Discrete Morse theory

Discrete Morse theory

Discrete Morse theory is a combinatorial adaptation of Morse theory defined on finite CW complexes.


Notation regarding CW complexes

Let \mathcal{X} be a CW complex. Define the incidence function \kappa:\mathcal{X}^2 \to \mathbb{Z} in the following way: given two cells σ and τ in \mathcal{X}, \kappa(\sigma,~\tau) equals the degree of the attaching map from the boundary of σ to τ. The boundary operator \partial on \mathcal{X} is defined by

\partial(\sigma) = \sum_{\tau \in \mathcal{X}}\kappa(\sigma,\tau)\tau

It is a defining property of boundary operators that \partial\circ\partial \equiv 0.

Discrete Morse functions

A Real-valued function \mu:\mathcal{X} \to \mathbb{R} is a discrete Morse function if it satisfies the following two properties:

  1. For any cell \sigma \in \mathcal{X}, the number of cells \tau \in \mathcal{X} in the boundary of σ which satisfy \mu(\sigma) \leq \mu(\tau) is at most one.
  2. For any cell \sigma \in \mathcal{X}, the number of cells \tau \in \mathcal{X} containing σ in their boundary which satisfy \mu(\sigma) \geq \mu(\tau) is at most one.

It can be shown[1] that both conditions can not hold simultaneously for a fixed cell σ provided that \mathcal{X} is a regular CW complex. In this case, each cell \sigma \in \mathcal{X} can be paired with at most one exceptional cell \tau \in \mathcal{X}: either a boundary cell with larger μ value, or a co-boundary cell with smaller μ value. The cells which have no pairs, i.e., their function values are strictly higher than their boundary cells and strictly lower than their co-boundary cells are called critical cells. Thus, a discrete Morse function partitions the CW complex into three distinct cell collections: \mathcal{X} = \mathcal{A} \sqcup \mathcal{K} \sqcup \mathcal{Q}, where:

  1. \mathcal{A} denotes the critical cells which are unpaired,
  2. \mathcal{K} denotes cells which are paired with boundary cells, and
  3. \mathcal{Q} denotes cells which are paired with co-boundary cells.

By construction, there is a bijection of sets between k-dimensional cells in \mathcal{K} and the (k − 1)-dimensional cells in \mathcal{Q}, which can be denoted by p^k:\mathcal{K}^k \to \mathcal{Q}^{k-1} for each natural number k. It is an additional technical requirement that for each K \in \mathcal{K}^k, the degree of the attaching map from the boundary of K to its paired cell p^k(K) \in \mathcal{Q} is a unit in the underlying ring of \mathcal{X}. For instance, over the integers \mathbb{Z}, the only allowed values are \pm 1. This technical requirement is guaranteed when one assumes that \mathcal{X} is a regular CW complex over \mathbb{Z}.

The fundamental result of discrete Morse theory establishes that the CW complex \mathcal{X} is isomorphic on the level of homology to a new complex \mathcal{A} consisting of only the critical cells. The paired cells in \mathcal{K} and \mathcal{Q} describe gradient paths between adjacent critical cells which can be used to obtain the boundary operator on \mathcal{A}. Some details of this construction are provided in the next section.

The Morse complex

A gradient path \rho = (Q_1, K_1, Q_2, K_2, \ldots, Q_M, K_M) is a sequence of cell pairs  K_m,~Q_m = p(K_m) so that \kappa(K_m,~Q_{m+1}) \neq 0. The index of this gradient path is defined to be the integer \nu(\rho) = \frac{\sum_{m=1}^{M-1}-\kappa(K_m,Q_{m+1})}{\sum_{m=1}^{M}\kappa(K_m,Q_m)}. The division here makes sense because the incidence between paired cells must be \pm 1. Note that by construction, the values of the discrete Morse function μ must decrease across ρ. The path ρ is said to connect two critical cells A,A' \in \mathcal{A} if \kappa(A,Q_1) \neq 0 \neq \kappa(K_M,A'). This relationship may be expressed as A \stackrel{\rho}{\to} A'. The multiplicity of this connection is defined to be the integer m(\rho) = \kappa(A,Q_1)\cdot\nu(\rho)\cdot\kappa(K_M,A). Finally, the Morse boundary operator on the critical cells \mathcal{A} is defined by

\Delta(A) = \sum_{A \stackrel{\rho}{\to} A'}m(\rho) A'

where the sum is taken over all gradient path connections from A to A'.

See also


  1. ^ Forman, Robin: Morse Theory for Cell Complexes, Lemma 2.5

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