Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute

Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute

The Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute was a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan policy research organization established in 1993 to address the challenges to global security and stability in the early 21st century, with a special, but not exclusive focus on the elimination of chemical weapons and biological weapons. It fosters this goal through an innovative program of research, analysis, technical support, training, and education. CBACI's objective was to promote a strategic approach to contemporary national security challenges that fosters the translation of ideas into action.

The Institute emphasized not only issues of immediate national concern but also problems that reflect the dynamics of a new global environment, take shape from the complex interaction of security, science, and technology, and present demanding decision-making challenges to national and international leaders.

The Institute's research program was designed to alert leaders in government, industry, the media, and the scientific community to problems before they became crises, to challenge conventional wisdom in light of new realities, and to promote the integration of diverse perspectives into decision options that effectively balance competing interests. CBACI attempted to stress studies and analyses whose hallmarks were their anticipatory nature, action orientation, integrative approach, policy focus, and political realism.

CBACI ceased operations in 2007.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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