- The Pipes of Pan
"The Pipes of Pan" is a poem by
Adrian Ross set to music by the English composerEdward Elgar , being completed on 5th June 1899.The song was published by Boosey in 1900. Early editions of the vocal score are inscribed 'Sung by Mr. Ivor Foster'. [ [http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/s2-FOST-LLE-1870.html Welsh Biography: Ivor Foster] ]
The first performance, probably by Ivor Foster, was at the
Queen's Hall on 12th May. [Kennedy, p. 284] Another source gives the first performance by 'Miss Blouvelt' [Possibly American sopranoLillian Blauvelt ] at the Crystal Palace on 30th April 1900. [Banfield, p. 441]Elgar also arranged the song accompaniment for orchestra.
:When the woods are gay in the time of June:: With the Chestnut flow’r and fan,:And the birds are still in the hush of noon, -::Hark to the pipes of Pan !:He plays on the reed that once was a maid::Who broke from his arms and ran,:And her soul goes out to the list’ning glade -::Hark to the pipes of Pan !:Though you hear, come not near,::Fearing the wood-god’s ban ;:Soft and sweet, in the dim retreat,::Hark to the pipes of Pan !
:When the sun goes down and the stars are out,::He gathers his goat-foot clan,:And the Dryads dance with the Satyr rout ;::Hark to the pipes of Pan !:For he pipes the dance of the happy Earth::Ere ever the gods began,:When the woods were merry and mad with mirth -::Hark to the pipes of Pan !:Come not nigh, pass them by,::Woe to the eyes that scan !:Wild and loud to the leaping crowd,::Hark to the pipes of Pan !
:When the armies meet on the battle field,::And the fight is man to man,:With the gride of sword and the clash of shield -::Hark to the pipes of Pan !:Thro’ the madden’d shriek of the flying rear,::Thro’ the roar of the charging van,:There skirls the tune of the God of Fear -::Hark to the pipes of Pan !:Ours the fray – on and slay,::Let him escape that can !:Ringing out in the battle shout,::Hark to the pipes of Pan !
* [http://www.emusic.com/album/The-Works-Songs-Piano-Music-By-Edward-Elgar-MP3-Download/11044195.html Songs and Piano Music by Edward Elgar] has "The Pipes of Pan" performed by Peter Savidge (baritone), with David Owen Norris (piano).
* [http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/2000/02/somm220.htm The Songs of Edward Elgar SOMM CD 220] Christopher Maltman (baritone) with Malcolm Martineau (piano), at Southlands College, London, April 1999
*Banfield, Stephen, "Sensibility and English Song: Critical studies of the early 20th century" (Cambridge University Press, 1985) ISBN 052137944X
*Kennedy, Michael, "Portrait of Elgar" (Oxford University Press, 1968) ISBN 0193154145
*Moore, Jerrold N. “Edward Elgar: a creative life” (Oxford University Press, 1984) ISBN 0193154471
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