List of autism-related topics

List of autism-related topics

This is a list of autism-related topics.

Conditions and research areas

* Asperger syndrome
* Autism
* Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
* Autism spectrum
* Autism Spectrum Quotient
* Causes of autism
* Childhood disintegrative disorder
* Conditions comorbid to autism spectrum disorders
* Developmental disability
* Epidemiology of autism
* Fragile X syndrome
* Genetic disorder
* Heritability of autism
* High-functioning autism
* Isodicentric 15
* Language delay
* Learning disability
* List of further reading on Asperger syndrome
* Minamata disease‎
* Mirror neuron
* Pervasive developmental disorder
* Phelan-McDermin 22q13 deletion syndrome
* Rett syndrome
* Spindle neuron
* Weak central coherence theory


* Autism rights movement
* Controversies in autism
* Ethical challenges to autism treatment
* MMR vaccine controversy
* Neurodiversity
* Refrigerator mother
* Stealth-adapted viruses
* Thimerosal controversy
* Vaccine controversy


* Autistic savant
* List of people on the autistic spectrum
* List of fictional characters on the autistic spectrum
* People speculated to have been autistic


* Brian Deer
* David Kirby
* Norm Ledgin
* Dan Olmsted
* Lenny Schafer

Politicians, philanthropists and activists

* Liz Birt
* Dan Burton
* Ivan and Charika Corea
* Michelle Dawson
* Deirdre Imus
* Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
* Michael Koffler
* Jenny McCarthy
* Rick Rollens
* James Harris Simons
* Jim Sinclair
* Dave Weldon
* Donna Williams
* Bob Wright

Researchers and therapists

* John Allman
* David Amaral
* Balázs Anna
* Hans Asperger
* Simon Baron-Cohen,
* Sallie Bernard
* Bruno Bettelheim
* Thomas Burbacher
* Manuel Casanova
* Richard Deth
* Eric Fombonne
* Mark Geier
* Christopher Gillberg
* Boyd Haley
* Mady Hornig
* Leo Kanner
* Arthur Krigsman
* Derrick Lonsdale
* Ole Ivar Lovaas
* Paul Offit
* Lyn Redwood
* Bernard Rimland
* Diana Seach
* Vijendra K. Singh
* Peter Szatmari
* Thomas Verstraeten
* Andrew Wakefield
* Lorna Wing
* Edward Yazbak


* Autism rights movement
* Autistic art
* Neurodiversity
* Neurotypical
* Sociological and cultural aspects of autism


* Children's Health Act
* Combating Autism Act
* Jonathan's Law
* National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

Organizations, stakeholder groups and events

* 2000 Simpsonwood CDC conference
* Aspies For Freedom
* Autism Awareness Campaign UK
* Autism Network International
* Autism Research Institute‎
* Autism Resource Centre (Singapore)
* Autism Society of America
* Autism Speaks
* Autism Sunday
* Autistic Pride Day
* Autism Treatment Trust
* Autism Network International (Autreat)
* Center for Autism and Related Disorders
* Generation Rescue
* M.I.N.D. Institute
* National Autism Association
* National Autistic Society (UK)
* National Vaccine Information Center
* Safe Minds
* Talk About Curing Autism‎
* Thoughtful House
* Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
* Wrong Planet

Therapies and interventions

* Applied behavior analysis
* Chelation therapy
* Clomipramine
* Craniosacral therapy
* Ethical challenges to autism treatment
* Floortime
* Fluvoxamine
* Gluten-free, casein-free diet
* Haloperidol
* Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
* Hug machine
* Lovaas technique
* Pivotal response therapy
* Relationship Development Intervention
* Risperidone
* Secretin
* Son-Rise
* Speech therapy
* Treatment and education of autistic and related communication handicapped children
* Vitamin B12

Possibly-associated conditions

These are conditions that people on the autism spectrum may suffer from more often than is typical.

* Alexithymia
* Antisocial personality disorder
* Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
* Autistic enterocolitis
* Clinical depression
* Coeliac disease
* Communication disorder
* Crohn's disease
* Deafness
* Dyscalculia
* Dysgraphia
* Dyslexia
* Dyspraxia
* Echolalia
* Erotophobia
* Hyperlexia
* Imaginary friend
* Inflammatory bowel disease
* Mental retardation
* Multiple-complex Developmental Disorder
* Multisystem Developmental Disorder
* Nonverbal learning disorder
* Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
* Picture thinking
* Pyroluria
* Semantic pragmatic disorder
* Sensory Integration Dysfunction
* Sensory defensiveness
* Sensory overload
* Social alienation

ee also


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