List of Shan state rulers

List of Shan state rulers

The Shan State of Myanmar (also known as Burma) was once made up of a large number of traditional monarchies or fiefdoms. Three ranks of chiefs where recognized by the Burmese king and later by the British administration. These ranks were Saopha or Chaofa (Shan for king or chieftain) or Sawbwa in Burmese, Myosa ("duke" or chief of town), and Ngwegunhmu (silver revenue chief). =Shan states=

Hierarchy and Precedence

The distinction in the titles dates from the days of the Burmesemonarchy although the same states have not continued to hold the sametitles for their chiefs during the centuries --- changes took placeaccording to royal favour, results of battles and later, the decisionsof the British authorities. The privileges and titles were so much a matter of royalordinance that every one of a Sawbwa's symbols of power was laid downin a special book of dispensations granted by the higher court. Hisregalia and clothes, the guilding and jewel decoration of betel boxes,spittoons, fly-whisks and such articles of use, the dress ofministers, the umbrellas, spears and horses in procession, thecaparisoning of the royal elephant, the instruments for processionalmusic, the gateways and the style of residence, all were rigidlyprescribed to ensure that the dignity kept up accordance with thestatus of a royal chieftain, yet did not encroach on the specialprivileges reserved for the court of Ava itself. The British, whosesuccess in administration was largely bound up with observance, ofprecedence in a hierarchy, listed states also as Sawbaships,Myosaships and Ngwegunhmuships.

The following lists the Sawbwas in order of the precedence, at the timeof the British annexation of the Shan States.

Baw (Maw)

Hopong (Hopon)

under a Myosa (no current information)

Hsahtung (Thaton)

* 1781-? Hkun Samu
* ? Descendants of Hkun Samu
* 1839 - ? Hkun Kyaw Le
* ?
* ? - 1905 Hkun Law
* 1905- 1930 Sao Hkun Sing
* 1930- 1957 Sao Hkun Kyi
* 1957 -1959 Sao Aung Myint

Hsamönghkam (Thamaingkan)

Founded before 1700 and under a Myosa, its known rulers were:
* 1807 - 18.. Maung Shwe Pon
* 1825 - 1834 Maung Shwe E (1st time)
* 1834 - 18.. Maung Me (1st time)
* 18.. - 1847 Maung Shwe E (2nd time)
* 1847 - 1848 Maung Me (2nd time)
* 1848 - 1867 Maung Shwe Min (1st time)
* 1867 Maung Lin (1st time)
* 1867 - 18.. Maung Tha U
* 18.. - 1876 Maung Kyi
* 1876 - 18.. Maung Lin (2nd time)
* 18.. - 1885 Maung Su Ka
* 1885 - 1886 Maung Shwe Min (2nd time)
* 1886 - 19.. Maung Hpo

Hsawnghsup (Thaungdut)

Founded before 1858 under a Saopha, it ceased to exist in 1893. The rulers were:
* x-x Sao Aung Ba
* 1858? -1880 Sao Shwe Maung
* 1880 - 1893 Sao Kan Mun

Hsenwi (Theinni)

Hsenwi sets its legendary foundation before 650. It was ruled by a Saopha and ceased to exist in March 1888, when it was split into North Hsenwi and South Hsenwi. The rulers were:
* 1778 - 1800 Sao Hswe Cheng (Kon)
* 1800 - 1815 Sao Hsö Kaw
* 1815 - 1819 Mogaung Wun -Regent
* 1819 - 1821 Sao Naw Möng
* 1821 - 1824 Hkun Hkam Hkawt
* 1824 - 1827 Sao Hkam Pak
* 1827 - 1831 Sao Hkam Nan
* 1831 - 1838 Sao Hkun Maung Lek
* 1838 - 1845 Sao Hkam Leng (Hsö Hkan Hpa)
* 1845 - 1848 Sao Hseng Naw Hpa (1st time)
* 1848 - 1853 Vacant
* 1853 - 1855 Sao Hseng Naw Hpa (2nd time)
* 1855 - 1858 Vacant
* 1858 - 1860 Sao Hpa Mawng Hpa (1st time)
* 1860 - 1863 Vacant
* 1863 - 1864 Sao Hpa Mawng Hpa (2nd time)
* 1864 - 1866 Shwe Pyi Bo
* 1866 - 1867 U Ma Nga
* 1867 - 1869 Sao Hseng Naw Hpa (3rd time)
* 1869 - 1873 Vacant
* 1873 - 1874 Win Hmu
* 1874 - 1875 Sao Hseng Naw Hpa (4th time)
* 1875 - 1876 Natsu Letya
* 1876 - 1879 Sao Hseng Naw Hpa (5th time)
* 1879 - 1888 Hkun Hsang Ton Hong

North Hsenwi

Created in March 1888 from Hsenwi state. the main state was split into two, North and South Hsenwi.
* Mar 1888 -x Hkun Hsang Ton Hong
* 1927 - 1959 Sao Hom Hpa

outh Hsenwi

Created in March 1888 by the splitting of the Hsenwi state. The state is also know is Mong Yai. The rulers were:
* 1888 - 1913 Sao Naw Möng
* 1913 - 1946 Sao Song
* 1946 - 1959 Sao Hso Hom

Hsihkip (Thigyit)

Founded before 600, it ceased to exist in 1886, when it was incorporated into Yawnghwe. It was ruled by a Myosa and the rulers were:
* 1800? Hkun Chok
* 18.. - 18.. Hkun Hpe
* 18.. - 18.. Hkun Daw
* 18.. - 18.. Maung Paw
* 18.. - 18.. Maung Paik
* 18.. - 18.. Hkun Hmom
* 18.. - 18.. Hkam Lin -Regent
* 184. - 184. Hkun Nyun
* 184. - 1848 Twet Kye -Regent
* 1848 - 1851 Hkun Ywe
* 1851 - 1862 Hkun Ton
* 1863 - 1870 Son Hkun Hpon
* 1870 - 1886 Maung Hnya

Hsipaw (Thibaw)

Founded, according to legend, in 58 BC, it was ruled by a Saopha. Its formal name was Dutawadi. For the state capital see Thibaw.
* 1788 - 1809 Sao Hswe Kya
* 1809 - 1843 Sao Hkun Hkwi
* 1843 - 1853 Sao Hkun Paw
* 1853 - 1866 Sao Kya Htun
* 1866 - 18.. Sao Kya Hkeng
* 1886 - 1902 Hkun Saing
* 1902 - 1928 Sao Hke
* 1928 - 1938 Sao On Kya
* 1938 - 1947 Under direct British administration
* 1947 - 1962 Sao Kya Seng

Kehsi Mangam (Kyithi Bansan)

* 1860 - 1881 Hkun Yawt
* 1881 - .... Hkun Yawt Seng

Kengcheng (Kyaingchaing)

* 1813 - 18xx Hpaya Möng Hkon

Kenghkam (Kyaingkan)

* 1811 - 1854 Bodaw Sao Hkam Yi
* 1855 - 1864 Sao Hkun Mwe
* 1864 - 1870 Naw Hkam Leng
* 1870 - 1874 Incorporated into Möngnai
* 1874 - 1878 Sao Hkun Long
* 1878 - 1882 Incorporated into Möngnai
* 1882 - 188. Sao Naw Süng
* 188. - 19.. Hkun Un

Kenglön (Kyainglon)

* 1857 - 1873 Maung Pwin
* 1873 - 1874 Naw Hkam U
* 1874 - 1888 Hkun Tawn
* 1888 - 19.. Hkun Mawng

=Kengtung (Kyaingtong)=

For the state capital see Kengtong.
* 1243-1247 Mang Kun (Delegate of Mang Rai, founder of Kengtung State)
* 1247-1253 Mang Kyin
* 1253-1264 A son of Mang Rai with a monk in joint charge
* 1264-1317 Sao Nam Nam
* 1317-1324 Sao Hsam Mun Hwe
* 1324-1342 Sao Lak
* 1342-1360 Sao Hsai Nan
* 1360-1370 Sao Yu
* 1379-1387 Sao Sit Pan Tu
* 1387-1390 Sao Ai Awn
* 1390-1403 Ai Wu Hsa
* 1403-1460 Yi Hkam Hka
* 1416-1441 Sao Hsam
* 1441-1456 Sao Hsam si-li
* 1456-1474 Ai Lao Hkam
* 1474-1501 Ai Lao
* Sao Naw Kiao (son of Ai Lao Hkam)
* Hsai Hkaw (son of Ai Lao Hkam)
* Hsai Hpom (son of Ai Lao Hkam)
* Sao Hsam (son of Ai Lao Hkam)
* Sao Kham Mu (son of Ai Lao Hkam)
* 1523-1560 Hpaya Kiao (a monk called to rule)
* 1560-1598 Sao Mong Hka
* 1598-1620 Sao Hkam Tao
* 1620-1637 Sao Mong Hkak
* Sao On
* Sao In Hkam
* Sao Awk
* Sao Mong Saik
* Sao Hsam Hpi
* 1730-1740 Maung Nyo (Yawnghwe Shan sent from Ava)
* Sao Mong Sin
* Sao Mong Hsam
* 1787-1804 Sao Kawng Tai
* 1813-1857 Sao Maha Hkanan
* 1857-1876 Sao Maha Hpom
* 1876-1881 Sao Hkam Hseng
* 1881-1886 Sao Kawng Tai
* 1886-1897 Sao Kawng Hkam
* 1895-1935 Sao Kawng Kiao Intaleng
* 1935-1937 Sao Kawng Tai
* 1937-1959 Sao Sai Long


Ruled and founded by the Yang dynasty,it was founded in 1739 by Yang Shien Tsai, Chief of Shin Da Hu. Later his successor Yang Wei Shin expanded his territory and renamed it Kho Kan Shan. Yang Yon Gen then finally renamed it to Kokang. The first 2 reigned as chiefs, the 3rd assumed the title of Heng which was to be held until Yang Chun Yon assumed the Myosa title. Colonel Sao Yang Wen Pin assumed the title of Saopha, after the British recognised Kokang in 1947 as a state for services in the Second World War; it lasted until the state ceased to exist in 1959.The rulers were:
* 1739 - 1758 Yang Shien Tsai, Chief of Shin Da Hu
* 1758 - 1795 Yang Wei Shin, Chief of Kho Kan Shan
* 1795 - 1840 Yang Yon Gen, Heng of Kokang
* 1840 - 1874 Yang Guo Hwa, Heng of Kokang
* 1874 - 1916 Yang Guo Zhen, Heng of Kokang
* 1916 - 1927 Yang Chun Yon, Heng and Myosa of Kokang
* 1927 - 1949 Colonel Sao Yang Wen Pin, Saopha of Kokang
* 1949 - 1959 Sao Edward Yang Kyein Tsai, Saopha of Kokang.


Kyawkku Hsiwan (Kyaukku)

* 1783 - 1820 Nga Kaw Tha
* 1820 - 1821 Nga Thi Ri
* 1821 - 1843 Nga Chit Win
* 1844 - 1852 Nga Shwe Maung I (1st time)
* 1852 - 1856 Nga Shwe Yit -Regent
* 1856 - 1863 Nga Shwe Maung I (2nd time)
* 1863 - 1865 Nga Yan Kon -Regent
* 1865 - 1873 Nga San
* 1873 - 1874 Nga Shwe Maung II -Regent
* 1874 - 1876 Nga Tha U -Regent
* 1876 - 1877 Nga Tun -Regent
* 1877 - 1893 Nga Thaing

Laihka (Lègya)


* 1794 - 1803 Law Na
* 1803 - 1807 La Hkam
* 1807 - 18xx Hkun Lek
* 18xx - 1854 Hkun Lek
* 1854 - 1856 Shwe Ok Hka (Shwe Taung Kyaw)
* 1856 - 1860 Hkun Long
* 1860 - 1862 Sao Hkam Mawng (1st time)
* 1862 - 1866 Hkun Hkawt
* 1866 - 1868 .... (female)
* 1868 - 1879 Sao Hkam Mawng (2nd time)
* 1879 - 1882 Vacant
* 1882 - 1928 Hkun Lai
* 1928 - 1952 Sao Num

=Lawksawk (Yatsauk)=


* 1791 - 1811 Hkun Sam Lik
* May 1812 - 1813 On Gaing
* 1813 - 1850 Hkun Shwe Ek
* 1850 - Dec 1854 Vacant
* Dec 1854 - 1881 Sao Waing (1st time)
* 1886 - Jan 1887 Sao Waing (2nd time)
* Jan 1887 - Oct 1887 Bo Saing -Regent
* 9 Oct 1887 - 1900 Hkun Nu
* 1900 - 1946 Hkun Hsok
* 1946 - 1958 Hkun Hsa

Loi-ai (Lwe-e)


* .... - 1814 Paw Kyi
* 1814 - 1834 Maung Shwe
* 1834 - 1864 Kaw Thaw
* 1864 - 1868 Maung Kaing
* 1868 - 1870 Vacant
* 1870 - .... Hkun Shwe Kya

Loilong (Lwelong)


* .... - 1854 Hkun Na (died 1854)
* 1854 - 1856 Hkun San Da (died 1856)
* 1856 - 1880 Hkun Pu (La Mu) (died 1882)


* 1880 - 1882 Hkun Pu (La Mu)
* 1882 - .... Hkun Hkam Chok

Loimaw (Lwemaw)


* .... - 1834 Maung Hpo Gok
* 1834 - 1844 Maung Hpo Saw
* 1844 - 1847 Maung Lok
* 1847 Maung Shwe Daung
* 1847 - 1874 Maung Shwe Pyi (1st time)
* 1874 - 1876 Vacant
* 1876 - 1877 Maung Kya
* 12th February 1878 - 1880 Maung Meik
* 1880 - 1886 Maung Chit
* 1886 Maung At
* 1886 - 19.. Maung Shwe Pyi (2nd time)




* 1814 - 1822 Hsö Hkam (Ta Awng) (died 1822)
* 1822 - 1852 Sao Hkun Sang
* 1852 - 1853 Uyaraza (died 1853)
* 1853 - 1860 Naw Hpa (died 1860)
* 1860 - 1881? Tön Hsang
* 1877 - 1892 Sao Maha (in West Manglön)
* 1892 - 1919 Tön Hsang Hang
* 1919 - 1946 Saw Hka Nan (lived 1892 - 1946)
* 1946 - 1952 Sao Man Laik (born 1922)


Mawkmai (Maukme)


* 1800 - 1818 Hsai Kyaw
* 1818 - 1824 Awk Hkun
* 1824 - 1831 Let To
* 1831 - 1844 Hkam U
* 1844 - 1867 Ko Lan (1st time)
* 1867 - 1868 Hkum Hmôm I
* 1868 - 1887 Ko Lan (2nd time)
* 1887 - 1888 Hkun Hmôm II (1st time)
* March 1888 - 1888 Hkun Noi Kyu
* 1888 - 1915 Hkun Hmôm II (2nd time)
* 1915 - 1952 Hkun Hkaing

Mawnang (Bawnin)


* 1774 - .... Maung Myat (2nd time)
* .... - .... Naw Hkam Lin
* .... - .... Maung Kaung
* .... - .... Maung Pot
* .... - .... Maung Maung
* .... - 1883 Hkun Hkam
* 1883 - 1886 Hkun Shwe Hkam -Regent
* 1886 - .... ....

Mawsön (Bawzaing)


* 1784 - .... Maung Pwe
* .... - .... Maung Kyaw
* .... - .... Maung Waing
* .... - .... Maung Nyun
* 1878 - .... Maung Kya Ywet

Möngkawng (Mogaung)


* 1785 - 1796 Yaw Pan Kyung



* 1835 - 1860 Hkun Long

Möngleng (Mohlaing)

* 1840? Kya U
* 18.. - 1887 Hkam Leng



* 1813?- 1842 Hsö Han Hpa
* 1842 - 1854 Hsö San Hpa (Hkun Hsa)
* 1854 - 1866 Hsö Kawn Kyawng
* 1866 - 18.. Hkun Nyon
* 18.. - 1880 Hkun Yawt
* 1880 - 188. Heng Nga Maung
* 188. - 1888 Hkun Saing (Hsawng)
* 1888 - 1894 Hkun Hsa
* 1894 - .... Sao Hke

Möngmit (Momeik)

* 1830? Maung Hmaing
* 1837? Maung E Pu (1st time)
* 1850 - 1851 Maung E Pu (2nd time)
* 1851 - 1858 Hkun Te
* 1858 - 1861 Haw Kyin
* 1862 - 18.. Maung Yo
* 18.. - 1874 Hkam Mo
* 1874 - 1886 Vacant
* 1886 - 1887 Hkam Leng
* 1887 - 1937 Sao Kin Maung
* Feb 1937 - 1952 Sao Hkun Hkio (born 1912)

Mong Nai (Monè)

* 1850 - 1875 Hkun Nu Nom
* 1875 - 1914 Hkun Kyi
* 6 May 1914 - 1928 Hkun Kyaw Sam
* 1928 - 1952 Hkun Kyaw Ho


* 1851 - 1866 Heng Awn
* 1866 - 1868 Hkun Hkang
* 1868 - 19.. Hkun Tun

Mong Pai (Mobye)

* .... - 1803 ?
* 1803 - 1805 Hkun Pya (2nd time)
* 1805 - 1808 Hkam Maung
* 1808 - 1820 Hkam Hlaing (1st time)
* 1820 - 1823 Nga Kyi -Regent
* 1823 - Jul 1836 Hkam Hlaing (2nd time)
* 1836 - Feb 1891 Hkun Yon
* 1891 - 1908 Hkun ....
* 1908 - 1952 Sao Pin Nya

Mong Pan


* .... - 1808 Naw Hkam
* 1809 - 1823 Mana Ne Myo
* 1823 - 1858 Maung Shwe Hkam
* 1858 - 1867 Hkun Tun U


* 1867 - 1886 Hkun Tun U
* 1886 - .... Hkun Leng
* 1918 - 1952 Hkun On

Mong Pawng (Maing Pun)


* 1816 - 1860 Hkun Lek
* 1860 - 1880 Hkun Ti


* 1880 - 1928 Hkun Ti
* 1928 - 19 Jul 1947 Sao Sam Htun (died 1947)
* 1947 - 1952 Ba Choe

Möngping (Maingpyin)

After 1842 this state was occupied by Lawksawk.

Rulers :
* 1835 - 1842 Hkam Hlaing
* 1842 - .... Hkam Kaw

Möngsit (Maingseik)

* 1816 - 18.. ....
* 18.. - 1857 Sao Haw Pik
* 1857 - 18.. Hkun Kyaw San
* 18.. - 1873 Hkun Lu
* 1873 - 1876 ....
* 1876 - 1880 ....
* 1880 - 1883 Vacant
* 1883 - .... Hkam Pwin

Möngtung (Maington)

This state was cccupied by Hsenwi between 1886 and 1888.

* .... - .... Hkun Sang Kang
* .... - .... Hkun Kyaw Htam
* .... - 1886 Hkun Hsa
* 1888 - 1896 Hkun Lun
* 1896 - 19.. Haw Yawt

Möngyang (Mohnyin)

State existed before 1400 and after 1604 .


* 17.. - .... Inta Wasai
* .... - .... ?
* .... - .... Hsen Sulin (Surin Pumintha)
* .... - .... Hsai Ya Kuman
* .... - .... Sao Yawt

Namhkai (Nanke)

* 1808 - 18.. Nga Dammaa
* 18.. - 1867 Hkun Pe (died 1867)
* 1867 - 1874 Hkun Pan (1st time) (died 1891)
* 1874 - 1876 Vacant
* 1876 - 1888 Hkun Hwaing
* 1888 - 13 Jan 1891 Hkun Pan (2nd time)
* 1891 - 19.. Hkun Kye

Namhkok (Nankok)

Myosas: .... - .... ....

Namhkom (Nankon)

Rulers: .... - .... ....

Namtok (Nantok)

* .... - .... Maung Shwe Tha
* .... - 1816 Tha Zan (died 1816)
* 1816 - 18.. Maung Yi

* 18.. - 18.. Maung Yi
* 18.. - 18.. Hkun Taw
* 18.. - 18.. Hkun Pwe
* 18.. - 18.. Hkun Pwang
* 18.. - 18.. Hkun Hmam
* 18.. - 9 Oct 1892 Hkun Pu (died 1892)
* 1892 - .... Hkun Maung




Sao Khun Min

Pangtara (Pindara)

* 1796 - 1802 Maung Than
* 1802 - 1809 Maung Pe I
* 1809 - 1819 Maung Khan U
* 1819 - 1843 Maung Shwe Min
* 1843 - 184. Mi Thit (f)
* 184. - 184. Mi Sit (f)
* 184. - 1850 Maung Hpo Eik
* 1850 - 1851 Maung Shwe Thi -Regent
* 1851 - 1857 Maung Myat Hpu
* 1857 - 1859 Maung Pe II
* 1859 - 1860 Maung Lun Ya (1st time)
* 1860 - 1861 Maung Hpo
* 1862 - 1868 Maung Than (1st time) -Regent
* 1868 - 1869 Maung Lun Ya (2nd time)
* 1869 - 1871 Maung Than (2nd time)
* 1871 - 1877 Vacant
* 1877 - 1878 Maung Lun Ya (3rd time)
* 1878 - 1880 Vacant
* 1880 - 188. Maung Lun Ya (4th time)
* 188. - 1888 Vacant
* 1888 - 6 Jan 1897 Maung Hpo Hkin (died 1897)
* 1897 - 19.. Maung Sun Nyo

Pwehla (Poila)

Myosas:Khun Soe Min



* .... - 1877 Hkun ....
* 1877 - .... Hkun Ton



* .... - 1838 Hkun Ye
* 1838 - 1858 Hkun Sun (1st time)
* 1858 - 1860 Hkun Noi (1st time)
* 1860 - 1872 Hkun Sun (2nd time)
* 1873 - 1876 Sao Sein Bu (1st time)
* 1876 - 1883 Hkun Noi (2nd time)
* 1883 - 1885 Hkun Pwin
* December 1885 - 1915 Sao Sein Bu (2nd time)
* 1915 - 1952 Hkun Kyi



* 1753 - 1759 Ta Dwe Ba
* 1760 - 1764 Ba Hkun Mya
* 1764 - 1775 Ba Hkun Saing
* 1775 - 1781 Ba Dwe Taw
* 1781 Ba Loi Lio
* 1781 - 1819 Ba Hkun Kein Möng
* 1819 - 1837 Ba Hkun Hso
* 1837 - 1846 Ba Hkun Tan Möng
* 1847 - 4 Sep 1856 Shwe Ok Hka (Shwe Taung Kyaw)
* 1856 - 1865 Hkun Hsa (Ba Hkam Hkun Shinye)
* 1865 - 1868 Aung Tha
* 1868 - 1877 Kwan Kon
* 1877 - 1887 Hkun Hkam Möng
* 1888 - 1897 Hkam Tan Möng (Hkun Kyan)
* 1897 - 1926 Hkun Hsan Gawn
* Aug 1926 - 1952 Hkun Pan Sing

Wanmaw (Bhamo)

This state existed 1470-1772,when it was incorporated into Burma.

Wanyin (Banyin)


* 1865 - 1874 Hkun Saw

* 1874 - 1893 Hkun Saw
* 1893 - Jul 1897 Hkun Long
* 1897 - 19.. Hkun Han

Yawnghwe (Nyaungshwe)

The formal and the ritual name of the state was Kambosarattha, in short term Kanbawza .The rulers full titular style was Kambawsarahta Thiri Pawaramahawuntha Thudamaraza. For the state capital see Nyaung Shwe.

* 1762 - 1815 Sao Yun
* 1815 - 1852 Sao U
* 1852 - 1858 Sao Se Hom
* 1858 - 1864 Sao Naw Hpa
* 23 Oct 1864 - 1886 Sir Saw Maung (1st time)
* 1886 - 1897 Sao On
* 1897 - Dec 1926 Sir Saw Maung 2nd time) (32nd Saopha)
* Sep 1927 - 1952 Sao Shwe Thaik (33rd Saopha)

Ywangan (Yengan)

* .... - .... ....


*Sao Sāimöng, "The Shan States and the British Annexation". Cornell University, Cornell, 1969 (2nd ed.)
*Sao Sāimöng Mangrāi, "The Pādaeng Chronicle and the Jengtung State Chronicle Translated". University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1981
*J. G. Scott, "Gazetteer of Upper Burma and the Shan States". 5 vols. Rangoon, 1900-1901
*J. G. Scott, "Burma: a handbook of practical information". London, 1906
*"Shan States and Karenni List of Chiefs and Leading Families (corrected up to 1939)", Government of India Press, Simla, 1943

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