- Gertrude Yorkes
caption=Gertrude Yorkes and Old Lace.
Artwork byJo Chen .
character_name=Gertrude Yorkes
publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="Runaways" vol. 1 #1 (July, 2003)
creators=Brian K. Vaughan
Adrian Alphona
real_name=Gertrude Yorkes
powers=Psychic link to genetically engineereddeinonychus .|Gertrude Yorkes (self-referred to as Arsenicrunaways":="" volume="" 1,="" #6<="" i="">] ), is a
fictional character in theMarvel Comics award-winning series, "Runaways". She was created by authorBrian K. Vaughan & artist Adrian Alphona, and debuted in "Runaways" vol. 1 #1 with most of the other main characters."Runaways": Volume 1, #1] Like every member of the original Runaways, she is the daughter of evil villains with special abilities; in Gert's case, time-travellers. Gertrude, often called "Gert" for short, is often regarded as the most "book-smart" of the Runaways yet also the mostsarcastic andcynical . She hassocialist leanings and although ethnicallyJewish , Gert isagnostic . Gert is bespectacled and somewhat overweight,"Runaways": Volume 2, #2] contrary to the typical notion of superheroines appearing physically fit and conventionally beautiful, making Gert unique among the heroines of theMarvel universe . Gert is known for her sarcastic one-liners, a pair of glasses, and brown dyed purple hair. She stands at a rough height of 5'1" and weighs 125 lbs. [http://www.comicvine.com/gertrude-yorkes/29-1939/ Gertrude Yorkes] ]Fictional character biography
The Pride
The daughter of Dale and Stacey Yorkes, Gert is first seen flatly yelling that she doesn't want to go to the Wilders' annual supposed charity organization; after the witnessing of the murder of an innocent girl by their parents ("the Pride"), despite being shocked her parents are a part of it, Gert remains the only one not surprised that her parents are actually villains, saying that she had suspected her parents of being evil ever since her pet pig disappeared."Runaways": Volume 1, #3] Gert joins her team in the mass ransack to escape from their respective homes. Before leaving, however, Gert discovers a dinosaur in a hidden room in her basement that has a telepathic bond with Gert's mind, meaning it obeys her every command. Clueing a
holographic message featuring Gert's parents and the fact her basement is full of rare antiques, the Runaways conclude Gert's parents are actually time travellers. After running off, Gert takes the name Arsenic and dubs her dinosaur Old Lace, a reference to the film of the same name. While the other members take codenames to be more like superheroes, Gert takes her name to cut all ties to her parents and former life."Runaways": Volume 1, #12]Personality
Throughout the entire first volume, Gert refuses to answer to her given name and sticks with her codename the longest of all the Runaways, who begin dropping their names. Gert's cynical view on her parents (and adults in general) also caries through the first and second volumes, where her belief her parents killed her pet pig becomes stronger. Though all the Runaways share a mutual distrust of adults, Gert remains the most fervent and vocal about the philosophy.
Gert's cynical attitude breaks when after resuscitating Chase from
drowning (after their last encounter with the Pride), she shares a passionate kiss after he awakens; it's generally accepted that Chase and Gert become a couple at this point."Runaways": Volume 1, #16] After the battle, the government is forced to admit the Runaways aren't murderers, but innocent victims. Gert is sent to live in a boarding school and while the Avengers detain Old Lace in a secret holding facility in LA itself."Runaways": Volume 1, #16] A few months later, she runs away from the school to join up with her friends and, with Chase's assistance, frees Old Lace. She joins the cadre in the Leapfrog, an old Pride land/sea transport also confiscated by the Avengers, and runs away to start life as a full-timevigilante .As a fugitive/death
The second volume finds Gert fighting under Nico's command; needless, she is still dating Chase."Runaways": Volume 2, #1] Meanwhile, one of her parent's old time machines appears in the new Hostel carrying a black-haired, physically fit woman without glasses, claiming to be Gert from the future; this version of Gert grew up to become the leader of the Avengers under the alias Heroine. Heroine warns the Runaways of
Victor Mancha , a dormant teenage threat that will grow up to kill every hero on under the alias "Victorious." The future Gert dies in Chase's arms without being able to finish saying, "I love you." The team fight and defeats Ultron, and Victor rewrites his programming and claims that he is free of Ultron's influence. Nico invites him to join the team."Runaways": Volume 2, #2] Shortly after the runaways' trip toNew York City , a new Pride reveals a kiss shared between Chase and Nico to Gert; Gert is distraught and the Runaways begin to deteriorate; Molly gets kidnapped and Old Lace physically attacks Nico."Runaways": Volume 2, #4] Gert and Nico are able to put aside their differences long enough to rescue Molly from the new Pride, but during the rescue, Gert takes a dagger in the stomach to save Chase. In her final moments, Gert transfers empathic control of Old Lace to Chase, ensuring the dinosaur would live. Gert dies in Chase's arms, having forgiven Chase for kissing Nico, without finishing saying "I love you" (like Heroine's death), and fulfilling her own proclamation that she'd "never become Heroine."Relationship with other Runaways
Curiously, Gert is shown to rarely interact with Karolina. The two have been noted to remark upon each other's appearance or family, but are rarely seen conversing like the other characters. Gert is one to often babysit Molly, though Molly has more brotherly relationships with Chase and Victor.Runaways Vol. 1 Hardcover] Gert, despite her foreshadowing future of her and Victor, often defended him. Gert dated Chase from "Runaways" volume 1, issue 16 to "Runaways" volume 2, issue 18. Their relationship was often defined by bickering - Chase's dim-witted moments often clashed with Gert's sarcastic and intelligent quips. Gert's relationship with Chase softened her somewhat, though she didn't entirely lose her sarcastic edge. Their relationship developed quickly, with a few off-hand comments suggesting that they shared the same bed and were sexually intimate. [In Vol.2, Gert makes a sly suggestion that gets a reminder that Molly is in the room.] However, their relationship was threatened when Gert learned that Nico had kissed Chase; though Chase rebuffed Nico's advances, Gert was still hurt that Chase had kept the interaction hidden from her. She revealed her insecurity about her appearance and fear that Chase would eventually leave her for a more conventionally pretty girl. Though implying she was hurt being reconciliation, she still ran into a burning building to save Chase from
Geoffrey Wilder after their falling out. She bluffed some details about Chase's past to keep Geoffrey from sacrificing Chase and Geoffrey fell for the bluff, but plunged his dagger into Gert's stomach instead. As she lay dying, she transferred control of Old Lace to Chase and died forgiving Chase for Nico's kiss and without finishing saying she loved him.Gert and Nico had been friends since birth. Nico reveals that Gert had always been a liberal thinker when Gert hid all of Nico's
My Little Pony dolls in the forest because Gert thought the animals should be free."Runaways": Volume 2, #19] Nico knit Gert a purplescarf for her birthday and it prompted Gert to dye her hair the same color. Although she sometimes questioned Nico, Gert always stood by her friend with unwavering loyalty. Gert's loyalty did not go unrecognized, as Nico requested that Gert take over leadership if something should happen. [http://runaways.mergingminds.org/showarticle.asp?section=10&fldAuto=428 Volume 2, Issue 19] ] Although their relationship strained after Gert discovered Nico's kiss, they reconciled shortly afterwards, following a round of tossing insults andAOL Instant Messenger slang , demonstrating the close relationship and respect they shared. Nico grieved for a long time following Gert's death and even experienced survivor's guilt.Powers and abilities
Gert has no physical powers, but a mental link with Old Lace. Old Lace makes her first appearance after being discovered in a secret compartment in Gert's basement. Gert discovered that she had a
telepathic bond to Old Lace when the dinosaur halted from devouring the Runaways because Gert yelled out "NO!" in fear. In one of the runaways' early encounters with the Pride, Gert also discovered she had anempathic bond to Old Lace when she experienced the same pain Old Lace felt. Gert's telepathic bond to Old Lace allowed her to directly communicate with the dinosaur and command it to do anything she wished. The bond worked both ways, enabling Old Lace to transfer her thoughts directly to Gert, but Old Lace could not give commands to Gert in the same fashion. Old Lace was unconditionally loyal to Gert, even to the point of fighting against the team; Old Lace once lashed out at Nico without Gert's orders when Gert and Nico had their brief falling out. Gert and Old Lace's empathic bond was beneficial in that whenever one was healed, the other would always get better. However, it also made each known to injuries they wouldn't normally be grossly affected by. For example, in "Runaways" volume 2, issue 7, Gert refuses to fight Swarm because she is allergic to bee stings and posits that even one sting on Old Lace could end the both of them."Runaways": Volume 2, #7]Conceptual Origins
In the original pitch for the series, Gert was originally referred to as Gertie. She also had the sibling-like relationship with Molly that Chase has in the series, and was the one who named Molly 'Bruiser' instead of Chase.
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