- Endemic birds of Australia
This article is one of a series providing information about endemism among birds in the world's various zoogeographic zones. For an overview of this subject see
Endemism in birds .Patterns of endemism
Family-level endemism is prominent in Australia. The
Australasian biogeographic region has the highest number of endemic families of anyzoogeographic region except theNeotropics , and many of these families are endemic to Australia itself — the country therefore stakes a strong claim to be the world's greatest hotspot of bird endemism.Australian endemic and near-endemic families
The Australian endemic families are:
*Emu , a well-knownmonotypic family; the Emu is found in rural areas throughout the continent
*Plains-wanderer , a monotypic family; Plains-wanderer is restricted to arid inland areas in the southeast of Australia
* theLyrebird s, twoforest -dwelling species of southeast Australia
* theScrub-bird s, two forest-dwelling species, one found in southeastern Australia, the other in southwest AustraliaIn addition to the families listed above, the following families are endemic to the Australasian region, with most of their species endemic to Australia:
* the
Australasian babbler s — four of the five species in this family are endemic to Australia
* theFairy-wren s and alliesA further group of families endemic to the Australasian region, but where the species are predominantly New Guinea endemics are listed in the article on
endemic birds of New Guinea .Endemic Bird Areas
Birdlife International has defined the followingEndemic Bird Area s (EBAs) in Australia:Christmas Island , an Australian territory, is also an EBA.In addition the following are classified as Secondary areas (areas with at least one restricted-range bird species, but not meeting the criteria to qualify as EBAs):
"To be completed later.
List of species
The following is a list of bird species endemic to Australia:
pecies endemic to coastal eastern Australia
pecies endemic to the Cape York peninsula
Buff-breasted Buttonquail
*Golden-shouldered Parrot
*White-streaked Honeyeater pecies endemic to the Queensland Wet Tropics
Lesser Sooty-owl
*Atherton Scrubwren
*Mountain Thornbill
*Grey-headed Robin
*Pied Monarch
*Bower's Shrike-thrush
*Bridled Honeyeater
*Macleay Honeyeater
*Tooth-billed Catbird
*Golden Bowerbird
*Victoria's Riflebird pecies endemic to eastern Australia
Black-breasted Buttonquail
*Albert's Lyrebird
*Rufous Scrub-bird
*Eastern Bristlebird
*Green Catbird
*Regent Bowerbird
*Paradise Riflebird pecies found in more than one of the above areas, but not elsewhere
Lovely Fairywren (Cape York, Queensland Wet Tropics)
*Yellow-spotted Honeyeater (Cape York, Queensland Wet Tropics)
*Pale-yellow Robin (Queensland Wet Tropics, eastern Australia)pecies endemic to south-eastern Australia
"To be completed later.
pecies endemic to Tasmania
King Island Emu (extinct)
*Tasmanian Native-hen
*Green Rosella
*Orange-bellied Parrot (endemic as a breeding species, winters in south-east mainland Australia)
*Swift Parrot (endemic as a breeding species, winters in eastern and south-east mainland Australia)
*Brown Scrubwren
*Tasmanian Thornbill
*Dusky Robin
*Forty-spotted Pardalote
*Yellow-throated Honeyeater
*Black-headed Honeyeater
*Strong-billed Honeyeater
*Yellow Wattlebird
*Black Currawong pecies endemic to south-west Australia
* Baudin's Cockatoo
* Carnaby's Cockatoo
*Western Corella
*Western Rosella
*Red-capped Parrot
*Noisy Scrub-bird
*Western Thornbill
*Red-winged Fairy-wren
*Western Bristlebird
*Western Wattlebird
*Western Spinebill
*White-breasted Robin
*Western Shrike-tit (often regarded as a subspecies of theCrested Shrike-tit )
*Red-eared Firetail pecies endemic to north-west Australia
Chestnut-backed Buttonquail
*Partridge Pigeon
*White-quilled Rock-pigeon
*Chestnut-quilled Rock-pigeon
*Black-banded Fruit-dove
*Hooded Parrot
*Rainbow Pitta
*White-throated Grasswren
*Black Grasswren
*Brown Whistler
*White-lined Honeyeater
*Yellow-rumped Munia The
Chestnut Rail is near-endemic to this region of Australia, elsewhere only being found on theAru Islands .Other endemics
*Australian Painted Snipe
*Superb Lyrebird
*Carpentarian Grasswren
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