Modal matrix (linear algebra)

Modal matrix (linear algebra)

In linear algebra, the modal matrix is used in the diagonalization process involving eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Assume a linear system of the following form:

: {d over dt} X = A^* X + B^* U

where "X" is "n"×1, "A" is "n"×"n", and "B" is "n"×1. "X" typically represents the state vector, and "U" the system input.

Specifically the modal matrix "M" is the "n"×"n" matrix formed with the eigenvectors of "A" as columns in "M". It is utilized in

: M^{-1}AM = D ,

where "D" is an "n"×"n" diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues of "A" on the main diagonal of "D" and zeros elsewhere. (note the eigenvalues should appear left→right top→bottom in the same order as its eigenvectors are arranged left→right into "M")

This process is also known as the similarity transform.

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