- Transfer Walsh
Transfer Walsh is a system method used in bridge.
Using Transfer Walsh
Transfer Walsh is used responding to partner's 1Clubs opening bid [http://www.geocities.com/gerben47/bridge/twalsh.html] . The main responses are as follows:
* 1Diams: Shows a minimum of four hearts
* 1Hearts: Shows a minimum of four spades
* 1Spades: Shows a minimum of four, alternatively five diamonds
* 1NT: Shows a 6-9/10 HCP balanced without any four-card majorOne possible variation should be mentioned: 1Spades might show either diamonds or the 6-9/10 HCP No Trump, in which case 1Clubs-1NT shows a 10-11/12 HCP balanced hand.The term Transfer Walsh is commonly used, although in a way unprecisly, as responder's one of suit is not forcing a completed transfer from opener. In fact, over the 1Diams and 1Hearts responses, opener will only accept the transfer holding minimum three-card support, otherwise bidding naturally. With four-card support, it is normal to accept the transfer at the 1 level holding a minimum hand, giving a jump overcall (for example 2Hearts after a 1Diams response) with a maximum. One can jump even higher, to 3 or even 4 according to the strength of the hand, but only holding the mentioned four-card support. With three-card support the transfer is always completed at the 1 level, with less than three-card support another natural response is given. After 1Clubs-1Spades, however, the transfer is only completed with four-card diamond support.
Further bidding is essentialy natural.
The "transfers" are of course the core of this method, but being commonly played with use of the
Walsh convention , Transfer Walsh is the name normally used. Since one cannot show diamonds naturally bidding less than 1Spades, combining it with the Walsh convention is logical. One cannot afford to bid 1Spades showing diamonds unless the hand has values for a game force, since missing a major fit is very unfortunate.Examples of use
If the auction goes 1Clubs-1Hearts; 1NT, opener has denied three-card spade support, and responder needs not worry about missing a 5-3 fit in spades.
If the auction goes 1Clubs-1Diams;1Hearts-1Spades;2Spades, opener has given a relatively precise picture of his hand: By accepting the transfer bidding 1Hearts, he has shown three-card (rarely four-card) heart support, by bidding 2Spades four-card spade support (and a minimum opening), and by opening 1Clubs (in a natural system) at least three clubs.
Advantages using Transfer Walsh
Transfer Walsh in a very early stage of bidding determines the possibility of a fit, giving good control of further game and slam bidding.
Likewise, one has the chance of stopping at an early stage, especially using the
XY No Trump Convention .Notes
* [http://www.geocities.com/gerben47/bridge/twalsh.html A short introduction]
* [http://org.ntnu.no/mareritt/boasys04.pdf A system publicaton based on Baard Olav Aasan methods, concerning particularly Transfer Walsh and XYZ (XY no trump) (in Norwegian)]See also
Walsh convention
*XY No Trump Convention
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.