- Unrecognized villages
The term unrecognized village refers to a
Bedouin village in theNegev Desert which theIsrael i government does not recognize as a legal settlement. Approximately half of Bedouin citizens of Israel live in 39-45 such villages. [ [http://hrw.org/reports/2008/iopt0308/ "Off the] ; Human Rights Watch, March 2008 Volume 20, No. 5(E) ] According to the
Israel Land Authority , in 2007 40% of the Bedouin lived in Unrecognized villages, [ [http://www.mmi.gov.il/static/HanhalaPirsumim/Beduin_information.pdf Bedouin information, ILA, 2007] ] although theRegional Council of Unrecognized Villages (RCUV) refers to Bedouin in unrecognized villages as half the Negev Bedouin population. [ [http://rcuv.net Regional Council of Unrecognized Villages website] (The RCUV figures include the five villages which remain unrecognized despite incorporation into theAbu Basma Regional Council )] The unrecognised villages are ineligable for municipal services such as connection to the electrical grid, water mains or trash-pickup. [ [http://hrw.org/reports/2008/iopt0308/ "Off the] ; Human Rights Watch, March 2008 Volume 20, No. 5(E)] Homes in the villages have been subject to demolition by the Israeli authorities. [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/apr/01/israelandthepalestinians1 "Nomadic bedouin fight to survive in the village which does not exist: Israel accused of discriminating against Negev desert clans"] , Rory McCarthy, "The Guardian", Tuesday April 1 2008; [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/925222.html "Bedouin village faces demolition due to new Jewish neighborhood"] , Zafrir Rinat, "Ha'aretz", 18/11/2007; [http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2008/03/31/isrlpa18387.htm Israel: End Systematic Bias Against Bedouin] , [Human Rights Watch, March 31 2008] The unrecognized villages are not marked on any commercial maps.
Counter to the image of the Bedouin as fierce stateless
nomads roving the entire region, by the turn of the 20th century, much of the Bedouin population in Palestine was settled,semi-nomadic , and engaged in agriculture according to an intricate system of land ownership,grazing rights , and water access. Although the Bedouin in Israel continue to be perceived as nomads, today all of them are fully sedentarized, and about half are urbanites.Between 1948 and 1966, the new State of Israel imposed a military administration over Arabs in the region and designated 85% of the Negev "State Land." All Bedouin habitation on this newly-declared State Land was retroactively termed illegal and "unrecognized." [Jonathan Cook. [http://www.jkcook.net/Articles2/0143.htm "Bedouin in the Negev face new 'transfer"] ; MERIP, May 10, 2003] Now that Negev lands which the Bedouin had inhabited upwards of 500 years was designated State Land, the Bedouin were no longer able to fully engage in their sole means of self-subsistence – agriculture and grazing. The government then forcibly concentrated these Bedouin tribes into the "Siyag" (Arabic for 'fence') triangle of
Beer Sheva , Arad andDimona .Rebecca Manski. [http://bustan.org/APRIL-%20CRIMINALIZING%20SELF-SUBSISTENCE.pdf "Criminalizing Self-Subsistence"] ; "News from Within", Summer 2006]In order to reinforce the invisible Siyag fence, the State employed a reining mechanism, the
Black Goat Law of 1950. The Black Goat Law curbed grazing so as to prevent land erosion, prohibiting the grazing of goats outside recognized land holdings.Fact|date=August 2008 Since few Bedouin territorial claims were recognized, most grazing was thereby rendered illegal. BothOttoman and British land registration processes failed to reach into the Negev region. Most Bedouin who had the option, preferred not to register their lands as this would mean being taxed without representation or services. Those whose land claims were recognized found it almost impossible to keep their goats within the periphery of their newly limited range. Into the 1970s and 1980s, only a small portion of the Bedouin were able to continue to graze their goats. Instead of migrating with their goats in search of pasture, the majority of the Bedouin migrated in search of wage-labor.The Israeli government has promoted the
sedentarization of the Bedouin population. In 1963,Moshe Dayan said:Dayan added, "Without coercion but with governmental direction ... this phenomenon of the Bedouins will disappear."In 1979 Agriculture Minister
Ariel Sharon declared a 1,500 square kilometer area in the Negev a protected nature reserve, rendering a major portion of the Negev almost entirely out of bounds for Bedouin herders.Fact|date=August 2008 In conjunction, he established theGreen Patrol , which has been called an 'environmental paramilitary unit', [ [http://www.monabaker.com/pMachine/more.php?id=A1909_0_1_0_M Devorah Brous: "Uprooting Weeds"] ] with the mission of fighting Bedouin 'infiltration' into national Israeli land by preventing Bedouin from grazing their animals, seen as creating 'facts on the ground .'Fact|date=August 2008 During Sharon's tenure as Minister of Agriculture (1977-1981), the Green Patrol removed 900 Bedouin encampments and cut goat herds by more than 1/3.Fact|date=August 2008 Today theblack goat is nearly extinct, and Bedouin in Israel do not have enough access to black goat hair to weave tents.Manski, Rebecca. [http://www.alternativenews.org/news/english/bedouin-vilified-among-top-10-environmental-hazards-in-israel-20070418.html "Bedouin Vilified Among Top 10 Environmental Hazards in Israel;"] "News From Within," Vol. XXII, No. 11, December 2006]Today
Unrecognized villages vs. urban townships
Denied access to their former sources of sustenance via grazing restrictions, severed from the possibility of access to water, electricity, roads, education, and health care in the unrecognized villages, and trusting in government promises that they would receive services if they moved, in the 1970s and 80s tens of thousands of Bedouin citizens of Israel resettled in 7 legal towns constructed by the government. [Jonathan Cook. [http://www.jkcook.net/Articles2/0143.htm "Bedouin in the Negev face new 'transfer"] ; MERIP, May 10, 2003] In 2003, about half of the Bedouin population of approximately 150,000 lived in 7 urban townships, and half lived in 45 unrecognized villages. [Sonia Nettnin. [http://www.amin.org/look/amin/en.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication=7&NrArticle=42947&NrIssue=1&NrSection=3 "Negev: Bedouin Health, Bustan Eco-Builders"] ; Arabic Media Network, October 26, 2007] Since grazing has been severely restricted, and the Bedouin rarely receive permits to engage in self-
subsistence agriculture , [Aref Abu-Rabia. "The Negev Bedouin and Livestock Rearing: Social, Economic, and Political Aspects," Oxford, 1994, pp. 28, 36, 38 (in a rare move, the ILA has leased on a yearly-basis JNF-owned land in Besor Valley (Wadi Shallala) to Bedouins)] and few of the Bedouin in unrecognized villages see the urban townships as a desirable form of settlement. [Jonathan Cook. [http://www.jkcook.net/Articles2/0213.htm Making the land without a people"] ; Al-Ahram Weekly, 26 Aug-1 Sep 2004] Chris McGreal. [http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2003/feb/27/israel "Bedouin feel the squeeze as Israel resettles the Negev desert: Thousands displaced from ancient homeland] ; "The Guardian," Thursday February 27 2003]Environmental hazards
Unapproved construction of unrecognized villages is considered an environmental hazard by prominent Israeli environmental figures arguing that Bedouin take up open spaces that could be used for touristic purposes and construction of towns to accommodate new settlers under the
Blueprint Negev .In the portion of the Negev available for civilian purposes, a large number of citizens live together in close proximity to a range of types of hazardous infrastructure. In the past few decades both Bedouin and Jews of the region have come to share some 2.5 % of the desert with Israel's nuclear reactors, 22 agro and petrochemical factories, an oil terminal, closed military zones, quarries, a toxic waste incinerator (
Ramat Hovav ), cell towers, a power plant, several airports, a prison, and 2 rivers of open sewage. [Rebecca Manski. [http://www.alternativenews.org/images/stories/downloads/NfW_OctNov_2006/A_Desert_Mirage_Manski.pdf A Desert Mirage: The Rising Role of US Money in Negev Development] ;"News from Within" October/November 2006] Much of this infrastructure is concentrated on the grounds of the unrecognized village of Wadi el-Na'am.Demolitions, development and demographics
Bedouin advocates argue that the main reason for the transfer of the Bedouin into townships against their will is demographic. [ [http://bustan.org/2006/08/current_strategy_for_negev_development.html BUSTAN on the Blueprint] ; Excerpt of (Rebecca Manski. [http://www.alternativenews.org/images/stories/downloads/NfW_OctNov_2006/A_Desert_Mirage_Manski.pdf"The Rising Role of American Money in Negev Development"] ; "News from Within," October/November 2005] Today there are around 160,000 Bedouins living in the Negev, and the number is increasing fast.Fact|date=August 2008 With an annual growth rate of 5.5%, their birthrate is amongst the highest in the world; there will be 320,000 Bedouin in the Negev by 2020.Fact|date=June 2008 In 2003, Director of the Israeli Population Administration Department,
Herzl Gedj , describedpolygamy in the Bedouin sector a "security threat" and advocated various means of reducing the Arab birth rate. [ [http://www.merip.org/mero/mero060106.html MERIP on Gedj] ] In 2003,Shai Hermesh , the treasurer of theJewish Agency and head of its effort to establish a solid Jewish majority in the desert told "The Guardian:" "We need the Negev for the next generation of Jewish immigrants" and added, "It is not in Israel's interest to have more Palestinians in the Negev."In 2005
Ronald Lauder of the Jewish National Fund announced plans to bring 250-000-500,000 new settlers into the Negev through theBlueprint Negev , incurring opposition from Bedouin rights groups concerned that the unrecognized villages might be cleared to make way for Jewish-only development and potentially ignite internal civil strife. [Rebecca Manski. [http://www.alternativenews.org/images/stories/downloads/NfW_OctNov_2006/A_Desert_Mirage_Manski.pdf A Desert Mirage: The Rising Role of US Money in Negev Development] ;"News from Within" October/November 2006] [ [http://www.neohasid.org/negev/resolution/ Ohalah Resolution on Blueprint Negev] ] [ [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/841397.html When an 'ecological' community is not] ] [ [http://neohasid.org/negev/brous Brous' Open Letter to the JNF; "Baltimore Jewish Times," January 2006] ] Some Bedouin advocates claim the Blueprint Negev is motivated by demographic considerations, aimed at the increasing Jewish population to offset the skyrocketing Bedouin population.References
External links
* [http://www.rcuv.net/ Regional Council of Unrecognized Villages] , Negev Bedouin elective body
* [http://assoc40.org/index_main.html Association of Forty] , NGO in the Galilee which deals with unrecognized villages throughout the country
* [http://bustan.org BUSTAN] Bedouin and Jewish Negev environmental justice organization
* [http://neohasid.org/negev/save_the_negev/ Save the Negev] , Religious Jewish organization calling for theBlueprint Negev to respect Bedouin needs
* [http://www.jnf.org/negev/ JNF website] , with information on theBlueprint Negev
* [http://www.itemz.org/unrecognized/catalog_A4.pdf "Unrecognized" Photo Exhibition] , telling the stories of community figures in the unrecognized villages, by Tal AdlerReports and academic articles
*Orenstein, Daniel. [http://www.springerlink.com/content/gh7k811x54604wr7/ "Population Growth and Environmental Impact: Ideology and Academic Discourse in Israel;"] "Population and Environment" Volume 26, Number 1 / September, 2004
* [http://www.hic-net.org/document.asp?PID=580 Habitat International Coalition: "“Unrecognized” Villages of the Naqab"]
* [http://hrw.org/reports/2008/iopt0308/ Human Rights Watch: "Off the Map - Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israel’s Unrecognized Bedouin Villages"]
* [http://www.internal-displacement.org/idmc/website/countries.nsf/(httpEnvelopes)/9C7046894E560D8D802570B8005A7488?OpenDocument Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre: "Many displaced Bedouins live in settlements not recognized by the State of Israel (1999-2005)"]
* [http://www.iwgia.org/sw10543.asp International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs]Media articles
* [http://www.worldpress.org/Mideast/2058.cfm "'Powerless’ Bedouin Village Still Seeks Health Care", Am Johal, Worldpress.org]
* [http://bbsnews.net/article.php/20080403102253908 BBS News: "Israel Withholds Basic Services to 'Unrecognized' Bedouin Villages" Kandy Ringer, April 03 2008]
* [http://www.zmag.org/znet/viewArticle/4707 ZNet: "Unrecognized villages in the Negev expose Israel's apartheid policies", Bangani Ngeleza and Adri Nieuwhof, December 31, 2005]
* [http://www.actv.co.il/portal/eportal.asp?movind=234 ACTV: Israeli documentary about government policy towards Bedouin in the Negev (Hebrew)]
* [http://www.boker.org.il/english/battlesettle.htm "The Battle to settle the Negev"] , "The Jerusalem Post," June 16, 2005, By Yocheved Miriam Russo
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.