

Cotenna is a Catholic titular see. The original see was in Asia Minor. Strabo [1] mentions the Katenneis in Pisidia adjoining Selge (now Sürk) and the tribe of Homonades (east and north of Trogitis, Séidi Shéihr Lake). Their city is identified with the modern Gödene, Turkey.

An inscription has been found showing that the people called themselves Kotenneis, so that the true name of the town was Kotenna. Hierocles mentions it as Kotana in Pamphylia. It appears as Kotaina in Parthey's Notitiæ episcopatuum[2] as a suffragan of Side.

It has been said that the Kotenneis are the same as the Etenneis, mentioned by Polybius[3] as living in Pisidia above Side, and who struck coins in the Roman times. The native name may have been Hetenneis, and the tribe afterwards divided into at least two districts, the northern taking the name Etenneis while the southern preferred Kotenneis.



The names of six early bishops are known:

  • Hesychius in 381,
  • Acacius in 431,
  • Eugenius or Eusebius in 451,
  • Flavianus in 536,
  • Cosmas in 680,
  • Macarius in 879.

There was another see called Etenna or something similar. A third district was perhaps also called Banaba or Manaua; for in 680 Cosmas appears as Bishop of "Kotenna and Manaua".

In the modern era, the title has been revived and bestowed on five bishops:

  • Odorico Tc'eng in 1926
  • Evaristo Tchang in 1929
  • Eugenio Artaraz Emaldi in 1932
  • Francis Doyle Gleeson in 1948
  • John Joseph Dougherty in 1962


  1. ^ XII, 570.
  2. ^ X and XIII, twelfth or thirteenth century.
  3. ^ V, 73.



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  • Cotenna — • A titular see of Asia Minor Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cotenna     Cotenna     † C …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Cotenna — ist ein Titularbistum der römisch katholischen Kirche. Es geht zurück auf ein untergegangenes Bistum der antiken Stadt Kotenna in der kleinasiatischen Landschaft Pamphylien, das der Kirchenprovinz Side angehörte. Titularbischöfe von Cotenna Nr.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cotenna — /ko ten:a/ s.f. [der. del lat. cutis cute, pelle ]. 1. [pelle dura e setolosa, spec. del maiale o del cinghiale] ▶◀ (region.) cotica. 2. (fig., scherz.) [derma umano] ▶◀ pelle, [tessuto che riveste il capo] cuoio capelluto. 3. (estens.)… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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  • cotenna — {{hw}}{{cotenna}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Pelle grossa e dura del maiale, del cinghiale e sim. 2 (scherz., spreg.) Pelle dell uomo. 3 (est.) Superficie, parte esterna: cotenna erbosa …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • cotenna — pl.f. cotenne …   Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari

  • cotenna — s. f. 1. cotica (dial.) 2. (scherz., spreg., di uomo) pelle 3. (est., di terreno) superficie, cotica, zolla erbosa …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • cotennoso — co·ten·nó·so agg. 1a. CO fornito di cotenna spessa o dura 1b. BU fig., incallito Sinonimi: inveterato. 2. TS med. relativo a cotenna | angina cotennosa, angina difterica {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1757 …   Dizionario italiano

  • scotennare — sco·ten·nà·re (io scoténno) CO 1. privare della cotenna: scotennare un maiale 2. privare del cuoio capelluto, spec. come pratica rituale di alcune popolazioni: i pellerossa scotennavano i nemici, scotennare i prigionieri Sinonimi: scalpare …   Dizionario italiano

  • scotennare — v. tr. [der. di cotenna, col pref. s (nel sign. 4)] (io scoténno, ecc.). 1. [levare la cotenna: s. il maiale ] ▶◀ ⇑ scorticare, scuoiare, spellare. 2. (etnol.) [privare del cuoio capelluto, spec. come usanza guerresca di alcune popolazioni]… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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