- Fastest trains in China
This is a list of
mainland China 's fastest long-distance passenger trains by commercial speed (i.e., total distance covered divided by total time taken, including scheduled stoppages) faster than 160 km/h. Note that speed is computed only over the entire length of a train's run, and not for parts thereof.List
Need update: The Beijing–Tianjin train schedule was changed on September 14, 2008.
Note: that the "transport price distance" is significantly longer than the real distance between Beijing South and Tianjin/Tianjin West. This table list distance in "transport price distance", but commercial speed by real distance.
Last update: August 2008
Fastest sections
Trains numbered C2201, C2207, C2209 and C2211 run on the
Beijing–Tianjin Intercity Rail cover the Beijing South–Wuqing section (83.242 km) in 20m12s — An average speed of 247 km/h. For non-Beijing–Tianjin trains, D28 covers the Shenyang North–Qinhuangdao section (404 km) in 02h02m — An average speed of 199 km/h.Last update: August 2008
* 关于实行京津城际铁路列车运行图的通知 (北京铁路局文件,京铁师 [2008] 288号)
"Notice on the Execution of the Service Diagram of the Beijing–Tianjin Intercity Rail Train" (Beijing Railway Bureau File, Jing Tie Shi [2008] No. 288)See also
Fastest trains in India Notes
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