- XMA (s IT)
name = XMA
caption =
developer = Coworkers ofs IT Solutions Spardat GmbH
latest_release_version =
latest_release_date =2008
operating_system =Microsoft Windows
programming_language = Java
genre =Client framework
license = Proprietory
website = Only a website in the intranet exists.The eXtranet Multichannel Architecture (XMA) is a software developed since 2003 by the Austrian
s IT Solutions Spardat GmbH to implement its banking client software such that it can interact with different clients in its infrastructure that access an Archive utility, which archives specific listings used by the bank or its clients. This software is proprietory, but an open version exists that excludes the proprietory part, calledOpenXMA .Architecture
The eXtranet Multichannel Architecture is based on a concept that uses three important abstractions that are:
#"Component:" It is an aggregation of pages and the unit of reuse. It is usually used to model a use case in the business domain.
#"Page:" Is a UI interaction feature that contains a set of widgets that are visible at the same time, like plain windows, notebook pages or inner wizard pages.
#"Widget:" It is a UI interaction feature like a text field, a radio buttion, a check box, a push button, or a combo box [http://openxma.codehaus.org/docs/xma_whitepaper.pdf] .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.