

Self-pollination is a form of pollination that can occur when a flower has both stamen and a carpel in which the cultivar or species is self fertile and the stamens and the sticky stigma of the carpel contact each other to accomplish pollination. The term is inaccurately used in many cases where an outside pollinator is actually required; such plants are merely self fertile, or self pollenizing.

Few plants actually self pollinate. The mechanism is seen most often in some legumes such as peanuts. In another legume, Soybeans, the flowers open and remain receptive to insect cross pollination during the day; if this is not accomplished, the flowers self pollinate as they are closing.

Self pollination, or more generally self pollenizing, limits the variety of progeny and may depress plant vigor. However, self pollenizing can be advantageous, allowing plants to spread beyond the range of suitable pollinators or produce offspring in areas where pollinator populations have been greatly reduced or are naturally variable.

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