List of compositions and works by Liliuokalani

List of compositions and works by Liliuokalani

Liliuokalani was one of Hawaiokinai's most accomplished composers and musicians. She composed over 165 songs and chants. One of her most notable musical compositions is the popular song "Aloha okinaOe".

* "Aloha okinaOe" (Farewell to Thee), Liliuokalani's most famous work about two lovers bidding farewell
* "Nani Na Pua Koolau" (The Flower of Kookinaolau), one of her first works to appear in print. 1869 [ Historical Collections of The Hawaiian Islands - Queen Lili'uokalani and her Music - Part 2 ] ]
* "He Mele Lahui Hawaii", (The Song of the Hawaiian Nation), was the second of Hawaii's 4 national anthems. Lili'uokalani wrote this song at the request of King Kamehameha V in 1868, well before she was Queen. [ The American Experience/Hawaii/Lili'uokalani's Legacy ] ]
* "Ahe Lau Makani" (The Soft Gentle Breeze), 1868
* "Tutu" (Granny)
* "Pelekane (England), written after the Golden Jubliee. [ [ Pelekane (England) - by Lili`uokalani at Huapala.Org ] ]
* "Nohea I Mu'olaulani" (Handsome One of Mu'olaulani), Composed for Queen Lili`uokalani's new home in Kapâlama named Mu`olaulani, May, 1885.
* "He Inoa Wehi No Kalaniana'ole" (A Name Adornment For Kalaniana'ole), honoring her young nephew Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana'ole
* "The Queen's Jubilee", dated one day before the anniversary was marked at Westminster Abbey.
* "Ke Aloha O Ka Haku" (published as " Lili'uokalani's Prayer" with the Hawaiian title and English translation "The Lord's Mercy") now commonly called "The Queen's Prayer."
* "Manu Kapalulu" (Quail) which is not about the bird; but yet another mele inoa for Princess Ka'iulani.
* "He 'Ala Nei E Mapu Mai Nei" (Soft, Constant Breeze)
* "Pauahi 'O Ka Lani" (Pauahi, the Chiefess) for her foster sister Bernice
* "Ka `Ôiwi Nani" (The Beautiful Native), love song composed June 23, 1886, at Palolo, Oahu. [ [ Ka `Ôiwi Nani (The Beautiful Native) - Words & Music by Lili`uokalani at Huapala.Org ] ]
* "Ka Wiliwili Wai" (The Lawn Sprinkler); written at Washington Place about a neighbors sprinkler.
* "Puna Paia 'A'ala" (Puna's Bowery Walls)
* "Ka Hanu O Hanakeoki" (The Scent of Hanakeoki), composed in 1874, this may allude to property the Queen owned in Pâlolo Valley [ [ Ka Hanu O Hanakeoki (The Scent of Hanakeoki) - Queen Lili`uokalani at Huapala.Org ] ] sometimes "Puna Paia Aala" (Puna's Fragrant Bower), written 1868
* "By And By Ho`i Mai `Oe" (By and By Thou Wilt Return) [ The Galliard String Quartet:"Songs of Liliuokalani" ] ]
* "Sanoe", song is about an affair in the royal court. [ [ Sanoe ] ]
* "Ku’u Pua I Paoakalani" (My Flowers at Paoakalani), written about the flowers that her husband sent her from her garden Paoakalani.
* "A Hilo Au"
* "He Pule" (A Prayer), 1874
* "Ka Wai Mapuna" (The Water Spring), 1876
* "Onipa'a" (Stand Firm), a simple piece written for a singing school
* "Liko Pua Lehua" (Tender Leaves of the Lehua Flower)
* "Ka Wai 'Opuna Makani" (Wind of the Water-of-Cloud-Banks) to honor Lunalilo and obliquely to condemn Queen Emma's quest for the throne. [ Historical Collections of The Hawaiian Islands - Queen Lili'uokalani and her Music - Part 3 ] ]
* "Ka Hae Kalaunu" (The Flag of the Crown), to glorify her families triumph in the election of 1874.
* "E Kala Ku'u 'Upu 'Ana" (Long Years Have I Yearned for Thee), written in 1873.
* "La 'i Au E" (Peaceful Am I)
* "Lei Ponimo'i" (Carnation Wreath or as more commonly referred to as Carnation Lei), composed November 1874.
* "Akahi Ko'u Manene" (I Have Just Shuddered), written at Wailuku
* "Pride of Waiehu", written at Lahaina
* "Makani Waipio" (Lovely Waipio)
* "He Inoa no Kai'ulani" (A Name Song for Kaiokinaulani); written for her niece.
* "He Kanikau No Lele-Io-Hoku"; a dirge for Leleiohoku, Queen Lili'uokalani's brother who died of rheumatic fever at age 22 in 1877.
* "Kokohi" (To Hold Forever)
* "Puia Ka Nahele" (Forest Imbued with Fragrance), 1868.
* "Ehehene Ko 'Aka" (Giggle, Giggle Goes Your Laughter)
* "He Ali'i No Wau" (I Am Indeed a Chief)
* "Pipili Ka Ua I Ka Nahele" (The Rain Clings Close to the Forest)
* "Ima Au Ia Oe E Ke Aloha" (I have Sought Thee, My Beloved)
* "Paia Ka Nahele" (The Fragrant Woods)
* "Thou E Ka Nani Mae 'Ole" (Thou Art the Never Fading Beauty) for which sixteen year old Miriam Likelike share credit.
* "Na'u No Oe" (You are Mine), a charming waltz
* "Lamalama i luna ka 'onohi la" --- (Bright above is the rainbow ---)
* "Liliko'i" composed on Maui as a mele inoa (name song) for her hanai daughter Lydia
* "He 'Ai Na Ka Lani" (Foods For the Royalty), in honor of Kalakaua. [ Slack Key Recordings: To Honor a Queen - E Ho'ohiwahiwa I Ka Mo'i Wahine - The Music of Lili'uokalani ] ]
* "Anahulu", which took its name from a stream in Waialua, one of Liliokinau's favorite areas.
* "Ka lpo Nohea" (Gem of Beauty, often translated as : The Handsome Sweetheart).
* "A Chant" written for Bernice Pauahi Bishop's funeral, draws its text from the Book of Job and is the sole work dated 1884
* "Ka Huna Kai" (The Sea Spray), written in London expressing a fond longing for Hawai'i. [ Historical Collections of The Hawaiian Islands - Queen Lili'uokalani and her Music - Part 4 ] ]
* "Kili'oulani" (Fine Rain of the Heavenly Pinnacle)
* "Leha 'Ku Koa Mau Maka" (Lift Up Your Eyes) based on Psalm 121, dated June 1895.
* "E Ku'u Ho'ola" (My Saviour), from Psalm 126, dated June 1895.
* "Himeni Ho'ole'a A Davida" (David's Hymn of Praise), also from Psalm 126, dated June 1895.
* "Ka Wai 'Apo Lani" (Heavenly Showers), a song expressing hope that she would be returned to the throne. [ Historical Collections of The Hawaiian Islands - Queen Lili'uokalani and her Music - Part 5 ] ]
* "Ke Aloha 'Aina" (Love for the Land), alternately called He Lei Aloha (A Lei of Love). The song is a plea for the land and for the life of a nation and a extortation to her people to resolute.
* "Ka Wai O Niakala", a mele hula kuokinai inspired by a trip to Niakala she had made from Boston.
* "Ho'okahi Puana" (One Answer), in which she pronounced clearly, without the cutomary veiled language of Hawaiian chant, her views the new government of the Republic of Hawaii.

ee also

*Compositions by Liliuokalani
*List of compositions and works by Likelike
*List of compositions and works by Leleiohoku
*List of compositions and works by Kalakaua


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