- Douady rabbit
Lamination of rabbit Julia set
The Douady rabbit, named for the French mathematician Adrien Douady, is any of various particular filled Julia sets associated with the c near the center period 3 buds of Mandelbrot set for complex quadratic map.
Forms of the complex quadratic map
There are two common forms for the complex quadratic map
. The first, also called the complex logistic map, is written as
where z is a complex variable and γ is a complex parameter. The second common form is
Here w is a complex variable and μ is a complex parameter. The variables z and w are related by the equation
and the parameters γ and μ are related by the equations
Note that μ is invariant under the substitution
Mandelbrot and filled Julia sets
There are two planes associated with
. One of these, the z (or w) plane, will be called the mapping plane, since
sends this plane into itself. The other, the γ (or μ) plane, will be called the control plane.
The nature of what happens in the mapping plane under repeated application of
depends on where γ (or μ) is in the control plane. The filled Julia set consists of all points in the mapping plane whose images remain bounded under indefinitely repeated applications of
. The Mandelbrot set consists of those points in the control plane such that the associated filled Julia set in the mapping plane is connected.
Figure 1 shows the Mandelbrot set when γ is the control parameter, and Figure 2 shows the Mandelbrot set when μ is the control parameter. Since z and w are affine transformations of one another (a linear transformation plus a translation), the filled Julia sets look much the same in either the z or w planes.
Figure 1: The Mandelbrot set in the γ plane.
Figure 2: The Mandelbrot set in the μ plane.
The Douady rabbit
The Douady rabbit is most easily described in terms of the Mandelbrot set as shown in Figure 1. In this figure, the Mandelbrot set, at least when viewed from a distance, appears as two back-to-back unit discs with sprouts. Consider the sprouts at the one- and five-o'clock positions on the right disk or the sprouts at the seven- and eleven-o'clock positions on the left disk. When γ is within one of these four sprouts, the associated filled Julia set in the mapping plane is a Douady rabbit. For these values of γ, it can be shown that
has z = 0 and one other point as unstable (repelling) fixed points, and
as an attracting fixed point. Moreover, the map
has three attracting fixed points. Douady's rabbit consists of the three attracting fixed points z1, z2, and z3 and their basins of attraction.
For example, Figure 3 shows Douady's rabbit in the z plane when γ = γD = 2.55268 − 0.959456i, a point in the five-o'clock sprout of the right disk. For this value of γ, the map
has the repelling fixed points z = 0 and z = .656747 − .129015i. The three attracting fixed points of
(also called period-three fixed points) have the locations
The red, green, and yellow points lie in the basins B(z1), B(z2), and B(z3) of
, respectively. The white points lie in the basin
The action of
on these fixed points is given by the relations
Corresponding to these relations there are the results
Note the marvelous fractal structure at the basin boundaries.
Figure 3: Douady's rabbit for γ = 2.55268 − 0.959456i or μ = 0.122565 − 0.744864i.
As a second example, Figure 4 shows a Douady rabbit when γ = 2 − γD = − .55268 + .959456i, a point in the eleven-o'clock sprout on the left disk. (As noted earlier, μ is invariant under this transformation.) The rabbit now sits more symmetrically on the page. The period-three fixed points are located at
The repelling fixed points of
itself are located at z = 0 and z = 1.450795 + 0.7825835i. The three major lobes on the left, which contain the period-three fixed points z1,z2, and z3, meet at the fixed point z = 0, and their counterparts on the right meet at the point z = 1. It can be shown that the effect of
on points near the origin consists of a counterclockwise rotation about the origin of arg(γ), or very nearly
, followed by scaling (dilation) by a factor of | γ | = 1.1072538.
Figure 4: Douady's rabbit for γ = − 0.55268 + 0.959456i or μ = 0.122565 − 0.744864i.
* Dragt, A. http://www.physics.umd.edu/dsat/dsatliemethods.html. Lie Methods for Nonlinear Dynamics with Applications to Accelerator Physics.
External links
This article incorporates material from Douady Rabbit on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
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