- Liberty Front
The Liberty Front is the political offspring of the
Lebanese Forces Resistance. It is apolitical movement loyal to the Lebanese Cause and to PresidentBachir Gemayel project. It is the first political group in Lebanon who did democratic elections by its base to choose its political bureau and its general coordinator. The elected general coordinator is Fouad Abou Nader.The Liberty Front is clearly against the political formula of Taef agreement. For them, it is a Syrian/Saudi/American diktat imposed to Lebanon (and the Christians in particular) from outside. Although "Taef" speaks about the Syrian-Lebanese relations, Syria didn't sign the "agreement". So, they are not obliged to respect it. After "Taef", Syria and Lebanon (under Syrian occupation) signed a fraternity and cooperation treaty. It is time for Lebanon and Syria to agree on new relations. "Taef" can not function if there is no permanent Leviathan (Syrian, Saudi and American). By Leviathan, the Liberty Front mean a strong foreign sponsorship guaranteeing the agreement by tutelage (controlling of the sovereignty of the state).
The membership to the Arab identity is not nuanced by the citizenship identity and the lebanity (the Lebanese identity) and the plural identity of the Lebanese and by the freedom, the sovereignty and the independence of Lebanon. The lost of power of the presidency: the executive power has been transferred from the presidency (attributed to the Maronite community) to the government, in fact to the prime minister (post attributed to the Sunnite community). Added to this, a real troika was formed with a strong president of the parliament representing the Shiite community and a strong prime minister representing the Sunnite community. As Bachir Gemayel said, the presidency is not a privilege for the Maronites but a gage: the presidency protects the rights of the minorities. The real inter-Lebanese problem is not resolved: the participation and the respect of this right to participate. The participation can only be resolved by a good electoral law. And the "protection" of the right to participate is guaranteed for the Muslims by Lebanon's geography and for the Christians by the presidency.
The Liberty Front wants a strong State able to protect the freedom, the equality, the security and the dignity of all its citizens.
Federalism (like other forms: centralization, decentralization, confederalism, etc.) is only a juridical question who must be agreed by all the Lebanese. The Lebanese are all invited to come around the table and find a definitive solution for Lebanon conviviality. The Liberty Front ask for local governance as theregionalism in Italy and Spain: the State is autonomic toward the communities and the communities are autonomic toward the State. It is the form between the unitarian state (centralized or decentralized) and the composed state (federal or confederal). The communities would no more be afraid and the State, liberated from the communities, will be stronger.The Liberty Front wants a State who will have a secular behaviour: it means equal with all its citizens.
Secularism can not be imposed (as in France) to the Muslims or even to the Christian clerics in Lebanon but the Lebanese must act for secularization (the US have their own secularism called "civil religion" who gather all the communities). The Liberty Front is for secularization of the State and the Justice but also for the respect of the two cultural groups who form the Lebanese nation: the Lebanese Christians and the Lebanese Muslims. It is why the local governance under the regional form is a good idea: the State is autonomic toward the communities and the communities are autonomic toward the State.The Liberty Front supports the uninominal law: one electoral district = one MP. The Liberty Front proposed 108 electoral districts for 108 MPs. 54 "Christian" electoral districts = 54 Christian MPs, 54 "Muslim" electoral districts = 54 Muslim MPs. This electoral system exists in the biggest democracies in the world like France, USA, UK, Canada, etc. Before "Taef", there were 99 MPs (54 Christians and 45 Muslims). At Taef, the number of MPs increased to 108 (54 Christians and 54 Muslims) and then, because of the Syrians, to 128 (64 Christians and 64 Muslims) for the Christian MPs be elected by the Muslim votes.
The Liberty Front calls for positive and permanent neutrality based on the Austrian model which is the most adapted to Lebanon because it is internationally guaranteed. Lebanon would be with the Arabs when they agree and would be neutral when they are divided. For example, Lebanon would support the Palestinian Cause... but in Palestine! Neutrality is the condition for a political formula in Lebanon to succeed.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.