Liber Comicus

Liber Comicus

Liber Comicus Toletanus Teplensis (also spelled Commicus) is the oldest known lectionary from the Iberian Peninsula,"72 fragments of the Old Latin text are preserved in the Spanish Lectionary or Liber Comicus."
Ann Freeman, ' [ Theodulf of Orleans and the Libri Carolini] ', "Speculum" 32 (1957): 663705.] dated to somewhere between the 7th and 9th centuries."Novum Testamentum Graece"] The Latin text of the New Testament is not of the Vulgate but of the Vetus Latina. [
Metzger, Bruce M., "The Early Versions of the New Testament", (Oxford University Press, 1977), 304.
] "Taken in its context, "liber comicus" could not possibly mean a comic book ... this term is sometimes used to denote a lectionary." ["This reviewer unblushingly admits that he did not know that this term is sometimes used to denote a lectionary."
Bernard M. Rosenthal, [ Review] of Otto Meyer and Renate Klauser, "Clavis Mediaevalis: Kleines Wörterbuch der Mittelalterforschung", in "Speculum" 39 (1964): 322324.

See also

* List of New Testament Latin manuscripts


External links

* Edgecomb, Kevin P. [ Liber Comicus, the Hispano-Mozarabic Lectionary] .
* Elliot, JK. ' [ Old Latin Manuscripts in Printed Editions of the Greek New Testament] '. "Novum Testamentum" 26 (1984): 225248.
* Epp, Eldon Jay. ' [ Some Important Textual Studies] '. "Journal of Biblical Literature" 84 (1965): 172175.

Select biliography

* Baldwin, Spurgeon. 'On the meaning of the term "Liber Commicus."' "Traditio" 39 (1983): 439443.
* Farr, C. 'Liturgical Influences On The Decoration Of The Book Of Kells'. In Catherine Karkov and Robert T Farrell (eds). "Studies in Insular Art and Archaeology". Oxford, Ohio: American Early Medieval Studies and the Miami University School of Fine Arts, 1991. ISBN 1879836009
* Morin, Germanus (ed.). "Anecdota Maredsolana". Volume 1. Liber Comicus. Maredsous Abbey, 1893.

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