complétion — ● complétion nom féminin (de compléter) Ensemble des opérations d achèvement d un puits avant sa mise en production. ● complétion (homonymes) nom féminin (de compléter) complétions forme conjuguée du verbe compléter ⇒COMPLÉTION, subst. fém. A.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
completion — I noun accomplishment, achievement, attainment, climax, close, commission, conclusion, consequence, consummation, course, crowning, culmination, denouement, discharge, dissolution, effectuation, end, ending, entirety, execution, expiration,… … Law dictionary
Completion — Com*ple tion, n. [L. completio a filling, a fulfillment.] 1. The act or process of making complete; the getting through to the end; as, the completion of an undertaking, an education, a service. [1913 Webster] The completion of some repairs.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
completion — late 14c., from L. completionem (nom. completio), noun of action from complere to fill up, complete (see COMPLETE (Cf. complete)) … Etymology dictionary
completion — [n] accomplishment, finishing achievement, attainment, close, conclusion, consummation, culmination, curtains*, dispatch, end, expiration, finalization, finis, finish, fruition, fulfillment, hips*, integration, perfection, realization, swan song* … New thesaurus
completion — ► NOUN 1) the action of completing or the state of being completed. 2) Brit. the final stage in the sale of a property, at which point it legally changes ownership … English terms dictionary
completion — [kəm plē′shən] n. [ME < L completio] 1. the act of completing, or finishing 2. the state of being completed 3. Football a successful forward pass … English World dictionary
completion — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ rapid, speedy ▪ early ▪ timely ▪ satisfactory, successful ▪ college … Collocations dictionary
completion — In the context of project financing, occurs after a Completion Test, when the project s cash flows become the primary method of repayment. Prior to completion, the primary source of repayment is usually from the sponsors or from the turnkey… … Financial and business terms
completion */*/ — UK [kəmˈpliːʃ(ə)n] / US [kəmˈplɪʃ(ə)n] noun Word forms completion : singular completion plural completions 1) a) [uncountable] the process of finishing an activity or job Forms will be sent to our clients for completion. completion of: After… … English dictionary