- Agriculture in Seychelles
Seychelles ' Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources in 1993 gave up the management of five state-owned farms, which were divided into small plots and leased to individuals. In addition, the agricultural sector consisted of state farms of theSeychelles Agricultural Development Company (Sadeco) and the outer islands managed by the IDC; three other large holdings producing mainlycoconut s,cinnamon , andtea ; about 250 families engaged in fulltime production of foodstuffs; and an estimated 700 families working on a part-time basis. Many households cultivate gardens and raiselivestock for home consumption. [http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field(DOCID+sc0030) This article incorporates public domain text from] theLibrary of Congress July 1994, Retrieved onJune 11 2008 .]The total cultivable area of the islands is only about 400
hectare s. Although rainfall is abundant, wet and dry seasons are sharply defined. Betterirrigation anddrainage system s are needed to improve food crops. The government has taken various measures to reduce dependency on imported foods, including deregulating production and marketing and reducing the trades tax onfertilizer s and equipment. As a result,vegetable andfruit production climbed from 505 tons in 1990 to 1,170 tons in 1992. This increase failed to be matched by a commensurate decrease in imports of fruits and vegetables, which reached 3,471 tons in 1992. Local consumption had apparently increased, and substitution between imported and domestic foodstuffs was possible only to a limited degree. In most cases, importedproduce is significantly cheaper in spite of air freight, import taxes, and other costs, necessitating a high import markup by the SMB to prevent disruption of domestic production. Neitherrice , a dietary staple, nor other grains can be grown on the islands.The expansion of livestock production is hampered by encroachment of housing and other development on agricultural land as well as by increased labor and animal feed costs. The number of
cattle slaughtered in 1992 (329 head) was virtually unchanged from five years earlier. The slaughter ofpig s (4,598) was about 45 percent higher than 1987, andchicken production (439,068) had risen by 60 percent.The two traditional
export crops ofcopra (dried coconut meat from which an oil is produced) and cinnamon have declined greatly because of the high cost of production and pressure from low-cost competitors on the international market.Vanilla , formerly important, is produced on a very small scale. Tea grown on the misty slopes of Mahé is a more recent plantation crop, serving mainly the local market.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.