Anarchist terminology

Anarchist terminology

The following is a list of terms specific to anarchists. Anarchism is a political and social movement which advocates voluntary association in opposition to authoritarianism and hierarchy.__NOTOC__CompactTOC8|center=yes|symnum=no|nobreak=yes


:The negation of rule or "government by none". While "anarchy" refers to the absence of a hierarchical society-organizing "power principle", "acracy" refers to the absence of "coercion"; the condition of acracy is one of voluntary order. Derived from the Greek α- [no] and κρατία [system of government] .:A form of organic organization according to which different parts of an organization are temporarily assembled to meet the requirements of that particular point in time. [cite book | last = Alvesson | first = Mats | title = Management of Knowledge-Intensive Companies | publisher = Walter De Gruyter Inc | year = 1995 | isbn = 3110128659 |pages=p.93] :A small non-hierarchical collective of activists who collaborate on direct action via consensus decision-making. ["Recipes for Disaster", p.28-31] :Coined by Ernst Jünger, this refers to the ruler (i.e. individual) in a state of anarchy analogous to the monarch in a state of monarchy, a conception influence by Max Stirner's notion of the sovereign individual. [ [ "Warrior, Waldgänger, Anarch: An essay on Ernst Jünger's concept of the sovereign individual"] by Abdalbarr Braun, accessed 22 December 2007.] :Derived from the Ancient Greek ἀν (without) + ἄρχειν (to rule) "without archons," "without rulers". [ [ Anarchy] Merriam-Webster's Online dictionary] :A form of anarchism which does not declare affiliation with any specify subtype of anarchism (as may be suffixed to anarcha- or anarcha-), instead positioning itself as pluralistic, tolerant of all anarchist schools of thought. [Esenwein, George Richard "Anarchist Ideology and the Working Class Movement in Spain, 1868-1898" [p. 135] ] :Contraction of anarcho-capitalism and/or anarcho-capitalist used in informal discourse, particularly in blogs or other internet forums.:Social disorder and civil war in an absence of government, used to separate anarchy as in social order "and" absence of government.:Contraction of anarcho-socialism and/or anarcho-socialist used in informal discourse, particularly in blogs or other internet forums.:A library which is not organised hierarchically and that has no catalogue. The concept is influenced by the ideas of the Situationists.:A set of radical left-wing political movements in Western Europe which emerged in the late 20th century.:A Greek word meaning "ruler"; the absence of archons and archy (rule) defines a state of "anarchy". Deroved from the Ancient Greek άρχων, pl. άρχοντες.


:The "two red years" of political agitation, strikes and land occupation by Italian workers in 1919 and 1920. [cite book | last = Macdonald | first = Hamish | title = Mussolini and Italian Fascism | publisher = Trans-Atlantic Publications | year = 1998 | isbn = 0748733868 |pages=p.17] :A political philosophy primarily of African-Americans, opposed to the what it sees as the oppression of people of colour by the white ruling class through the power of the state. [cite book | last = Daquan | first = Bridger | title = Delusion Addiction | publisher = Trafford Publishing | year = 2007 | isbn = 1425117694 |pages=p.118] :An affinity group, or cluster of affinity groups that assembles during protests, demonstrations, or other forms of direct action. Black blocs are noted for the distinctive all-black clothing worn by members to conceal their identity and for their intentional defiance of state property law. [cite web |url= |title=Blocs, Black and Otherwise |accessdate=2008-08-05 | |publisher=CrimethInc. |date= ] [ACME Collective, "A communique from one section of the black bloc of N30 in Seattle".] :A distinctively French form of working class organization of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, "bourses du travail" promoted mutual aid, education, and self-organization amongst their members. [cite book |title=Economic development of modern Europe |last=Ogg |first=Frederic Austin |year=1917 |publisher=The Macmillan company |location=New York |oclc=603770 |pages=p.464 ]


:A participatory decision making process for collectives that seeks the resolution or mitigation of minority objections (according to the principle of inclusivity) as well as the agreement of the majority of participants. [cite book | last = Cohn | first = Jesse | title = Anarchism and the Crisis of Representation | publisher = Susquehanna University Press | location = Selinsgrove Pa. | year = 2006 | isbn = 1575911051 |pages=p.207] cite book | editor= Macphee, Josh | first = David |last=Graeber |authorlink=David Graeber | title = Realizing the Impossible | publisher = AK Press | location = Stirling | year = 2007 | isbn = 1904859321 |chapter=The Twilight of Vanguardism] cite book | last = Antliff | first = Allan | title = Only a Beginning | publisher = Arsenal Pulp Press | pages= p.99 | year = 2004 | isbn = 1551521679 ] :A maxim coined by individualist anarchist Josiah Warren (1798-1874) to express a normative conception of the labor theory of valuethat is, that the price of a good or service should never exceed its cost.Tucker, Benjamin R., " [ State Socialism and Anarchism] ", "Individual Liberty", Vanguard Press, New York, 1926] :Abbreviation of "counter-establishment economics", a concept in agorist theory of the use and advocacy of black and grey markets and the underground economy to erode the moral authority of and the perceived necessity for the state.


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quote=…When a revolutionary situation develops, counter-institutions have the potential of functioning as a real alternative to the existing structure and reliance on them becomes as normal as reliance on the old authoritarian institutions. This is when counter-institutions constitute dual power.

Dual power is a state of affairs in which people have created institutions that fulfill all the useful functions formerly provided by the state. The creation of a general state of dual power is a necessary requirement for a successful revolution
source=Love and Rage, "Love & Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation New York Local Member Handbook"; June, 1997.
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:A private organization specialized in resolving disputes that would arise in an anarchical society (similar to a PDA). Coined by Stefan Molyneux. [cite web |url= |title= The Stateless Society |accessdate=2008-08-02 |last=Molyneux |first=Stefan |authorlink=Stefan Molyneux |date=October 24, 2005 |] :The concept of revolution through the creation of "counter-institutions" in place of and in opposition to state power.cite journal |last=Jarach |first=Lawrence |authorlink=Lawrence Jarach |year=20022003 |month=Winter |title=Anarcho-Communists, Platformism, and Dual Power: Innovation or Travesty? |journal= |issue=54 |url= |accessdate=2008-08-02 ] Used in anarcho-communist discourse, it distinct from the earlier use of the phrase by non-anarchist communists such as Vladimir Lenin.:Physically searching through the discarded belongings in a dumpster or other trash receptacle, with the intention of salvaging useful material such as food or information. [cite book | last = Dubrawsky | first = Ido | title = How to Cheat at Securing Your Network | publisher = Syngress | year = 2007 | isbn = 1597492310 |pages=50]


:A theory in the philosophy of science advanced by Paul Feyerabend which holds that there are no useful and exception-free rules governing the progress of science, and that the pragmatic approach is a Dadaistic "anything goes" attitude of methodological pluralism. [cite book | last = Feyerabend | first = Paul |authorlink = Paul Feyerabend | title = Against Method | publisher = Verso | location = London | year = 1993 | isbn = 9780860916468 ]


:The practice of retrieving edible food that would otherwise go to waste and distributing it to those in need. [cite book | last = Author | first = Author | title = Encyclopedia of Homelessness, Edited by David Levinson | publisher = Thousand Oaks |pages=p. 286 | year = 2004 | isbn = 0761927514 ] :A decentralized network in which skills, information and knowledge are shared with neither the social hierarchy nor the institutional environment of formal schooling.:An anti-consumerist lifestyle according to which participants attempt to restrict their consumption of natural resources and participation in the conventional economy to using salvaged and discarded goods. [cite news |first=Steven |last=Kurutz|title=Not Buying It |url= |quote=the small but growing subculture of anticonsumerists who call themselves freegansthe term derives from vegans, the vegetarians who forsake all animal products, as many freegans also do|work=The New York Times |publisher=The New York Times Company |date=June 21, 2007 |accessdate=2007-06-21 ] :A monetary system in the "Freiwirtschaft" theory, according to which units of currency retain their value or lose it at a certain rate, making inflation and profiting from interest impossible. "Freigeld" is a German phrase with the literal meaning "free money". [cite book|title=The Economics of Consumers' Credit.
first=Ferdynand |last=Zweig |publisher=P. S. King & Son |location=London |year=1934 |pages=p.7 |oclc=5358381


:Second-hand stores where all goods are free. An example of a gift economy. ["Logs : micro-fondements d'émancipation sociale et artistique". Maisons-Alfort, France : Ére, [2005- ] . ISBN 2915453047 oclc|60370621 p.20] :Nonviolent direct action whereby disused plots are converted to gardens without seeking the permission of the putative property owners. [cite book | author = Notes from Nowhere | title = We Are Everywhere | publisher = Verso | location = London | year = 2003 | isbn = 1859844472 |pages=p.150] Related: squatting.


:A laboratory for experimentations with freedom of information and communication, associated with the struggle for freedom of movement. [cite journal
author =J. Martin Pedersen
year = 2005
title = Revisiting the Circumstances of Justice in the light of Free Software: what happened to society?
url =
accessdate = 2008-06-23
] :The seven anarchists tried and executed for the murder of a Chicago policeman during the Haymarket affair. [cite book |authorlink=Philip Foner |last=Foner |first=Philip S., ed. |title=The Autobiographies of the Haymarket Martyrs |year=1969 |publisher=Pathfinder Press |location=New York |pages=p. 13 |isbn=0873488792 ] :See Haymarket Martyrs:See social hierarchy:A form of non-hierarchical social organization which utilises direct democracy and consensus decision-making. [cite book | last = Sitrin | first = Marina | title = Horizontalism | publisher = AK Press | location = Stirling | year = 2006 | isbn = 1904859585 ]


:A doctrine which rejects all moral obligations and governmental law in favour of the satisfaction of one's own desires.cite book | last = Parry | first = Richard | title = The Bonnot Gang | publisher = Rebel Press | location = London | year = 1987 | isbn = 0946061041 |page=p.15 | chapter=From illegality to illegalism] Pioneered by the Bonnot Gang in France and heavily influenced by the individualist anarchist philosophy of Max Stirner.:A philosophy which demands the embracing of immediate social interactions with people as a means of countering the antisocial consequences of consumerist capitalism. [cite book | first=Hakim | last=Bey | year=1994 | title=Immediatism | edition= | publisher=AK Press | isbn= 1873176422 ] :A space (often a social center) that serves as a node for anarchists involved with radical movements and countercultures for trading publications (typically books, zines, stickers and posters), meeting and networking with similar individuals and groups. [cite book | last = Filippo | first = Roy | title = A New World in Our Hearts | publisher = AK Press | location = Stirling | year = 2003 | isbn = 1902593618 |pages=p.69 ] The primary directive of an infoshop is the dissemination of information. [cite book | last = Curran | first = James | title = Contesting Media Power | publisher = Rowman & Littlefield | location = Lanham | year = 2003 | isbn = 0742523853 |pages=p.57] Related: zine library.:A vanguardist organisation of revolutionaries first proposed by Mikhail Bakunin.cite book | last = Clark| first = John P. | title = Anarchy, Geography, Modernity | publisher = Lexington Books | location = Lexington | year = 2004 | isbn = 0739108050|pages=p.6364]


:Exploitation of differences in national laws and regulationscite journal
author = Williams, P.
year = 2001
title = Transnational Criminal Networks
journal = Networks and Netwars: the Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy
url =
accessdate = 2008-06-23
] to maximise liberty. Related: dynamic geography, panarchism.


: Dutch anarchists influenced by Peter Kropotkin who sought to promote awareness of alternatives to authoritarian and capitalist solutions to social problems in 1960s Amsterdam. [cite book | last = Woodcock | first = George | title = Anarchism: a History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements | publisher = Broadview Press | location = Peterborough | year = 2004 | isbn = 1551116294 |pages=371]


:A slogan expressing the desire of freedom from landowners originally used by the revolutionary leaders of the Mexican Revolution. Spanish: "Tierra y Libertad", Russian: "Zemlya i Volya".:A doctrine asserting that each individual has the right to assert their fullest liberty to act so long as it does not extend them greater liberty than any other individual. Named by Herbert Spencer.:A pejorative term for a set of French laws passed during 1893-1894 restricting the freedom of the anarchist press in the aftermath of an outbreak of propaganda of the deed.


:A series of political and economic concepts developed by Ukrainian anarchist revolutionary Nestor Makhno (18881934) and his followers, and implemented in the Free Territory. Central concepts include anarchist communism, workers' self-management anddeveloped during Makhno's exile in Paris, Franceplatormism.: American schools formed in the early 20th century based on the ideas of educator and anarchist Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia and modelled after his "Escuela Moderna". [cite book | last = Brennan | first = Elizabeth | title = Who's Who of Pulitzer Prize Winners: | publisher = Oryx Press | location = Phoenix | year = 1998 | isbn = 1573561118 |pages=p.257 ] :The voluntary reciprocal exchange of resources and services for mutual benefit. Related: gift economy, voluntarism.


:Low-intensity social conflict employing a network structure for organisational control and communication.cite book
author = Arquilla, J.
coauthors = Ronfeldt, D.
year = 1996
title = The Advent of Netwar
publisher = RAND Corporation
isbn = 0833024140
] Related: Security culture.:A prohibition against the initiation of force, or the threat of force, against persons or property (usually referred to as aggression or coercion). Generally used to derive the ethics of libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism. [ [ What's Right vs. What Works] . Charles Murray, David Friedman, David Boaz, and R.W. Bradford. "Liberty". January 2005, Vol 15, No 1]



:Used interchangeably with anarcho-primitivist.:A term used by anarcho-capitalists to refer to a private organization which fulfills some or all of the roles associated with police or military in a statist society.



:A free market based on the principle of gift economics whereby participants bring gifts and resources to share with one another, without money being exchanged. ["Recipes for Disaster", p. 241] Related: participatory economics, voluntary association.

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quote ="Samizdat"—the production of literature banned by the former communist governments of eastern Europe; the term is a play on the term for the Soviet state press, and translates to "self-publishing." Throughout the greater part of the twentieth century, the best literature, philosophy, and history in the Soviet Union and its satellite states was copied by photo-reproduction and distributed through underground channelsjust as it is here in the United States today.
source ="Rolling Thunder", Issue 4cite journal | publisher =CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective |year=2007 |month=Spring |title=Glossary of Terms, part IV |journal=Rolling Thunder |issue=4 |pages=68 |accessdate=2008-06-23 ]
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:The creation of permanent dwellings on the ocean, analogous to homesteading on land. A seastead is a structure meant for permanent occupation on the ocean. [cite web |url= |title=A Brief Introduction to the Seasteading Institute |accessdate=2008-06-23 |last=Friedman |first=Patri |authorlink=Patri Friedman | |publisher=Seasteading Institute] Related to Permanent Autonomous Zones. [cite web |url= |title=Hakim Bey on Permanent Autonomous Zones |accessdate=2008-06-23 |last=Friedman |first=Patri | |publisher=Seasteading Institute] :A set of customs shared by an affinity group which engages in illegal activities, the practice of which minimizes the risk of such activities. [cite book | author = Anonymous | title = Recipes for Disaster |pages=461 | publisher = Crimethinc.Workers Collective | year = 2005 | isbn = 0970910142 ] Related: direct action, netwar


:Acronym coined by libertarian science fiction writer Robert Heinlein in "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" for "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch". Used to express scepticism towards socialist economics. [cite book | last = Stover | first = Leon | title = Robert A. Heinlein | publisher = Twayne Publishers | location = Boston | year = 1987 | isbn = 0805775099 ] :The name given to a series of violent confrontations between the Spanish army and the anarchist-backed working classes in Catalunyan cities from July 25-August 2, 1909.cite book | last = Bookchin | first = Murray | title = The Spanish Anarchists | publisher = AK Press | location = Stirling | year = 1997 | isbn = 187317604X |pages=p.129] : A show trial in 1894 in Paris, France, aimed at legitimizing the "lois scélérates" passed in 1893-1894 against the French anarchist movement and at restricting press freedom by proving the existence of an effective association between anarchists. [Jean Maitron, "Le mouvement anarchiste en France", Tel Gallimard (first ed. François Maspero, 1975), tome I, chapter VI, "Le Procès des Trente. Fin d'une époque", pp.251-261 ] French: "Procès des trente"



:The use of or reliance on voluntary action to maintain an institution, carry out a policy, or achieve an end. [cite web |url= |title=Voluntarism |accessdate=2008-09-18 |work=The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition |publisher=Houghton Mifflin Company] :A political philosophy which advocates property rights and voluntary association as the foundation of society, and generally opposes coercion and aggression.


:A term which asserts a similarity between slaverythe ownership and control of one person by anotherand wage labour. [cite book | last = Malachowski | first = Alan | title = Business Ethics | publisher = Routledge | location = New York | year = 2001 | isbn = 0415184622 |pages=p.9899] :A form of workplace decision-making in which the workers rather than professional managers decide on issues related to the operation of the business. [cite book | last = Taras | first = Ray | title = Ideology in a Socialist State | publisher = Cambridge University Press | location = Cambridge | year = 1984 | isbn = 0521262712 |pages=p.8992]




:Compound of "zen" and "archy". The social order which arises from meditation. As a doctrine, zenarchism is the belief that "universal enlightenment" is a prerequisite to the abolition of the state. [cite book | last = Gorightly | first = Adam | title = The Prankster and the Conspiracy | publisher = Paraview Press | pages = 155 | year = 2003 | isbn = 193104466X ] :A low-circulation, non-commercial periodical of original or appropriated texts and images. Usually reproduced via photocopier on a variety of colored paper stock.:A repository of zines and other associated artifacts, such as small press books. Zine libraries are typically run on a minimal budget, and have a close association with infoshops and other forms of DIY culture and independent media.

Related pages

*List of basic anarchism topics



* "Recipes for Disaster" (2005). Crimethinc. Workers Collective. ISBN 0970910142

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