- Trillium pusillum
Little Trillium Conservation status Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Monocots Order: Liliales Family: Melanthiaceae Genus: Trillium Species: T. pusillum Binomial name Trillium pusillum
Michx.Trillium pusillum, common names: Little Trillium and Dwarf Wakerobin, is a perennial wildflower which blooms from March to early June. The small white petals, hardly longer than the sepals, turn rosy pink as they age, and have distinctive undulating edges. Its leaves are relatively narrow in comparison to other trilliums. The flower matures to a white to pale green berry.
T. pusillum is found in scattered populations from Virginia and the Carolinas west as far as Texas, inhabiting swampy woods, deciduous forests, and pocosins.
- ^ "Trillium pusillum". NatureServe Explorer. NatureServe. http://www.natureserve.org/explorer/servlet/NatureServe?searchName=Trillium+pusillum+. Retrieved 2008-06-01.
- Frett, Jeanne (2007). Trilliums at Mt. Cuba Center: A Visitor's Guide. Mt. Cuba Center Inc. ISBN 0-9770848-1-7.
Species of Trillium T. albidum | T. angustipetalum | T. apetalon | T. camschatcense | T. catesbaei | T. cernuum | T. chloropetalum | T. cuneatum | T. decipiens | T. decumbens | T. discolor | T. erectum | T. flexipes | T. foetidissimum | T. gracile | T. grandiflorum | T. hagae | T. kurabayashii | T. lancifolium | T. ludovicianum | T. luteum | T. maculatum | T. nivale | T. oostingii | T. ovatum | T. parviflorum | T. persistens | T. petiolatum | T. pusillum | T. recurvatum | T. reliquum | T. rugelii | T. sessile | T. simile | T. smallii | T. stamineum | T. sulcatum | T. texanum | T. tschonoskii | T. underwoodii | T. undulatum | T. vaseyi | T. viride | T. viridescens
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