Explore Learning

Explore Learning

Explore Learning is a British company founded in 2000 to provide private learning centres located in Sainsbury's grocery stores across the UK. [cite news|url=http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/south-warwickshire-news/2008/07/14/kids-learn-at-leamington-sainsburys-92746-21335607/|title=Kids learn at Leamington Sainsburys|last=Corley|first=Michael|date=2008-07-14|work=The Coventry Telegraph|accessdate=2008-07-14] The centres provide computer aided instruction and tutoring which conform to the national curriculum. Explore Learning opened it's first centre in Chelmsford in 2001 and in July 2008 had expanded to 21 centres across the UK.

The concept is based on the model of Sylvan Learning Centers in the United States. [cite news|url=http://www.theassignmentreport.com/articles/20060811_74|title=Explore Learning, a model education business driven by marketing|last=Taylor|first=R|date=2006-04-30|work=The Assignment Report|accessdate=2008-07-14]

Children are evaluated through a twelve session assessment which identifies learning disabilities or exceptional IQs to create a personalized learning program .cite news|url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article452710.ece|title=Education for sale off the supermarket shelf|last=Blair|first=Alexandra|date=2004-07-03|publisher=The Times|accessdate=2008-07-17] The centres use SuccessMaker software to provide hour-long sessions, and children can earn prizes for answering more than 70% of the questions in a session correctly.


External links

* [http://www.explorelearning.ltd.uk/ Explore Learning website]
* [http://www.kcl.ac.uk/about/structure/admin/acareg/careers/news/topic/case/topic33.html A graduate's story: Working for Explore Learning] - Case study from King's College London

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