Douglas Kelley

Douglas Kelley

Lt. Colonel Douglas McGlashan Kelley (11/08/12[clarification needed] – January 1, 1958) was an U.S. Army Intelligence officer who served as Nuremberg Prison Psychiatrist during the Nuremberg War Trials. Along with psychologist, Gustave Gilbert, they administered the Rorsach inkblot test to 22 Nazis inmates prior to their trial. The objective of the test was to ascertain their capability in standing trial.

He committed suicide on New Year's Day 1958, ingesting a capsule of potassium cyanide as did Goering on 15 October 1946 and Hitler on 30 April 1945.

Douglas Kelley was portrayed by Stuart Bunce in the 2006 BBC docudrama Nuremberg: Nazis on Trial[1]
