Ladder approach

Ladder approach

The ladder approach is a lifesaving technique taught by The Royal Lifesaving Society, and is used to promote the safety of an rescuer during an aquatic rescue. The approach stresses using the least dangerous method possible during a rescue, and moving on to more dangerous options if it becomes necessary to do so.

The Ladder Approach

*Talk - Try to talk to the victim and see if they can help themselves
*Throw - Throw an aid to the victim
*Reach - Reach with an aid to aid the victim
*Wade - Wade into the water and provide an aid to aid the victim
*Row - Row out to the victim and help them into your boat/provide them with an aid
*Swim - Swim out to the victim and provide them with an aid
*Tow - Swim out to the victim and tow them back to safety using an aid
*Carry - Using direct physical contact, remove the victim from danger

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