

Infobox School
name = _de. Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium
native_name =
latin_name =

imagesize =
caption =
location = 61352 Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe

streetaddress = _de. Auf der Steinkaut 1–15
region = Hochtaunuskreis
city =
state = Hesse
province =
county =
postcode =
postalcode =
zipcode =
country = DEU
country1 =
coordinates =
schoolnumber = 5195 [ [http://region.bildung.hessen.de/hochtaunus/bad-homburg/kaiserin-friedrich/ _de. Bildungsserver Hessen _de. Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium] ]
schoolboard =
district =
authority =
religion =
denomination =
oversight =
affiliation =
superintendent =
trustee =
founder =
specialist =
president =
head of school = Heike Zinke
headteacher =
head_label =
head =
chairperson =
principal =
viceprincipal =
dean =
administrator =
rector =
chaplain =
director =
custodian =
staff =
ranking =
bar pass rate =
faculty =
teaching_staff =
roll =
ceeb =
school code =
ofsted =
testaverage =
testname =
national_ranking =
classes =
classes offered =
avg_class_size =
ratio =
graduates =
year =
gender =
lower_age =
upper_age =
houses =
schooltype = _de. Gymnasium (and historical language _de. Gymnasium)
fundingtype =
type = Public
system =
fees =
tuition =
revenue =
endowment =
budget =
enrolment =
products =
grades = 5–13
age range =
medium =
language = English, French, German, Greek, Latin, Russian, Spanish
classrooms =
campus =
campus size =
campus type =
Hours_in_Day =
athletics =
conference =
slogan =
song =
fightsong =
motto =
accreditation =
rival =
mascot =

sports =
patron =
team_name =
nickname =
school_colours =
school_colors =
yearbook =
publication =
newspaper = "InsideOut"
opened =
established =
founded = at 1550
status =
closed =
students = 1,620 ("August 1, 2008")
sixth_form_students =
pupils =
alumni =
nobel_laureates =
enrollment =
gradeK =
grade1 =
grade2 =
grade3 =
grade4 =
grade5 =
grade6 =
grade7 =
grade8 =
grade9 =
grade10 =
grade11 =
grade12 =
grade13 =
other_grade_label =
other =
communities =
feeders =
free_label =
free_text =
free_label1 =
free_text1 =
free_label2 =
free_text2 =
free_label3 =
free_text3 =
free_label4 =
free_text4 =
free_label5 =
free_text5 =
footnotes =
picture =
homepage = [http://www.kaiserin-friedrich.de/ www.kaiserin-friedrich.de]

The _de. Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium (abbreviation: "KFG"; English: "Empress Frederick Gymnasium") is one of two _de. Gymnasiums, the other being Humboldtschule (HUS), in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Hesse, Germany.

It is one of the oldest schools in the German-speaking part. The eponym is Victoria, Princess Royal (1840–1901). The school has 121 teachers and 1,620 students. The history of the school goes back to 1550. As private Latin school founded at 1550, the school is grown up to one of the biggest schools in the Hochtaunuskreis. The Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium is the patron school of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. [ [http://www.rhein-main.net/sixcms/list.php?page=fnp2_news_article&sv%5Bid%5D=4267908 rhein-main.net: " _de. Weiterführende Schulen im Hochtaunuskreis"] , January 23, 2008]

The reduction of the school days from nine to eight years at the _de. Gymnasium was implementated by school year 2004/2005. The reduction means that the students will get their Abitur after twelve school years, not after thirteen years.

A peculiarity of the school is their multi-storey car park.

The _de. Gymnasium has a library with 10,000 books.

From school year 2008/2009 there is, for first time, a bilingual class starting in Educational Stage 5.


External links

* [http://www.kaiserin-friedrich.de/ Official website of the _de. Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium]
* [http://kfg.hochtaunuskreis.net/ Old website of the _de. Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium] (archives)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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