Muslim Girls Training (MGT)

Muslim Girls Training (MGT)

Muslim Girls Training & General Civilization Class or M.G.T. & G.C.C. for short is the name given to the training of women and girls in the Nation of Islam. This training was named and initiated by W. Fard Muhammad (Master Fard Muhammad). Master W. Fard Muhammad middle name "Fard" is a Universal word, which means religious duty or Obligated to follow. Fard or Farida is also used in Persian, Turkish, Urdu and Hindi, however it's spelled "Farz" which has the same meaning. The Egyptians use the word Ma'at, the Chinese use the word Tao, the Greeks use the word Themis and Jews use the word Mitzvah. all these words means the same as Fard (Farida).


The training consists of, but is no limited to, sewing, submission, cooking, caring for their homes, children and husbands. Elijah Muhammad said: "This was the name given to the Training of women and girls in North America - how to keep house, how to rear their children, how to take care of their husbands, sew, cook and, in general, how to act at home and abroad. These Training Units were named by our Prophet and Leader of Islam, W.D. FARD."" Elijah Muhammad also said: "75% of the work is with the Woman". This is because when you teach a man you teach an individual but when you teach a woman you teach a nation. These women are called Muslim Girls Training (MGT), because no matter how old a woman may get she will always be Allah's (God) little girl. The MGT have provided executive protection for the Nation of Islam Leader Minister Louis Farrakhan, Khadijah Farrakhan, Elijah Muhammad's wives and the MGT's Captains. All women in the Nation of Islam take these MGT & GCC classes and the women are referred to as the MGT just as the men in the nation are called the Fruit of Islam (FOI) referring to the training the men receive. Minister Ava Muhammad is an MGT, and she is the world's first Muslim woman Minister as well as the National Spokesperson for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. The MGT was setup by Master Fard Muhammad so he could train the Muslim women how to be a lady and act in a civilized manner. No men are allowed in this class fear that man will destroy the class. The (FOI) members are ask to marry their wife from the MGT class. The women in this class are taught to respect and honor themslelf and taught that they are the Mother of Civilization. The (FOI) call these sisters Goddess, Queens and Princess, and make sure that all doors be open for them. In the Nation of Islam these women are look at as virtuous women and more valuable then gold or silver. The MGT women cover their hair and bodies for Allah (God) and not for men. The MGT believes that the only justification for killing a human being is in self-defense. To be a member of the Muslim Girls Training (MGT); the qualifications are, that you must believe in Allah (God) and His Messenger, and be a non-white female. The MGT believes that Freemasonry was set up by Allah (God) and the Black Man (The Black, Brown, Red and Yellow People) for white males and females (Order of the Eastern Star), and when a Freemason studies for 35 to 50 years and becomes a Shriner the Fruit of Islam call him a "Muslim Son" or a "Poor Religious Teacher (Five Percenters)" The White American Freemason Shriners in Detroit, Michigan honors the Muslim Girls Training (MGT) & Fruit of Islam (FOI) by wearing fezzes with the word "Moslem" on it. The Dictionary says thatMoslemmeans: "“1. also Moslem (mŏz'ləm, mŏs'-) A believer in or adherent of Islam. 2. A member of the Nation of Islam; a Black Muslim.”" See: at "" In Detroit News on June 22, 1937, there is a picture of Imperial Potentate Clyde Webster, a Wayne County Circuit Court Judge wearing a Shriners Fez (hat) and/or Islamic Hat (Fez) with the word "Moslem" on it. ["See: Judge Clyde Webster and The Moslem Drill Team (White American Freemason Shriners) pictures at Wallace Fard Muhammad established his first Temple in Detroit, Michigan in the 1930s (Muhammads Temple #1), and this is why the Shriners in Detroit, Michigan wear Fezzes with the word "Moslem" on it. Temple means the Arabic word "Mosques" in English. The second Temple was established in Chicago, Illinois (Muhammads Temple #2 or/and Mosque Maryam renamed by Louis Farrakhan to honor Mary (mother of Jesus)), and this is why the Shriners in Chicago wear fezzes with the word "Madinah" (The English word for Medina, a Holy Islamic city in Saudi Arabia) on it. The Prophet Muhammad fled to Madinah (Medina) from Mecca around 1400 years ago because of persecution, just like Wallace Fard Muhammad & Elijah Muhammad had to flee to Chicago from Detroit, Michigan because of persecution from local authorities. Wallace Fard Muhammad established the Nation of Islam and the Fruit of Islam in Detroit, Michigan, just like Prophet Muhammad established the religion of Islam in Mecca. Wallace Fard Muhammad was called a Prophet by the Muslim Girls Training (MGT) when he was living in Detroit, Michigan, but when he left Elijah Muhammad in charge of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad started teaching his followers that Wallace Fard Muhammad was a Master and Allah (God) in person. Elijah Muhammad had all of his follows to start calling Wallace Fard Muhammad "Master Fard Muhammad". Some people say that Master Fard Muhammad was a "Master Freemason", but the Freemasons and the Nation of Islam claims that he was not a Freemason. Those people have good reasons to believe this sent the first Shriner Temple that was established in New York City in 1870 is called Mecca Shrine Temple (A.A.O.N.M.S.). See Dr Walter Millard Fleming wearing a fez (hat) with the word Mecca on it, at Wikipedia encyclopedia on (Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine).


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