Jacobi polynomials

Jacobi polynomials

In mathematics, Jacobi polynomials are a class of orthogonal polynomials. They are obtained from hypergeometric series in cases where the series is in fact finite:

:P_n^{(alpha,eta)}(z)=frac{(alpha+1)_n}{n!},_2F_1left(-n,1+alpha+eta+n;alpha+1;frac{1-z}{2} ight) ,

where (alpha+1)_n is Pochhammer's symbol (for the rising factorial), (Abramowitz & Stegun [http://www.math.sfu.ca/~cbm/aands/page_561.htm p561] .) and thus have the explicit expression

:P_n^{(alpha,eta)} (z) = frac{Gamma (alpha+n+1)}{n!Gamma (alpha+eta+n+1)}sum_{m=0}^n {nchoose m}frac{Gamma (alpha + eta + n + m + 1)}{Gamma (alpha + m + 1)} left(frac{z-1}{2} ight)^m ,

from which the terminal value follows

:P_n^{(alpha, eta)} (1) = {n+alphachoose n} .Here for integer n,:{zchoose n} = frac{Gamma(z+1)}{Gamma(n+1)Gamma(z-n+1)},and Gamma(z), is the usual Gamma function, which has the property1/Gamma(n+1) = 0, for n=-1,-2,dots,. Thus,:{zchoose n} = 0 quadhbox{for}quad n < 0.

They satisfy the orthogonality condition:int_{-1}^1 (1-x)^{alpha} (1+x)^{eta} P_m^{(alpha,eta)} (x)P_n^{(alpha,eta)} (x) ; dx=frac{2^{alpha+eta+1{2n+alpha+eta+1}frac{Gamma(n+alpha+1)Gamma(n+eta+1)}{Gamma(n+alpha+eta+1)n!} delta_{nm}for alpha>-1 and eta>-1.

The polynomials have the symmetry relation P_n^{(alpha, eta)} (-z) = (-1)^n P_n^{(eta, alpha)} (z) ; thus the other terminal value is

:P_n^{(alpha, eta)} (-1) = (-1)^n { n+etachoose n} .

For real x the Jacobi polynomial can alternatively bewritten as:P_n^{(alpha,eta)}(x)=sum_s{n+alphachoose s}{n+eta choose n-s}left(frac{x-1}{2} ight)^{n-s} left(frac{x+1}{2} ight)^{s}where s ge 0 , and n-s ge 0 , .In the special case that the four quantitiesn, n+alpha, n+eta, andn+alpha +eta are nonnegative integers,the Jacobi polynomial can be written as:P_n^{(alpha,eta)}(x)= (n+alpha)! (n+eta)!sum_sleft [s! (n+alpha-s)!(eta+s)!(n-s)! ight] ^{-1}left(frac{x-1}{2} ight)^{n-s} left(frac{x+1}{2} ight)^{s}.The sum on s, extends over all integer values for which the arguments of the factorials are nonnegative.

This form allows the expression of the Wigner d-matrix d^j_{m' m}(phi); (0le phile 4pi) in termsof Jacobi polynomials [L. C. Biedenharn and J. D. Louck, "Angular Momentum in Quantum Physics", Addison-Wesley, Reading, (1981)] :d^j_{m'm}(phi) =left [frac{(j+m)!(j-m)!}{(j+m')!(j-m')!} ight] ^{1/2}left(sinfrac{phi}{2} ight)^{m-m'}left(cosfrac{phi}{2} ight)^{m+m'}P_{j-m}^{(m-m',m+m')}(cos phi).


The "k"th derivative of the explicit expression leads to

:frac{mathrm d^k}{mathrm d z^k}P_n^{(alpha,eta)} (z) = frac{Gamma (alpha+eta+n+1+k)}{2^k Gamma (alpha+eta+n+1)}P_{n-k}^{(alpha+k, eta+k)} (z) .

Differential equation

Jacobi polynomials P_n^{(alpha,eta)}are solution of

:(1-x^2)y" + ( eta-alpha - (alpha + eta + 2)x )y'+ n(n+alpha+eta+1) y = 0.,


Cited referencesGeneral references
*Citation | last1=Andrews | first1=George E. | last2=Askey | first2=Richard | last3=Roy | first3=Ranjan | title=Special functions | publisher=Cambridge University Press | series=Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications | isbn=978-0-521-62321-6; 978-0-521-78988-2 | id=MathSciNet | id = 1688958 | year=1999 | volume=71

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