- Lichnerowicz formula
The Lichnerowicz formula (also known as the Lichnerowicz–Weitzenbock formula) is a fundamental piece of Seiberg–Witten theory and
gauge theory . It is used in a great many proofs on the subject, and gives a relationship between spinors, scaler curvature and connection through the Dirac operator and covariant derivative.Given a
complex spin structure on a manifold "M", a spinor bundle "W"± with section phi, and a connection "A" on its determinant line bundle "L", the Lichnerowicz formula is:D_{A}^{*}D_{A}phi= abla _A^{*} abla_{A}phi+frac{1}{4}Rphi+frac{1}{2}langle F_{A}^{+},phi angle.
Here, D_A is the
Dirac operator D_A:Gamma (W^+) o Gamma (W^-), and abla _A is the covariant derivative associated with the connection A, abla _A: Gamma (W^+) o Gamma(W^+otimes T_M^*). R is the usual scalar curvature (a contraction of the Ricci tensor) and F_A^+ is theself-dual part of the curvature of A. The asterisks denote the adjoint of the quantity and the brackets langle , angle denote the Clifford action.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.