

A meron or half-instanton is a Euclidean space-time solution of the Yang-Mills field equations. It is a singular non-self-dual solution of topological charge 1/2. The instanton is believed to be composed of two merons.

A meron can be viewed as a tunneling event between two Gribov vacua.[1] In that picture, the meron is an event which starts from vacuum, then a Wu-Yang monopole emerges, which then disappears again to leave the vacuum in another Gribov copy.

See also


  1. ^ Actor, Alfred (1979). "Classical solutions of SU(2) Yang-Mills theories". Reviews of Modern Physics 51 (3): 461525. Bibcode 1979RvMP...51..461A. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.51.461. 

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