- International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation
The energy ministers from the Group of Eight (G8) industrialized countries and from China, India, and South Korea have agreed to establish the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC). The IPEEC will enhance global co-operation in the field of energy efficiency. Improving energy saving and energy efficiency is one of the quickest, greenest, and most cost-effective ways to address
energy security ,climate change , and ensureeconomic growth . [http://www.energy.gov/media/IPEEC_declarationfinal_June082008.pdf International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Co-operation (IPEEC)] ]The partnership will support the on-going energy efficiency work of the participating countries and relevant international organizations by exchanging information on best practices, policies, and efforts to collect data. The IPEEC members will also develop public-private partnerships for improving energy efficiency, participate in joint research and development efforts, and facilitate the dissemination of energy-related products and services. The energy ministers plan to hold the first IPEEC meeting before the end of 2008
The energy ministers from this "G8 plus 3" group of countries also discussed high oil prices and a wide range of energy sources, including renewable energy. The ministers committed to "enhance vigorously" their efforts to address energy supply disruption risks, to improve energy efficiency, to promote non-conventional oil and alternative energy resources, and to diversify supply routes. They also noted that developing alternative transport and fuel technologies is essential to reduce the oil dependence of transportation throughout the world.
The IPEEC declaration noted that energy efficiency is one of the quickest, greenest, and most cost-effective ways to address energy security and climate change while ensuring economic growth, a conclusion supported by a recent study from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) [http://www.aceee.org/press/e084pr.htm] . The report, notes that a 20% efficiency gain in the U.S. economy by 2030 could provide an estimated 800,000 net jobs while contributing to a slight increase in the nation's gross domestic product. ACEEE notes that most national energy modeling efforts fail to account for energy efficiency's contribution. According to ACEEE, if the energy efficiency resource were properly characterized by these models, the estimated costs of energy security and climate change policies would fall, while the benefits, net job creation, and consumer savings would rise.
ee also
International Renewable Energy Agency References
External links
* http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/08/380&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=e
* http://www.eere.energy.gov/news/archive.cfm/pubDate=%7Bd%20%272008%2D06%2D11%27%7D
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.