- WindowShade
WindowShade was a control panel for the
Mac OS that allowed a user to double-click a window'stitle bar to "roll up" the window like awindowshade . When the window was "rolled up", only the title bar of the window was visible; the part of the window that displayed the contents disappeared, allowing easier manipulation of the windows on the screen.History
It debuted in System 7.5, but disappeared in
Mac OS 8 , when the feature was implemented as a part of the Appearance Manager. A widget was added to the title bar to reproduce the functionality. The entire feature disappeared with the release ofMac OS X ; since windows could be minimized to the Dock or moved aside with Exposé, Apple decided there was no more use for it. However, several third-party utilities, such as WindowShade X forUnsanity 'sApplication Enhancer software, have brought the concept of the WindowShade back to the Mac OS. It has since reappeared as a commercial haxie and offers other features, like translucent windows and minimize-in-place.The WindowShade control panel itself stems from a third-party utility originally written for System 6.0.7 by
Rob Johnston . Apple purchased the rights to this software from the developer for use in System 7.5.Other operating systems
desktop environment s orwindow manager s forUnix-like operating system s have a similar feature allowing windows to be set to "roll up" when the userdouble-click s the title bar of a window. These includeBlackbox ,GNOME ,IceWM ,KDE , andXfce .MS Windows Shell, has no build feature like WindowShade, but was provided by 3rd party companies, like
Edge Beyond ,WinRoll , andActual Tools .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.