- Wild Cherry
name = Wild Cherry
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Wild Cherry foliage and fruit
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Rosales
familia =Rosaceae
subfamilia =Prunoideae
genus = "Prunus "
subgenus = "Cerasus"
species = "P. avium"
binomial = "Prunus avium"
binomial_authority = (L.) L. 1755The Wild Cherry or Sweet Cherry ("Prunus avium") is a species of cherry, native to
Europe , northwestAfrica , and westernAsia , from theBritish Isles [ [http://www.british-trees.com/guide/wildcherry.htm British Trees Online] ] south toMorocco andTunisia , north to theTrondheimsfjord region in Norway and east to southernSweden ,Poland ,Ukraine , theCaucasus , and northernIran , with a small disjunct population in the westernHimalaya .Euro+Med Plantbase Project: [http://ww2.bgbm.org/_EuroPlusMed/PTaxonDetail.asp?NameId=31189&PTRefFk=500000 "Prunus avium"] ] Den Virtuella Floran: [http://linnaeus.nrm.se/flora/di/rosa/prunu/prunavi.html "Prunus avium"] (in Swedish; with [http://linnaeus.nrm.se/flora/di/rosa/prunu/prunaviv.jpgmap] )]Botany
It is a
deciduous tree growing to 15-32 m tall, with a trunk up to 1.5 m diameter. Young trees show strongapical dominance with a straight trunk and symmetrical conical crown, becoming rounded to irregular on old trees. Thebark is smooth purplish-brown with prominent horizontal grey-brownlenticel s on young trees, becoming thick dark blackish-brown and fissured on old trees. The leaves are alternate, simple ovoid-acute, 7–14 cm long and 4–7 cm broad, glabrous matt or sub-shiny green above, variably finely downy beneath, with a serrated margin and an acuminate tip, with a green or reddish petiole 2–3.5 cm long bearing two to five small red glands. The tip of each serrated edge of the leaves also bear small red glands. [http://www.backyardnature.net/n/05/050612.htm Jim Conrad's Newsletter. Cherry leaf glands.] ] In autumn, the leaves turn orange, pink or red before falling. Theflower s are produced in early spring at the same time as the new leaves, borne incorymb s of two to six together, each flower pendent on a 2–5 cm peduncle, 2.5–3.5 cm diameter, with five pure white petals, yellowish stamens, and a superior ovary; they arehermaphroditic , and pollinated bybee s. Thefruit is adrupe 1–2 cm in diameter (larger in some cultivated selections), bright red to dark purple when mature in mid summer, edible, variably sweet to somewhatastringent and bitter to eat fresh; it contains a single hard-shelled stone 8–12 mm long, 7–10 mm wide and 6–8 mm thick, grooved along the flattest edge; theseed (kernel) inside the stone is 6–8 mm long. The fruit are readily eaten by numerousbird s andmammal s, which digest the fruit flesh and disperse the seeds in their droppings. Somerodent s, and a few birds (notably theHawfinch ), also crack open the stones to eat the kernel inside. All parts of the plant except for the ripe fruit are slightly toxic, containingcyanogenic glycoside s.Rushforth, K. (1999). "Trees of Britain and Europe". Collins ISBN 0-00-220013-9.] Mitchell, A. F. (1974). "Field Guide to the Trees of Britain and Northern Europe". Collins ISBN 0-00-212035-6.] Flora of NW Europe: [http://ip30.eti.uva.nl/BIS/flora.php?selected=beschrijving&menuentry=soorten&id=2715 "Prunus avium"] ]The tree exudes a
gum from wounds in the bark, by which it seals the wounds to excludeinsect s and fungal infections.Vedel, H., & Lange, J. (1960). "Trees and Bushes in Wood and Hedgerow". Metheun & Co. Ltd., London.]Wild Cherry has been known as Gean or Mazzard, both largely obsolete names in modern English, though more recently 'Mazzard' has been used to refer to a selected self-fertile
cultivar that comes true from seed, and which is used as a seedling rootstock for fruiting cultivars.Huxley, A., ed. (1992). "New RHS Dictionary of Gardening". Macmillan ISBN 0-333-47494-5.] Plants for a Future: [http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Prunus+avium "Prunus avium"] ] The name "wild cherry" has also been applied in a general or colloquial sense to other species of "Prunus" growing in their native habitats, particularly toBlack Cherry "Prunus serotina".Some eighteenth and nineteenth century botanical authors ascribed an origin to western Asia based on the writings of Pliny; however, archaeological finds of seeds from prehistoric Europe contradict this view (see below).
The early history of its classification is somewhat confused. In the first edition of "
Species Plantarum " (1753), Linnaeus treated it as only a variety, "Prunus" #8 "cerasus" [var.] ι "avium", citingGaspard Bauhin 's "Pinax theatri botanici" (1596) as a synonym; his description, "Cerasus racemosa hortensis" ("Cherry with racemes, of gardens") shows it was described from a cultivated plant.Linnaeus, C. (1753). "Species Plantarum" 1: 474. [http://www.botanicus.org/page/358493 Online facsimile.] ] Linnaeus then changed from a variety to a species "Prunus avium" in the second edition of his "Flora Suecica" in 1755.Linnaeus, C. (1755). "Flora Suecica", ed. 2: 165.]"Prunus avium" means "bird cherry" in the
Latin language , a translation by Linnaeus of the species' Danish and German names ("Fugle-Kirsebær, Vogel-Kirsche", respectively). In English, the name Bird Cherry refers to "Prunus padus ".Flora of NW Europe: [http://ip30.eti.uva.nl/BIS/flora.php?selected=beschrijving&menuentry=soorten&id=2721 "Prunus padus"] ]Cultivation and uses
Wild Cherries have been an item of human food for several thousands of years. The stones have been found in deposits at
bronze age settlements throughout Europe, including in Britain. In one dated example, Wild Cherry macrofossils were found in acore sample from the detritus beneath a dwelling at an Early andMiddle Bronze Age pile-dwelling site on and in the shore of a former lake atDesenzano del Garda orLonato , near the southern shore ofLake Garda , Italy. The date is estimated at Early Bronze Age IA, carbon dated there to 2077 plus or minus 10 B.C. The natural forest was largely cleared at that time. [Marinis, R. C. de, Rapi, M., Ravazzi, C., Arpenti, E., Deaddis, M., & Perego, R. (2005). Lavagnone (Desenzano del Garda): new excavations and palaeoecology of a Bronze Age pile dwelling site in northern Italy. In: DellaCasa, P. & Trachsel, M., eds. "Wetland Economies and Societies". Proceedings of the International Conference in Zurich, 10-13 March 2004. "Collectio Archæologica" 3: 221–232 Available [http://www.disat.unimib.it/Palinologia/download/Lavagnone%20De%20Marinis%20et%20al.pdf online (pdf file)] ]By 800 BC, cherries were being deliberately cultivated in
Turkey , and soon after inGreece .As the ancestor of the cultivated sweet cherry, the Wild Cherry is one of the two cherry species which supply most of the world's commercial
cultivar s of edible cherry (the other is theSour Cherry "Prunus cerasus", mainly used for cooking; a few other species have had a very small input). Various cherry cultivars are now grown world-wide wherever the climate is suitable; the number of cultivars is now very large. The species has also escaped from cultivation and become naturalised in some temperate regions, including southwesternCanada ,Japan ,New Zealand , and the northeast and northwest of theUnited States .Ornamental
It is often cultivated as a flowering tree. Because of the size of the tree, it is often used in parkland, and less often as a street or garden tree. The double-flowered form, 'Plena', is commonly found, rather than the wild single-flowered forms. European Garden Flora; Volume IV]
Two interspecific hybrids, "P. x schmittii" ("P. avium" x "P. canescens") and "P. x fontenesiana" ("P. avium" x "P. mahaleb") are also grown as ornamental trees.
The hard, reddish-brown
wood (cherry wood) is valued as ahardwood for turnery, and making cabinets andmusical instrument s.Other uses
The gum from bark wounds is aromatic and can be chewed as a substitute for
chewing gum .Medicine can be prepared from the stalks of the drupes that is
astringent ,antitussive , anddiuretic .A green
dye can also be prepared from the plant.Cultural history
Pliny distinguishes between "Prunus", the plum fruit, ["Natural History" Book XV Section XII.] and "Cerasus", the cherry fruit.Pliny. "Natural History" Book XV Section XXX.] Already in Pliny quite a number of cultivars are cited, some possibly species or varieties, Aproniana, Lutatia, Caeciliana, and so on. Pliny grades them by flavour, including dulcis ("sweet") and acer ("sharp"). [N.H. Book XV Sections XXXI-II.]
He goes so far as to say that before the Roman consul Lucius Licinius
Lucullus defeatedMithridates in 74 BC, "Cerasia ... non fuere in Italia", "There were no cherry trees in Italy". According to him, Lucullus brought them in fromPontus and in the 120 years since that time they had spread across Europe to Britain.Seeds of a number of cherry species have however been found in bronze age and Roman archaeological sites throughout Europe. The reference to "sweet" and "sour" supports the modern view that "sweet" was "Prunus avium"; there are no other candidates among the cherries found. In 1882
Alphonse de Candolle pointed out that seeds of "Prunus avium" were found in theTerramare culture of northItaly (1500-1100 BC) and over the layers of the Swiss pile dwellings. [Candolle, A. de (1882). "Origine des plantes cultivées". Geneva.] Of Pliny's statement he says (p. 210):Since this error is perpetuated by its incessant repetition in classical schools, it must once more be said that cherry trees (at least the bird cherry) existed in Italy before Lucullus, and that the famous gourmet did not need to go far to seek the species with the sour or bitter fruit.
De Candolle suggests that what Lucullus brought back was a particular cultivar of "Prunus avium" from the Caucasus. The origin of cultivars of "P. avium" is still an open question. Modern cultivated cherries differ from wild ones in having larger fruit, 2–3 cm diameter. The trees are often grown on dwarfing rootstocks to keep them smaller for easier harvesting. [Panda, S., Martin, J. P., & Aquinagalde, I. (2003). Chloroplast DNA study in sweet cherry cultivars (Prunus avium L.) using PCR-RFLP method. "Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution" 50 (5): 489-495. [http://www.springerlink.com/content/x38n52lr4t28u608/ Abstract] ]Cherry gallery
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