Hsiao Bi-khim

Hsiao Bi-khim

Hsiao Bi-khim (zh-tpw|t=蕭美琴|p=Xiāo Měiqín|w=Hsiao Mei-ch'in; Pe̍h-oē-jī: Siau Bí-khîm; born August 7, 1971 in Kobe, Japan) is a Taiwanese political figure associated with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), serving in the past as a legislatorcite web | title = 蕭美琴 (Hsiao Bi-khim') | work = 第6屆 立法委員個人資料 (6th Legislative Yuan Personal Info) | publisher = ROC Legislative Yuan | url = http://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/commissionerInfo?id=981&expireBack=06&expire=06&act=exp&keyword=%BF%BD%AC%FC%B5^&partyName=%A5%C1%A5D%B6i%A8B%C4%D2&orderBy=name&nameOrder=true&eleDisOrder=false | language=Traditional Chinese | accessdate = 2008-04-07] , as well as an important figure in DPP foreign policy circles.Citation | last = Hsu | first = Crystal | title = DPP hoping new blood will rejuvenate party | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 3 | date = 2002-07-21 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2002/07/21/149096] She is also a Vice President of Liberal International.cite web | title = Vice President | work = Members > People | publisher = Liberal International | url = http://www.liberal-international.org/editorial.asp?ia_id=529 | accessdate = 2008-04-06]


Hsiao was born in Kobe, Japan, to a Taiwanese father and American mother. Raised in Tainan, Hsiao grew up speaking Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English from a young age. After moving to the United States during her high school years, Hsiao completed her undergraduate studies at Oberlin College, receiving a BA in East Asian Studies. She continued on to graduate school at Columbia University, where she received her Master's degree in political science. cite web | title = Personal Profile | publisher = 立法委員蕭美琴虛擬服務處 (Legislator Hsiao Bi-khim's website) | language=Traditional Chinese | url = http://www.bikhim.com/2005/chinese/internet/about/about1.asp | accessdate = 2008-04-06] cite web | title = A Brief Biography | publisher = 立法委員蕭美琴虛擬服務處 (Legislator Hsiao Bi-khim's website) | url = http://www.bikhim.com/2005/english/about/about1.htm | language=English | accessdate = 2008-04-06]

Political career

Early career

While in the United States, Hsiao became active with the Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) US representative office, serving as an activity coordinator. Upon returning to Taiwan, Hsiao became the DPP's Director of International Affairs, representing the party in several international conferences for over a decade.

Hsiao worked for the Presidential office and served as an advisor and interpreter to President Chen Shui-bian for nearly two years after his election in 2000. . Her dual US and ROC citizenship while holding a government position became a political issue in late 2000, and she renounced her US citizenship the same year as required by the Civil Servants Employment Law at the time.Citation | last = Lin | first = Mei-chun | title = Legislators pass resolution on citizenship | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 3 | date = 2000-12-07 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/local/archives/2000/12/07/64480]

In November 2000, "The Journalist", a local tabloid magazine, claimed to have been told by Vice-President Annette Lu that Hsiao was having an affair with President Chen. No evidence supported the taleCitation | last = Huang | first = Joyce | title = Lack of evidence flusters magazine | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 1 | date = 2001-01-09 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2001/01/09/68996] , and Lu sued the magazine for libel in civil court. The magazine was eventually ordered to apologize and issue corrections admitting it had fabricated the story.Citation | last = Chuang | first = Jimmy | title = Magazine ordered to correct Lu story | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 1 | date = 2002-12-14 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2002/12/14/187105]

Legislative career

In January 2001, Hsiao announced her intention to run for the Legislative Yuan on the DPP ticket as a supplementary member representing overseas constituencies, citing her experience in international relations.Citation | last = Lin | first = Mei-chun | title = Hsiao Bi-khim to run for legislature| newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 3 | date = 2001-01-14 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/local/archives/2001/01/14/69710] She was subsequently elected in December the same year.

In the legislative elections of December 2004, Hsiao was reelected to the Legislative Yuan representing Taipei City's 1st Constituency, covering the northern districts of Xinyi, Songshan, Nangang, Neihu, Shilin, and Beitou. As a legislator, she served on the Legislative Yuan Foreign and Overseas Affairs Committee (外交及僑務委員會), the Procedure Committee (程序委員會), and the Discipline Committee (紀律委員會).

Hsiao worked on a number of issues in the legislature, notably women's rights, the rights of foreigners in Taiwan, and other human rights legislation. Hsiao supported amending the Nationality Law to allow individuals born to at least one parent of ROC nationality to also claim ROC nationality irrespective of age,Citation | last = Hong | first = Caroline | title = Legislator to push for changes in nationality law | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 2 | date = 2004-06-25 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2004/06/25/2003176415] and has also proposed and cosponsored anti-discrimination and anti-domestic violence amendments to the Immigration Act.Citation | last = Mo | first = Yan-chih | last2 = Loa | first2 = Lok-sin | title = Law change to aid migrant spouses | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 1 | date = 2007-12-01 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2007/12/01/2003390617] She has also been a proponent of animal rights, proposing amendments to the Animal Protection ActCitation | last = Wang | first = Flora | title = Lawmakers pass overhaul of law on animal rights | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 1 | date = 2007-12-15 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2007/12/15/2003392585] , and also pushed for the passage of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act in January 2005.Citation | last = Mo | first = Yan-chih | title = Women's groups celebrate passage of harassment act | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 3 | date = 2005-01-15 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2005/01/15/2003219584]

In May 2005, Hsiao represented the DPP at the annual congress of Liberal International in Sofia, Bulgaria, during which she was elected as a vice-president of the organization. Hsiao alleged that she and other DPP representatives were followed throughout their visit to Bulgaria by two unidentified persons sent by the PRC embassy in Sofia.Citation | last = Huang | first = Jewel | title = Hsiao Bi-khim denounces Chinese antics at LI meet | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 4 | date = 2005-05-18 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2005/05/18/2003255462]

The same month, Hsiao also started a campaign to encourage Taiwanese baseball fans to write e-mails to the New York Yankees to request that the Yankees keep Taiwanese pitcher Chien-Ming Wang at the major league level.Citation | title = Wang could be domoted when Wright returns | newspaper = Associated Press | date = 2005-05-30 | url = http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=2072083] The move led to some domestic criticism as being embarrassing and unnecessary. Citation | title = 蕭美琴一人一信留王建民弄巧成拙 | newspaper = The Epoch Times | date = 2005-05-31 | url = http://tw.epochtimes.com/bt/5/5/31/n939432.htm]

Hsiao was one of the DPP lawmakers targeted by some party supporters as being insufficiently loyal, with a pro-independence radio show dubbing her as "Chinese Khim" (中國琴) in March 2007, charging that she was close to the DPP's former New Tide faction.Citation | last = Wang | first = Flora | title = `Eliminated' DPP legislator questions party's values | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 4 | date = 2007-03-06 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2007/03/06/2003351162] Though defended by some other DPP members, Hsiao was not nominated to stand for reelection by the DPP in the January 2008 legislative electionsCitation | last = Wang | first = Flora | title = DPP members cull New Tide and `bandits' | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 3 | date = 2007-05-08 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2007/05/08/2003359984] , a move some attributed to be the result of that controversy.Citation | last = Chen | first = Fang-ming | title = DPP needs a new way of defining localization | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 8 | date = 2008-01-16 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2008/01/16/2003397519]

Post-legislative career

Hsiao left the Legislative Yuan after her term expired on January 31, 2008. She continues to be active within the DPP, and served as spokesperson for Frank Hsieh's unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign.Citation | last = Wang | first = Flora | coauthors = Ko, Shu-ling & Hsu, Jenny W. | title = Taiwan could be a second Tibet: Hsieh | newspaper = The Taipei Times | pages = 1 | date = 2008-03-18 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2008/03/18/2003406005] She is also vice chairman of the Taiwan Tibet Exchange Foundation cite web | title = 副董事長-蕭美琴 (Vice Chairman - Hsiao Bi-khim) | publisher = Taiwan Tibet Exchange Foundation | url = http://www.ttef.org.tw/session4/session4-2.htm | language = Traditional Chinese | accessdate = 2008-04-07] , a member of the board of trustees of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy cite web | title =About TFD - Governance and Structure | publisher = Taiwan Foundation for Democracy | url = http://www.tfd.org.tw/english/about.php?id=en0103 | accessdate = 2008-04-07] , a member of the executive committee of the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats cite news | last = Chang | first = Yun-ping | title = It's safe to vote for Chen, liberals say | pages = 1 | publisher = The Taipei Times | date = 2004-03-06 | url = http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2004/03/06/2003101320] , and a founding member of the Taiwan Association for Women in Sport (台灣女子體育運動協會) cite web | title =About TWS | language = Traditional Chinese | publisher = Taiwan Association for Women in Sport | url = http://www.taws.org.tw/taws.htm | accessdate = 2008-04-07]


External links

* [http://www.wretch.cc/blog/bikhim Personal blog]

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