Infobox Radio station
name = KAGU

city = Spokane, Washington
area = Spokane-Coeur d'Alene
branding = "KAGU Radio"
slogan =
airdate = 1990s
frequency = 88.7 MHz
format = Classical/College radio
power =
erp = 5,000 Watts
haat = 466 meters
class = C1
callsign_meaning = Gonzaga University
former_callsigns =
owner = Gonzaga University
webcast =
website =
affiliations =

KAGU is a classical music radio station run by Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. They broadcast at 88.7 MHz on the FM dial.


Prior to its switch to all-classical, it was a college rock station through the late 1990s. Billing itself as the "hundred-thousand milliwatt zippo of the River City" KAGU broadcast a 100 watt signal throughout Spokane. Other slogans included "your only alternative" and "proletariat and bourgeoisie alike agree!" A marketing high point was achieved when the infamous trailer "Fish For Breakfast" was broadcast in 1994. The concept was simple: the voiceover stated "Fish For Breakfast, and KAGU every night. That's the way it oughtta be!"Fact|date=October 2007

Daily programming included alternative rock and specialty shows from 7AM to 12 midnight.

In late 2004, the KAGU transmitter and antennae were moved from atop the GU Administration Building to the KHQ-TV tower site on Tower Mountain in southeast Spokane. Also, KAGU’s power was boosted from 100 watts to 5,000 watts. Currently, the KAGU signal reaches a 60-mile radius from Tower Mountain.

The station currently follows a commercial-free, all-classical music format.

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