

Agroetas (Gr. polytonic|Ἀγροίτας) was an ancient Greek historian who wrote a work on Scythia (polytonic|Σκυθικά),Citation | last = Mason | first = Charles Peter | author-link = | contribution = Agroetas | editor-last = Smith | editor-first = William | title = Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology | volume = 1 | pages = 82 | publisher = Little, Brown and Company | place = Boston | year = 1867 | contribution-url = ] from the thirteenth book of which the scholiast on Apollonius quotes, [Scholiast on Apollonius, ii. 1248] and one on Libya (polytonic|Λιβυκά), the fourth book of which is quoted by the same scholiast. [Scholiast on Apollonius, , iv. 1396] He is also mentioned by Stephanus of Byzantium. [Stephanus of Byzantium, "s.v." polytonic|Ἄμπελος]

Agroetas is also the name of a Roman rhetorician mentioned by the elder Seneca, but about whom nothing more is known. [Seneca the Elder, "Controversiae" ii. 15. 13.; ii. 6. 12.]


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