Pierre Nzé

Pierre Nzé

Pierre Nzé (born 1939 [ [http://rulers.org/fm1.html Foreign Minister of Republic of the Congo] in rulers.org] ) is a Congolese politician and diplomat. During the single-party rule of the Congolese Labour Party (PCT), he held leading positions in the governmment and party. He currently leads the National Union for Democracy and Progress (UNDP) and is a member of the Senate.

After Marien Ngouabi took power, Nzé was appointed"Jan 1969 - Major Ngouabi appointed Head of State. - New Government.", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 15, January, 1969 Congo, Page 23148.] as Minister of State ["May 1969 - Fourth Conference of Heads of State.", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 15, May, 1969 Malagasy, Page 23375.] for Information, Popular Education, and Cultural Affairs in the government named on January 1 1969. He was a founding member of the PCT in December 1969 and was one of the original members of its Central Committee. ["Feb 1970 - Creation of Congolese Workers’ Party. - Establishment of People's Republic of the Congo based on Marxist-Leninist Principles. Cabinet superseded by Council of State. - Abolition of National Assembly.", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume XVII, February, 1970 Congo, Congolese, Congo, Page 23820.] Acting as spokesman for the PCT Political Bureau, Nzé announced a new draft constitution following its adoption by the December 1972 PCT congress; at the same congress, he was included on the PCT's five-member Political Bureau. ["Mar 1973 - New Draft Constitution. - Government Reorganization. - Suppression of Alleged Plot.", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 19, March, 1973 Congo, Page 25776.] He was expelled from the party along with others on June 11 1976, ["Sep 1976 - New Council of State and Special Revolutionary General Staff - Other Internal Developments", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 22, September, 1976 Congo, Page 27940.] although he was subsequently readmitted and restored to a seat on the Political Bureau. ["May 1981 - Speeches by Foreign Delegates", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 27, May, 1981 Soviet Union, Page 30840.] He was later Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1979 to 1984 under President Denis Sassou Nguesso. In August 1984, Nzé was replaced as Foreign Minister by Antoine Ndinga Oba, who had previously served as Minister of Education; Nzé remained in his position as Secretary of the PCT Central Committee. [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E07E2DF1538F930A2575BC0A962948260 "AROUND THE WORLD; Congo Shuffles Cabinet After Politburo Meeting"] , Reuters ("The New York Times"), 13 August 1984.] Although he was considered "one of the PCT's leading theoreticians", [http://www.keesings.com/search?kssp_selected_tab=article&kssp_a_id=35370n01cog "Sep 1987 - Internal political developments Economic situation-Foreign relations"] , Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 33, September, 1987 Congo, Page 35370.] Nzé was removed from the PCT Political Bureau at a plenary session of the Central Committee in November 1986, when the Political Bureau's size was decreased from 13 members to 10 members. [Rémy Bazenguissa-Ganga, "Les voies du politique au Congo: essai de sociologie historique" (1997), Karthala Editions, page 287 fr icon.]

Nzé currently leads the UNDP, a political party founded in 1990. ["Political Parties of the World" (6th edition, 2005), ed. Bogdan Szajkowski, page 140.] In June 1997, following the outbreak of the 1997 civil war, Nzé was included on the National Mediation Committee. ["Congo: Mediation committee set up, calls for cease-fire", Radio Nationale Congolaise, Brazzaville (nl.newsbank.com), June 8, 1997.] He represented Sassou Nguesso in a consultation meeting related to the conflict that took place in Brazzaville in mid-June. ["Congolese, French and US officials hold consultations in Brazzaville", AFP (nl.newsbank.com), June 14, 1997.] The war concluded with Sassou Nguesso's rebel forces capturing Brazzaville in October 1997, and in the national unity government formed under Sassou Nguesso on November 2 1997, Nzé was appointed"Congo: Sassou-Nguesso forms new 32-member government", AFP (nl.newsbank.com), November 4, 1997.] as Minister of State"DRCongo-Congo joint commission discuss border security, bilateral issues", Radio-Television Nationale Congolaise, Kinshasa (nl.newsbank.com), September 23, 1998.] for Justice. He headed Congo-Brazzaville's delegation to a meeting, held in Kinshasa on September 22 1998, in which bilateral relations between Congo-Brazzaville and Congo-Kinshasa were discussed. Acting on behalf of Congo-Brazzaville's government, he later signed a non-aggression pact with Congo-Kinshasa in December 1998. ["DRCongo, Congo sign nonaggression pact, to set up joint border security force", RTNC TV, Kinshasa (nl.newsbank.com), December 29, 1998.] In the government appointed in January 1999, Nzé was replaced as Justice Minister, and he was not included in the government. ["Programme summary of Radio France Internationale news 1830 gmt 12 Jan 99", Radio France Internationale (nl.newsbank.com), January 13, 1999.]

Standing as a UNDP candidate, Nzé was elected as a Senator from Sangha Region in the 2002 Senate election. [ [http://www.brazzaville-adiac.com/index.php?action=depeche&dep_id=1180&oldaction=liste&regpay_id=0&them_id=0&cat_id=1&ss_cat_id=0&LISTE_FROM=0&select_month=0&select_year=0 "Elections sénatoriales : les résultats officiels rendus publics à Brazzaville"] , "Les Dépêches de Brazzaville", July 13, 2002 fr icon.] On August 23 2002 he was elected by the Senate as a Vice-President of the Commission on Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, and Development Cooperation. [ [http://www.brazzaville-adiac.com/index.php?action=depeche&dep_id=1491&oldaction=liste&regpay_id=0&them_id=0&cat_id=1&ss_cat_id=0&LISTE_FROM=0&select_month=0&select_year=0 "Sénat": mise en place des bureaux des commissions permanentes"] , "Les Dépêches de Brazzaville", August 27, 2002 fr icon.]


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