flowers have bloomed and wilted; they are narrow oval, 2-6 cm long and 1-2 cm broad. When not in flower, it can still be identified by its peculiar, orange-brown seed cases, 1-1.2 cm long.

Today's botanists consider the rhodora to be a distant relative of the other North American members of its genus, but the difference in floral structure did lead 19th century taxonomists to assign the plant its own genus "Rhodora". Its closest relative is "Rhododendron vaseyi" from the Appalachian Mountains, which differs in having 7 stamens.

For a long time, the species was regarded as a botanical icon of New England. The Transcendtalist writer Ralph Waldo Emerson, who spent his life in Concord, Massachusetts, paid homage to it in his poem "The Rhodora: On being asked, Whence is the flower?" (1834, pub. 1847). In this reflective lyric, the poet arrives at the epiphany that the beauty of the rhodora exists not only for its own sake but also discloses the mystical unity of all creation under God. The poet embraces this unity in his parting words to the rhodora: "The self-same Power that brought me there brought you". The composer Mary Lynn Lightfoot later set the poem to music in a song of the same name for a women's choir.

"Rhodora" is also the name of the journal of the Harvard-affiliated New England Botanical Club, which is a peer reviewed scientific publication dedicated to the flora of North America.

External links

* [http://nymf.bbg.org/profile_species_tech.asp?id=383 Species description from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden]
* [http://www.ct-botanical-society.org/galleries/rhododendroncana.html Photos of rhodora flowers and foliage from the Connecticut Botanical Society]
* [http://www.rosebay.org/chapterweb/nagt4.htm Information from the American Rhododendron Society Massachusetts Chapter]
* [http://www.rwe.org/poems_of_RWE/The_Rhodora.htm Text of Emerson's "Rhodora"]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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