WD Austerity 2-10-0

WD Austerity 2-10-0

Infobox Locomotive
name = WD Austerity 2-10-0

caption = 90775 on the North Norfolk Railway. Despite the appearance of a British Railways locomotive, the highest numbered BR engine was 90774, and this example was repatriated from Greece.
designer = Riddles
builder = North British Locomotive Company
builddate = 1943
totalproduction =
whytetype = 2-10-0
gauge = 4' 8½"
leadingsize =
driversize = 4' 8½"
length =
weight = 78 tons 6 cwt
fueltype = coal


cylindercount = 2
cylindersize = 19" x 28"
firearea =
boilerpressure = 225 psi
tractiveeffort = 34,215 lbf

The War Department (WD) "Austerity" 2-10-0 is a class of heavy freight steam locomotive that was introduced in 1943.


The Austerity 2-10-0 was based on the Austerity 2-8-0, and was designed to have interchangeable parts by R.A. Riddles. It had the same power output as the 2-8-0 but a lighter axle load, making it suitable for secondary lines.


It had a parallel boiler and round-topped firebox. While the 2-8-0 had a narrow firebox, the 2-10-0 had a wide firebox placed above the driving wheels. This arrangement was common in the USA (e.g. the USRA 0-8-0) but unusual in Britain. In Britain, wide fireboxes were usually used only where there was a trailing axle, e.g. in 4-4-2 and 4-6-2 types. One exception was the GER Decapod.

These were the first 2-10-0 locomotives to work in Great Britain, and the first major class of ten -coupled engines — they had been preceded by two 0-10-0 locomotives; the Great Eastern Railway's Decapod and the Midland Railway's Lickey Banker.

The 2-10-0 wheel arrangement was later used by Riddles when he designed the BR standard class 9F. This, too, had a wide firebox placed above the driving wheels.


Two batches were built by the North British Locomotive Company, the first batch of 100 introduced in 1943/1944 and the second batch of 50 in 1945. 20 of the first batch were sent to the Middle East. During running-in they worked in Britain, but their length made them unsuitable. Most saw service with the British Army in France after D-Day.

Post-war service

After the war the 150 locomotives were distributed as follows, the majority going to the Netherlands:


External links

* http://www.winwaed.com/rail/LNER/locos/O/WD_Austerity.shtml

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