Snap shot

Snap shot

A snap shot is a shot that is aimed and fired very quickly at a target that appears suddenly and for a very short period of time.

From One-Hour Photo: "According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "snapshot" was first used in 1808 by an English sportsman by the name of Sir Henry Hawker. He noted in his diary that almost every bird he shot that day was taken by snapshot, meaning a hurried shot, taken without deliberate aim. Snapshot, then, was originally a hunting term."

Other uses

* In paintball, snapshooting is the rapid and sporadically repeated firing at a target from behind a bunker.

* In submarines, a snap shot is a torpedo fired rapidly back down the bearing of an incoming torpedo, without taking the time to set up a fire control solution.

* The snap shot in ice hockey is a fast shot made by snapping the wrists. It combines the accuracy of a wrist shot with the power of a slap shot.

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  • Snap shot — Snap Snap, n. [Cf. D. snap a snatching. See {Snap}, v. t.] 1. A sudden breaking or rupture of any substance. [1913 Webster] 2. A sudden, eager bite; a sudden seizing, or effort to seize, as with the teeth. [1913 Webster] 3. A sudden, sharp motion …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • snap|shot — «SNAP SHOT», noun, verb, shot|ted, shot|ting. –n. 1. a photograph taken in an instant with a small camera. 2. a quick shot taken without time for careful aim, usually at game that has just been flushed. –v.t., v.i. to take a snapshot (of): » …   Useful english dictionary

  • Snap shot — (a) A quick offhand shot, made without deliberately taking aim over the sights. (b) (Photog.) Act of taking a snapshot (in sense 2). [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. An instantaneous photograph made, usually with a hand camera, without formal posing of,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Snap shot (ice hockey) — A snap shot is a like an abbreviated slap shot in ice hockey. The purpose of the snap shot is to combine the main advantages of the wrist shot (shot accuracy and quick delivery) and the slap shot (puck speed).The snap shot is accomplished with a… …   Wikipedia

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