- Prospect Park (Perm)
The former prospectus of a name of K.E.Voroshilov - the trunk main of
microdistrict Prospect Park inPerm Park (area Dzerzhinsky of Perm). The prospectus has arisen on a place of street which had name Pereselenceskaja. Nowadays from it and traces did not remain. Once the prospectus Park was the prospectus of a name of K.E.Voroshilov, and reception of the new name - a separate history. Rough discussion was developed in 1988 in local press concerning his renaming. The majority of city dwellers supported idea about necessity of assignment of a new name, but for a question on what variant to choose, opinions have gone away. For example, Voroshilov's prospectus to rename into the prospectus of marshal Tukhachevsky or marshal Zhukova was offered to name its Russian. But all the same the name « the Park prospectus » seemed to the most successful.To give such name to the prospectus E.N.Poljakova leaning by development, first of all, on feature of the given district has suggested the Doctor of Philology, professor . And on July, 20, 1989 Perm gorispolkom has passed the final decision on renaming the prospectus of
Voroshilov in the prospectus Park.Date emergence prospectus on the map of Perm - 1975 year. And the idea of establishing it in the architectural and planning workshop Permgrazhdanproekta № 4. The author of the project (together with the main architect of institute A.P.Zagorodnikovym) new residential area was I.A.Plotnikova. The prospectus of a name of Voroshilov has united all microdistricts of this residential area. And old streets Shpalnogo began to be used for raionwide travel. Therefore and houses worth on them (for example, along the street former Water) have received "registration" on the new prospectus.The prospectus takes the beginning there where there passes street Kufonina. The prospectus houses № 45а and 45б comes to an end. Further it passes in street Pereselencheskuju.Literature
* Perm: annuaire de guide. -- Perm: Perm. KN. - ed, 1970.
* Perm de la fondation à nos jours. -- Perm mondiale du livre, 2000
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