Humboldtschule (Bad Homburg)

Humboldtschule (Bad Homburg)

Infobox School
name = _de. Humboldtschule
native_name =
latin_name =

imagesize =
caption =
location = 61348 Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe

streetaddress = _de. Jacobistraße 37
region = Hochtaunuskreis
city =
state = Hesse
province =
county =
postcode =
postalcode =
zipcode =
country = DEU
country1 =
coordinates =
schoolnumber = 5194 [ [ _de. Bildungsserver Hessen _de. Humboldtschule] ]
schoolboard =
district =
authority =
religion =
denomination =
oversight =
affiliation =
superintendent =
trustee =
founder =
specialist =
president =
head of school =
headteacher =
head_label =
head =
chairperson =
principal =
viceprincipal =
dean =
administrator =
rector =
chaplain =
director =
custodian =
staff =
ranking =
bar pass rate =
faculty =
teaching_staff =
roll =
ceeb =
school code =
ofsted =
testaverage =
testname =
national_ranking =
classes =
classes offered =
avg_class_size =
ratio =
graduates =
year =
gender =
lower_age =
upper_age =
houses =
schooltype = _de. Gymnasium
fundingtype =
type = Public
system =
fees =
tuition =
revenue =
endowment =
budget =
enrolment =
products =
grades = 5–13
age range =
medium =
language = English, French, German, Latin, Russian, Spanish
classrooms =
campus =
campus size =
campus type =
Hours_in_Day =
athletics =
conference =
slogan =
song =
fightsong =
motto =
accreditation =
rival =
mascot =

sports =
patron =
team_name =
nickname =
school_colours =
school_colors =
yearbook =
publication =
newspaper = "kaHUS"
opened =
established =
founded = 1900
status =
closed =
students = 1,572 ("November 14, 2007")
sixth_form_students =
pupils =
alumni =
nobel_laureates =
enrollment =
gradeK =
grade1 =
grade2 =
grade3 =
grade4 =
grade5 =
grade6 =
grade7 =
grade8 =
grade9 =
grade10 =
grade11 =
grade12 =
grade13 =
other_grade_label =
other =
communities =
feeders =
free_label =
free_text =
free_label1 =
free_text1 =
free_label2 =
free_text2 =
free_label3 =
free_text3 =
free_label4 =
free_text4 =
free_label5 =
free_text5 =
footnotes =
picture =
homepage = []

The _de. Humboldtschule (abbreviation: "HUS"; English: "Humboldt School") is one of two Gymnasiums, besides the _de. Kaiserin-Friedrich-Gymnasium (KFG), in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Hesse, Germany.

The eponyms are Alexander (1769–1859) and Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835). Since November 2000 the school is an UNESCO project school (" _de. UNESCO-Projektschule"). [See also] The school has approximate 110 teachers and 1,570 students. The history of the school goes back to 1900. As " _de. Städtische Höhere Mädchenschule" founded in 1900, the school is grown up to one of the biggest schools in the Hochtaunuskreis.


The history of the school goes back to 1900. The school is successor of the " _de. Städtische Höhere Mädchenschule", founded in 1900. In 1962 the school has moved in the Jacobi Street (" _de. Jacobistraße"). In 1967 boys are admitted for first time. So in 1968 the school got the name " _de. Humboldtschule" with the implementation of the mixed-sex education. End of 2005 the class wings and the administrative building were widely redecorated and modernized. Furthermore a little cafeteria with 120 places was furnished. In school year 2005/2006 the school time at the _de. Humboldtschule was reduced from nine to eight years. So the students get their _de. Abitur after twelve school years totally, not thirteen years more.


The principal time is from 7:55 a.m. until 1:05 p.m.; the students in the sixth form (grades 11 until 13 respective 10 until 12) until 3:20 p.m. Since school year 2004/2005 there is a supervising break in the noon from 1:05 p.m. until 1:50 p.m. While this time a snack food or a luncheon in the school restaurant is offered. In the break the center with media is open. The students from grades 5 until 10 have only at some days in a week lesson respective activities in groups in the noon which they have to visit.


Bilingual education

The students can choose French as first foreign language with choice-offer of bilingual education in geography in classes 7 and 8. In classes 9 and 10 and also in the sixth form (classes 11 to 13 respective 10 to 12) history is offered as bilingual.


External links

* [ Official website of the _de. Humboldtschule]

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