- Ethnic Macedonians in Germany
ethnic group
group= Ethnic Macedonians of Germany
poptime= 62,295 [ [http://www.destatis.de/jetspeed/portal/cms/Sites/destatis/Internet/DE/Content/Statistiken/Bevoelkerung/AuslaendischeBevoelkerung/Tabellen/Content100/AlterAufenthaltsdauer,property=file.xls 2006 figures] ] -85,000 est. [ [http://www.mfa.gov.mk//Upload/ContentManagement/Files/Broj%20na%20makedonski%20iselenici%20vo%20svetot.doc Makedonci vo Svetot] ]
popplace=Berlin ,Nürnberg ,Ingolstadt ,Aalen ,Hannover ,Stuttgart
langs= Primarily Macedonian and German
rels= Macedonian Orthodox
related-c=MacedoniansAccording to the 2006 census figures, 62,295 ethnic Macedonians reside in
Germany . [ [http://www.destatis.de/jetspeed/portal/cms/Sites/destatis/Internet/DE/Content/Statistiken/Bevoelkerung/AuslaendischeBevoelkerung/Tabellen/Content100/AlterAufenthaltsdauer,property=file.xls 2006 figures] ] They are concentrated mainly in Bavaria,Berlin ,Hannover andStuttgart . Sources fronm theRepublic of Macedonia claim that the actual number is around 85,000. [ [http://www.mfa.gov.mk//Upload/ContentManagement/Files/Broj%20na%20makedonski%20iselenici%20vo%20svetot.doc Makedonci vo Svetot] ]Organisation and Religion
Macedonians in
Germany , are predominatlyorthodox belivers whit minor part of muslims, and they are mostly organised in, within the framework of theMacedonian Orthodox Church or the MPCO. Most of these organizations were formed in the early 1990's. The original church community was formed in Hamburg around 1980, and soon after six other MPCO's were established inGermany . The MPCO's have their own churches where many Macedonians gather forIlinden ,Easter andChristmas .The biggest are:
*"MPCO-"Sv.Kliment Ohridski" fromBerlin [MPCO Berlin-http://www.mpco-berlin.de/]
*"MPCO-"Sveti Spas" fromLaatzen /Hannover [MPCO Hannover-http://www.mpc-sv-spas.de/]
*"MPCO-"Sv. Atanasie" fromNürnberg [MPCO Nurenberg-http://www.mpc-nurnberg.de/]
*"MPCO-"Sv.Nikola" fromIngolstadt [MPCO Ingolstadt-http://www.svetinikola.de/]
*"MPCO-"Sv.Kiril i Metodij" fromStuttgart [MPCO Stuttgart-http://www.svkim.de.vu/]
*"MPCO-"Sv.Troica" fromMünchen
*"MPCO-"Sv.Dimitrija" fromAalen [MPCO Aalen-http://www.sv-dimitrija.de/index.html]
*"MPCO-"Sveti Kiril i Metodij " fromDortmund " [ [http://www.m-p-c.org/Eparhii/Evropska/Text.htm M.P.C Europe] ]The MPCO's encourage the
Macedonian Orthodox Church , traditional Macedonian folklore and customs from the motherland. They also encourage the upkeep of Macedonian heritage,language andtraditions inGermany .port
There are even some Macedonian sports clubs in Germany. The best known is FK Makedonija 1970 from
Berlin [FK Makedonija-http://www.fkmakedonija.de/index.html]Notable Macedonians in Germany
Oka Nikolov - soccer playerReferences
* [http://www.makedonische-gesellschaft.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1 Deutsch Macedonian Freindship]
* [http://www.fkmakedonija.de/index.html FK Makedonija 1970]
* [http://www.honorarkonsulat-mazedonien-hamburg.de/index.php?id=10 Macedonian Honor Consulat in Germany]
* [http://www.mpc-evropa.de/ Evropska Eparhija Na MPC]
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