- BMJ Learning
BMJ Learning is the continuing education service for physicians operated by
BMJ , one of the two leading British Medical JournalsThe purpose of BMJ Learning is to enable doctors to meet their
continuing professional development (CPD) andContinuing medical education (CME) needs online. The site is split into channels, including 'GP CPD', 'Hospital doctor CPD', Foundation Programme' and 'GP trainee'. The site has over 400 courses online.CPD/CME is essential to the medical profession, so doctors can show they are staying up to date with advances in medicine. In the UK, The
Royal College of General Practitioners expects GPs to complete 50 hours of CPD per year. There are similar requirements in other countries.References
* http://www.uwe.ac.uk/library/resources/general/databases/titles/bmj-learning.htm
* http://www.rcgp.org.uk/continuing_the_gp_journey/professional_development.aspx#minimum
* http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=261733
* http://imedic.typepad.com/imedic/2006/09/bmj_learning.html
* http://www.ehealtheurope.net/News/3770/german_universities_to_get_access_to_bmj
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