Heat burst

Heat burst

__NOTOC__A heat burst is a rare atmospheric phenomenon characterised by gusty winds and a rapid increase in temperature and decrease in dew point (moisture). Heat bursts typically occur during night-time and are associated with decaying thunderstorms. [cite book |title= Glossary of Meteorology |publisher= American Meteorological Society |year= 2000 |url= http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/search?id=heat-burst1 |isbn= 1878220349 ]

Although this phenomenon is not fully understood, it is theorized that the event is caused when rain evaporates (virga) into a parcel of cold dry air high in the atmosphere making the air denser than its surroundings. [cite web|title=Oklahoma "heat burst" sends temperatures soaring|publisher=USA Today|1999-07-08|url=http://www.usatoday.com/weather/wheatbst.htm|accessdate=2007-05-09] The parcel descends rapidly, warming due to compression, overshoots its equilibrium level and reaches the surface, similar to a downburst. [cite journal |last=Johnson |first=Jeffrey |title=Examination of a Long-Lived Heat Burst Event in the Northern Plains |journal=National Weather Digest |volume=27 |pages=27–34 |publisher=National Weather Association |url=http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0QRG/is_27/ai_n11836123 |month=December | year=2003 ]

Recorded temperatures during heat bursts have reached well above convert|90|°F|°C|0|lk=on, sometimes rising by 20 °F (11 °C) or more within only a few minutes. More extreme events have also been documented, where temperatures have been reported to exceed convert|130|°F|°C|0, although such extreme events have never been officially verified. Heat bursts are also characterised by extremely dry air and are sometimes associated with very strong, even damaging, winds.

Some documented cases

* Sioux Falls, South Dakota, August 3, 2008: Temperatures rose rapidly from the lower 70s °F (21 °C) to convert|101|°F|°C|0 in a matter of minutes. Winds speeds also rose with gusts up to 50-60 mph (80-100 km/h). [ [http://www.crh.noaa.gov/news/display_cmsstory.php?wfo=fsd&storyid=17106&source=0 Convective Heat Burst moves across Sioux Falls] ]
* Cozad, Nebraska, June 26, 2008: Wind gusts reached convert|75|mph|km/h|0, as the temperature rose 20 °F (11 °C) in a matter of minutes. [ [http://www.nebraska.tv/Global/story.asp?S=8563368&nav=menu605_2 NTV - KHGI/KWNB/WSWS-CA - Where your news comes first. - Grand Island, Kearney, Hastings, Lincoln | Cozad Witnesses Rare Weather ] ]
* Midland, Texas, June 16, 2008: At 11:25 pm a wind gust of convert|62|mph|km/h|0|abbr=on occurred, and the temperature rose from convert|71|°F|°C|0 to convert|97|°F|°C|0 in minutes. [http://www.mywesttexas.com/articles/2008/06/17/news/top_stories/doc4857af7c54b33314052160.txt] (These measurements were taken from miles away, and theories point to 80–100 mph (128–160 km/h) winds in a 2–3 block perimeter.) [ [http://www.srh.noaa.gov/maf/headline/?id=2008_06_18_Midland_Heat_Burst Midland Heat Burst - Damage Survey] ]
* Emporia, Kansas, 25 May 2008: Reported temperature jumped from convert|71|°F|°C|0 to convert|91|°F|°C|0 between 4:44 am and 5:11 am (CDT) [cite web|title=Special Weather Statement|publisher=National Weather Service, Topeka, Kansas|url=http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KEMP/2008/5/25/DailyHistory.html?req_city=NA&req_state=NA&req_statename=NA|accessdate=2008-05-25] as the result of wind activity from a slow moving thunderstorm some convert|40|mi|km|0 to the southwest.
* Canby, Minnesota, 16 July, 2006: A heat burst formed in Western Minnesota, pushing Canby's temperature to convert|100|°F|°C|0, and causing a wind gust of convert|63|mph|kn km/h|0|lk=on|abbr=on. The dew point fell from convert|70|°F|°C|0 to convert|32|°F|°C|0 over the course of one hour. [cite web|title=Late Night Heat Burst in Western Minnesota on July 16-17, 2006|publisher=National Weather Service, Twin Cities|url=http://www.crh.noaa.gov/mpx/?n=july17,2006|accessdate=2007-05-09]
* Hastings, Nebraska, 20 June, 2006: During the early morning the surface temperature abruptly increased from approximately convert|75|°F|°C|0 to convert|94|°F|°C|0. [ [http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KHSI/2006/6/20/DailyHistory.html?req_city=NA&req_state=NA&req_statename=NA History : Weather Underground ] ] [ [http://www.crh.noaa.gov/gid/?n=news_243 Heat Bursts Occur Across South-Central Nebraska Early Tuesday Morning, June 20th.] ]
* Texas Panhandle, June 3, 2002: Heat burst sends temperature from convert|77|°F|°C|0 to convert|91|°F|°C|0 at 3:21 am in Amarillo. [ [http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/misc/020603/020603.html 03 June 2002 - Amarillo, Texas Heat Burst] ]
* Minnesota and South Dakota, March 26, 1998: A temperature increase of 10–20 °F (6-11 °C) was reported in the towns of Marshall, Minnesota, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Brookings, South Dakota, and Montrose, South Dakota during a two-hour period. [cite web|last=Heitkamp|coauthors=Holmes|title=Tri State Area Heat Burst March 26, 1998|publiisher=National Weather Service, Sioux Falls|url=http://www.crh.noaa.gov/fsd/science/heat980326/index.php|accessdate=2007-05-09]
* Oklahoma, May 22–May 23, 1996: The temperature in the towns of Chickasha rose from convert|87.6|°F|°C|0 to convert|101.9|°F|°C|0 in just 25 minutes, while the temperature at Ninnekah rose from convert|87.9|°F|°C|0 to convert|101.4|°F|°C|0 in 40 minutes. In addition, wind damage was reported as winds gusted to convert|95|mph|kn km/h|0|abbr=on in Lawton, convert|67|mph|kn km/h|0|abbr=on in Ninnekah, and convert|63|mph|kn km/h|0|abbr=on in Chickasha. [cite web|last=Cappella|first=Chris|title=Heat burst captured by weather network|publisher=USA Today|date=1999-06-23|url=http://www.usatoday.com/weather/wokhtbst.htm|accessdate=2007-05-09]
* Kopperl, Texas, 1960: A heat burst sent the air temperature to near convert|140|°F|°C|0, supposedly causing cotton crops to become desiccated and drying out vegetation. [cite journal|last=Petricic|first=Dusan|title=It's Raining Eels: A Compendium of Weird Weather|journal=Scientific American Presents|pages=54–55|year=2000|id=ISSN: 1048-0943]
* Portugal, July 6, 1949: A heat burst reportedly drove the air temperature from convert|38|°C|°F|0 to convert|70|°C|°F|0 two minutes later (note that the highest temperature formally recognized on the Earth was convert|57.8|°C|°F|0 in Libya in 1922, and the former record has not been verified).Freaks of the Storm, Randy Cerveny 2006, ISBN 1-56025-801-2]

See also

* Atmospheric thermodynamics


External links

* [http://www.cimms.ou.edu/~heinsel/heatburst/heatburst.html P11.13 THE 22-23 MAY 1996 HEATBURST: A SEVERE WIND EVENT]
* [http://www.theweatherprediction.com/habyhints/341/ What is a Heat Burst?]
* [http://www.accuweather.com/mt-news-blogs.asp?blog=weathermatrix&partner=accuweather&pgUrl=/mtweb/content/weathermatrix/archives/2006/09/the_texas_heat_1.asp The Texas Heat Burst, Others]

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