J. Michael Bailey

J. Michael Bailey

Infobox Person
name = J Michael Bailey

caption =
birth_date = birth date and age|1957|7|2
birth_place = Lubbock, Texas
death_date =
death_place =
other_names =
known_for =
occupation = Professor psychology, Northwestern University
nationality = American

John Michael Bailey (born July 2, 1957 in Lubbock, Texas) is an American psychologist and professor at Northwestern University. He is best known among scientists for his work on the etiology of sexual orientation, from which he concluded that homosexuality is substantially inherited. [Bailey JM, Pillard RC, Neale MC, Agyei Y. (1993 ). Heritable factors influence sexual orientation in women. "Archives of General Psychiatry, 50," 217223.] [Bailey JM, Pillard, RC. (1995). Genetics of human sexual orientation. "Annual Review of Sex Research, 6," 126-150.] [Bailey JM, Dunne MP, Martin NG. (2000). Genetic and environmental influences on sexual orientation and its correlates in an Australian twin sample "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78," 524536.] He also wrote "The Man Who Would Be Queen," which has elicited reactions ranging from revilement to a nomination for an award, which was later retracted, [cite web | title = Letter to New York Times, Sept 20, 2007 | url = http://www.lambdaliterary.org/archives/archives.html | publisher = Lambda Literary Foundation | work = Press Room ] from the Lambda Literary Foundation, an organization that promotes gay literature.

Background and career

Bailey was born in Lubbock, Texas. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics from Washington University in 1979 and his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Texas at Austin in 1989, where he studied under behavioral genetics researcher Lee Willerman.cite web |url=http://www.psych.northwestern.edu/psych/people/faculty/bailey/personal.html|title=Professional profile|publisher=Northwestern University|date=February 4, 2008]

Bailey became a professor at Northwestern University in 1989. In the 1990s, Bailey published several papers that suggested a heritable component for sexual orientation. In 2003 he published "The Man Who Would Be Queen".

In October 2004, Bailey resigned as chairman of the Psychology Department. Bailey still serves as a Northwestern professor. [cite web |author=Davis, Andrew|url=http://www.windycitymediagroup.com/gay/lesbian/news/ARTICLE.php?AID=6810|title= Northwestern Sex Researcher Investigated, Results Unknown|Publisher=WindyCity Times|date=December 8, 2004]


Bailey is well-known for research involving biology and sexual orientation. In the early 1990s Bailey and Richard Pillard coauthored a series of twin studies which examined the rate of concordance of sexual identity among monozygotic twins (52% concordance), dizygotic twins of the same sex (22%), non-twin siblings of the same sex, and adoptive siblings of the same sex (11%).cite journal |author=Bailey JM, Pillard RC |title=A genetic study of male sexual orientation |journal=Arch. Gen. Psychiatry |volume=48 |issue=12 |pages=108996 |year=1991 |pmid=1845227 |doi=] cite journal |author=Bailey JM, Benishay DS |title=Familial aggregation of female sexual orientation |journal=Am J Psychiatry |volume=150 |issue=2 |pages=2727 |year=1993 |pmid=8422079 |doi=]

Another line of Bailey's research has concerned the ways that homosexuals are sex-atypical (or gender nonconforming) compared with heterosexuals, as well as the ways that homosexuals are sex-typical and gender conforming. For example, he published a meta-analysis showing that on average, homosexual men and women recall being much more gender nonconforming children, compared with heterosexual children. [Bailey, J. M. & Zucker, K. J. (1995). Childhood sex-typed behavior and sexual orientation: A conceptual analysis and quantitative review. "Developmental Psychology, 31," 43-55.] In contrast, he also showed that for many traits related to mating (such as interest in casual sex, and emphasis on a partner's physical attractiveness), homosexuals appear to be similar to heterosexuals of their own sex. [cite journal |author=Bailey JM, Gaulin S, Agyei Y, Gladue BA |title=Effects of gender and sexual orientation on evolutionarily relevant aspects of human mating psychology |journal=J Pers Soc Psychol |volume=66 |issue=6 |pages=108193 |year=1994 |month=June |pmid=8046578 |doi= |url=http://content.apa.org/journals/psp/66/6/1081] Recently, he has researched the gaydar phenomenon. [cite journal |author=Rieger G, Linsenmeier JA, Gygax L, Bailey JM |title=Sexual orientation and childhood gender nonconformity: evidence from home videos |journal=Dev Psychol |volume=44 |issue=1 |pages=4658 |year=2008 |month=January |pmid=18194004 |doi=10.1037/0012-1649.44.1.46 |url=]

A third line of research has examined sexual arousal patterns and their relation to sexual orientation in men and women. This research has focused on both genital and self-reported sexual arousal measures. For example, Bailey's lab showed that men's genital sexual arousal patterns closely tracked their sexual orientations, but women's did not. [ [http://www.apa.org/monitor/apr03/differences.html] ] In 2005 this research produced a study which questioned whether male bisexuality exists in the way that it is sometimes described; the study was based on results of penile plethysmograph testing. The testing found that of men who identified themselves as bisexual, 75% were only aroused genitally by homosexual imagery, and 25% were only aroused genitally by heterosexual imagery. They concluded: "Male bisexuality appears primarily to represent a style of interpreting or reporting sexual arousal rather than a distinct pattern of genital sexual arousal."cite journal |author=Rieger G, Chivers ML, Bailey JM |title=Sexual arousal patterns of bisexual men |journal=Psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society / APS |volume=16 |issue=8 |pages=57984 |year=2005 |pmid=16102058 |doi=10.1111/j.1467-9280.2005.01578.x] The study received wide attention after a New York Times piece on the study.cite news|author=Carey, Benedict | date=July 5, 2005 | title=Straight, Gay or Lying? Bisexuality Revisited | work=New York Times | url=http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/05/health/05sex.html] The article and study were criticized by gay and bisexual groupsNational Gay and Lesbian Task Force (July 2005). [http://www.thetaskforce.org/files/NYTBisexualityFactSheet.pdf The Problems with "Gay, Straight, or Lying?"] (PDF) Retrieved July 24, 2006.] and by FAIR.FAIR (July 8, 2005). [http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=2573 New York Times Suggests Bisexuals Are "Lying": Paper fails to disclose study author's controversial history.] ] Critics argued the sample size was relatively small, consisting of one hundred (100) men. Also, all of these subjects were "self-selected", from ads placed in gay and "alternative" publications. Then the researchers had to disregard results of thirty-five percent (35%) of this population, as non-responders. Agreeing with the author's conclusion that bisexuality is a subjective experience, the late Dr. Fritz Klein, a sex researcher and the author of "The Bisexual Option" argued that "social and emotional attraction are very important elements in bisexual attraction."

Bailey's sexual arousal work was attacked by The Washington Times and some socially conservative commentators as prurient and a waste of taxpayer dollars. [ [http://naturalsolutionsradio.com/articles/article.html?id=4707] ] Bailey [ [http://www.psych.northwestern.edu/psych/people/faculty/bailey/responsetimes.htm] ] and his defenders [ [http://www.barryyeoman.com/articles/nih.html] ] have responded that studying sexual arousal patterns is important in understanding human sexuality, especially sexual orientation.

Recently, Bailey's lab has begun to study sexual orientation and sexual arousal using fMRI. [cite journal |author=Safron A, Barch B, Bailey JM, Gitelman DR, Parrish TB, Reber PJ |title=Neural correlates of sexual arousal in homosexual and heterosexual men |journal=Behav. Neurosci. |volume=121 |issue=2 |pages=23748 |year=2007 |month=April |pmid=17469913 |doi=10.1037/0735-7044.121.2.237 |url=]

Bailey has been interested in the evolutionary paradox of the persistence of homosexuality. “Male homosexuality is evolutionarily maladaptive,” he told the "New York Times" which also noted that Bailey intended "that the phrase means only that genes favoring homosexuality cannot be favored by evolution if fewer such genes reach the next generation." [ [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/10/health/10gene.html] ]

In an article coauthored with Aaron Greenberg, he suggested that allowing parents to choose the sexual orientation of their children is morally acceptable, provided the means used to accomplished that goal are themselves morally acceptable. [ [http://www.psych.northwestern.edu/psych/people/faculty/bailey/Greenberg&Bailey,2001.pdf] ] (For example, killing infants who will become homosexual would obviously be wrong. The acceptability of aborting "gay fetuses" would depend on whether one believed that abortion, per se, is morally acceptable.) Alice Dreger criticized Greenberg's and Bailey's argument [ [http://www.bioethicsforum.org/science-gaydar-homosexuality-prenatal-selection.asp] ] and they responded. [ [http://www.bioethicsforum.org/homosexuality-prenatal-selection-Dreger.asp] ]

According to the Web of Science, Bailey's works have been cited over 1600 times and he has an h-index of 22. [Web of Science, accessed July 1, 2008]

"The Man Who Would Be Queen"

Bailey's book "The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender Bending and Transsexualism" was published in 2003.Bailey, J. Michael (2003). "The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism". Joesph Henry Press, ISBN 978-0309084185] In it, Bailey reviewed evidence that male homosexuality is innate, a result of heredity and prenatal environment. He also reviewed the theory of Ray Blanchard that there are two forms of transsexualism, one that is an extreme type of homosexuality and one that is an expression of a paraphilia known as autogynephilia. Written in a popular science style, the book summarized research supporting Bailey's opinions.

The book generated considerable controversy. Helen Boyd explained what might have motivated some to object to the book: [cite book | title = My husband Betty: love, sex, and life with a crossdresser | author = Helen Boyd | publisher = Thunder's Mouth Press | year = 2003 | ibsn = 1560255153 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=vCT70HjI_a4C&pg=PA139&dq=bailey%27s+book+autogynephilia+gender&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=ZilKSLXOJYP6sQOz7OXnDQ&sig=IUS7xJ9DDKFs_xkl_ciXb3_OOe8 ]

In response to such criticisms, Bailey reiterated a line from his book: "True acceptance of the transgendered requires that we truly understand who they are." [ [http://www.psych.northwestern.edu/psych/people/faculty/bailey/controversy.htm#bookbad] ]

A transgender woman that he described in the book filed a complaint with Northwestern University alleging that he had sex with her when she was an unwitting subject of his research; [Wilson, R. (2003, Dec. 19). [http://chronicle.com/weekly/v50/i17/17a01702.htm Northwestern U. psychologist accused of having sex with research subject] . "The Chronicle of Higher Education," p. 17.] however, Northwestern did not pursue the accusations. [Barlow, G. (2003, Dec. 17). NU professor faces sexual allegations. "Chicago Free Press."] Transsexual professors Lynn Conway and Deirdre McCloskey filed a complaint against Bailey with Illinois state regulators, alleging that he practiced psychology without a license; however, the department did not pursue those allegations.Carey, Benedict. (2007-08-21.) [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/21/health/psychology/21gender.html?pagewanted=all "Criticism of a Gender Theory, and a Scientist Under Siege."] "New York Times" via nytimes.com. Retrieved on 2007-09-19.] At least two women who said they were subjects in his book filed a complaint with Northwestern alleging that Bailey committed scientific misconduct in the writing of his book. [Wilson, R. (2003, July 25). Transsexual 'subjects' complain about professors' research methods. "The Chronicle of Higher Education," p. 10.] [Associated Press (July 26, 2003 ), " [http://www.thetimesonline.com/articles/2003/07/26/news/region_and_state/c8b1f7592d2a627386256d6f0008fe7c.txt Transsexuals accuse professor of research misconduct] "] Northwestern did investigate this allegation. Although the findings of that investigation were not released, [Wilson, R. (2004, Dec. 10). " [http://chronicle.com/weekly/v51/i16/16a01001.htm Northwestern U. Will Not Reveal Results of Investigation Into Sex Researcher] ." "The Chronicle of Higher Education," p. 10.] Northwesterns Vice President for Research, C. Bradley Moore, said, "The allegations of scientific misconduct made against Professor J. Michael Bailey do not fall under the federal definition of scientific misconduct." and that the university "has established a protocol to help ensure that Professor Baileys research activities involving human subjects are conducted in accordance with the expectations of the University, the regulations and guidelines established by the federal government and with generally accepted research standards."Dreger, A. D. (2008). The controversy surrounding "The man who would be queen:" A case history of the politics of science, identity, and sex in the Internet age. "Archives of Sexual Behavior, 37," 366-421. Also available at [http://www.bioethics.northwestern.edu/faculty/work/dreger/controversy_tmwwbq.pdf] .] Bailey says that he did nothing wrong and that the attacks on him were motivated by the desire to suppress discussion of the book's ideas about transsexualism, especially autogynephilia.cite web | title = Academic McCarthyism | url=http://web.archive.org/web/20070807075502/http://www.chron.org/tools/viewarticle.php?artid=1248 | accessdate = 2008-07-27 ]

Alice Dreger, an activist on issues affecting people who are intersex and a Northwestern University associate professor, published an account of the controversy in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. According to Dreger, the allegations of misconduct could accurately be described as "harassment",cite news
last = Carey
first = Benedict
title = Criticism of a Gender Theory, and a Scientist Under Siege
publisher = New York Times
date = 2007-08-21
url = http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/21/health/psychology/21gender.html?pagewanted=1
accessdate = 2008-06-26
quote = “What happened to Bailey is important, because the harassment was so extraordinarily bad and because it could happen to any researcher in the field,” said Alice Dreger, an ethics scholar and patientsrights advocate at Northwestern who, after conducting a lengthy investigation of Dr. Baileys actions, has concluded that he is essentially blameless.
] and an "anti-Bailey campaign".Dr. Alice Dreger, Medical Humanities & Bioethics Program at Northwestern University [http://www.bioethics.northwestern.edu/faculty/work/dreger/controversy_tmwwbq.pdf "The Controversy Surrounding The Man Who Would Be Queen: A Case History On the Politics of Science, Identity and Sex in the Internet Age"] ] The journal published in the same issue 23 commentaries regarding multiple aspects of the controversy, including criticism of Dreger's analysis. ["Archives of Sexual Behavior." 2008, volume 37, 365510. Some critical commentaries have been made available on-line by their authors: Deirdre McCloskey's [http://deirdremccloskey.org/docs/dreger.pdf Politics in Scholarly Drag: Dregers Assault on the Critics of Bailey] , Julia Serano's [http://www.juliaserano.com/av/Serano_DregerCommentary.pdf A Matter of Perspective: A Transsexual Woman-Centric Critique of Dregers ‘‘Scholarly History’’ of the Bailey Controversy] .]

Outside of the transsexual community and sexology researchers, this controversy is largely notable because of its implications for academic freedom and freedom of speech. In an interview with "The New York Times", Dreger said, "If we're going to have research at all, then were going to have people saying unpopular things, and if this is what happens to them, then we've got problems not only for science but free expression itself."Carey, Benedict. (2007-08-21.) [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/21/health/psychology/21gender.html?pagewanted=all "Criticism of a Gender Theory, and a Scientist Under Siege."] "New York Times" via nytimes.com. Retrieved on 2007-09-19.] Critics believe that their actions against Bailey and his book represent legitimate comment on a topic of public interest.cite news
last = Carey
first = Benedict
title = Criticism of a Gender Theory, and a Scientist Under Siege
publisher = New York Times
date = 2007-08-21
url = http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/21/health/psychology/21gender.html?pagewanted=1
accessdate = 2008-06-26
quote = “Nothing we have done, I believe, and certainly nothing I have done, overstepped any boundaries of fair comment on a book and an author who stepped into the public arena with enthusiasm to deliver a false and unscientific and politically damaging opinion,” Deirdre McCloskey, a professor of economics, history, English, and communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and one of Dr. Baileys principal critics, said in an e-mail message.

Appearances in news media

Bailey and his work were featured prominently in a "Boston Globe" story by Neil Swidey entitled "What Makes People Gay?" [Swidey, N. (2005, Aug. 14). [http://www.boston.com/news/globe/magazine/articles/2005/08/14/what_makes_people_gay] That story was included in the 2006 volume of "The Best American Science Writing." [ [http://www.nieman.harvard.edu/narrative/digest/resources/bios/swidey-n.html] ]

Bailey and his lab were also prominent in the CBS News 60 Minutes story "Gay or Straight?," [ [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/03/09/60minutes/main1385230.shtml] ] which first aired on March 12, 2006 and was the most popular news story on the CBS News website the following week. [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20060313135944/www.cbsnews.com] ] This story provoked reactions ranging from "fantastic and fascinating" by gay author Jeremy Hooper at the Good As You blogHooper, Jeremy (March 13, 2006). [http://www.goodasyou.org/good_as_you/2006/03/go_watch_dont_s.html Go watch, don't Stahl: '60 Minutes' airs fantastic piece on nature vs. nurture] "Good As You"] to negative comments from gay author David Ehrenstein, who noted the show was "replete with the sort of clichés about gay men and effeminacy that havent been seen in a network news context since the 1967 CBS broadcast The Homosexuals."Ehrenstein, David (April 6, 2006). [http://www.advocate.com/exclusive_detail_ektid29121.asp Kinder, gentler homophobia.] "The Advocate"] Shari Finkelstein, the producer of the "Gay or Straight" segment, responded: "We were aware of the controversy surrounding Michael Bailey's book, and we looked into all the allegations before we decided to interview him for the story...." She concluded: "We didn't feel there was anything that disqualified him from being interviewed. And in fact, his work is highly regarded by all of the researchers in the field who we spoke with, and we felt that he was a very worthy person to discuss these issues." [ [http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2006/03/14/publiceye/entry1399162.shtml] ]


Other selected bibliography

*cite journal |author=Bailey JM, Miller JS, Willerman L |title=Maternally rated childhood gender nonconformity in homosexuals and heterosexuals |journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior |volume=22 |issue=5 |pages=4619 |year=1993 |pmid=8239975 |doi=
*Greenberg AS, Bailey JM (1993). Do biological explanations of homosexuality have moral, legal, or policy implications? "Journal of Sex Research", 30, 245-251.
*Bailey JM, Zucker KJ (1995). Childhood sex-typed behavior and sexual orientation: A conceptual analysis and quantitative review. "Developmental Psychology", 31, 43-55.
*cite journal |author=Bailey JM, Nothnagel J, Wolfe M |title=Retrospectively measured individual differences in childhood sex-typed behavior among gay men: Correspondence between self- and maternal reports |journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior |volume=24 |issue=6 |pages=61322 |year=1995 |pmid=8572910 |doi=
*cite journal |author=Bailey JM |title=Sexual orientation revolution |journal=Nature Genetics |volume=11 |issue=4 |pages=3534 |year=1995 |pmid=7493006 |doi=10.1038/ng1295-353
*cite journal |author=Dunne MP, Martin NG, Bailey JM, "et al" |title=Participation bias in a sexuality survey: psychological and behavioural characteristics of responders and non-responders |journal=International Journal of Epidemiology |volume=26 |issue=4 |pages=84454 |year=1997 |pmid=9279618 |doi=
*cite journal |author=Bailey JM |title=Homosexuality and mental illness |journal=Archives of General Psychiatry |volume=56 |issue=10 |pages=8834 |year=1999 |pmid=10530627 |doi=
*cite journal |author=Bailey JM, Pillard RC, Dawood K, "et al" |title=A family history study of male sexual orientation using three independent samples |journal=Behavior Genetics |volume=29 |issue=2 |pages=7986 |year=1999 |pmid=10405456 |doi=
*cite book |author=Bailey JM |title=The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism |publisher=Joseph Henry Press |location=Washington, D.C |year=2003 |pages= |isbn=0-309-08418-0 |oclc=

ee also

*Bisexual erasure
*Blanchard, Bailey, and Lawrence theory

External links

* [http://www.psych.northwestern.edu/psych/people/faculty/bailey/index.htm Bailey's home page] via Northwestern University
*imdb name|2539265
*" [http://books.nap.edu/books/0309084180/html/ The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism] " via Joseph Henry Press

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