Ground zero

Ground zero

Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall was only 150 m from the hypocenter, or ground zero, of the atomic bomb explosion over Hiroshima.] The term Ground Zero may be used to describe the point on the earth's surface where an explosion occurs. In the case of an explosion above the ground, Ground Zero refers to the point on the ground directly below an explosion (see hypocenter).The term has often been associated with nuclear explosions and other large bombs, but is also used in relation to earthquakes, epidemics and other disasters to mark the point of the most severe damage or destruction.Fact|date=September 2008 Damage gradually decreases with distance from this point.

History of term

The origins of the term "Ground Zero" began with the Manhattan Project and the bombing of Japan. The Oxford English Dictionary, citing the use of the term in a 1946 New York Times report on the destroyed city of Hiroshima, defines “ground zero” as “that part of the ground situated immediately under an exploding bomb, especially an atomic one.”

The term was military slang — used at the Trinity site where the weapon tower for the first nuclear weapon was at point 'zero' — and moved into general use very shortly after the end of World War II.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Relating to a specific event, the term was first used to refer to the devastation caused by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. [cite web|url=|title=Key Issues: Nuclear Weapons: History: Pre Cold War: Hiroshima and Nagasaki|accessdate=2008-02-04|publisher=Nuclear Age Peace Foundation]

The Pentagon

. The open space in the center is informally known as ground zero, and a snack bar located at the center of this plaza is named the "Ground Zero Cafe."

World Trade Center

The term was also used to describe the site of the World Trade Center in New York City, which was destroyed in the September 11, 2001 attacks. The term had been applied to the site in the 1980s by the authors of messages that were stenciled on the sidewalks of Manhattan. Each stenciled message included an arrow that pointed towards the southern tip of the island and stated: " [Number] miles to Ground Zero," in apparent reference to the targeting of the financial district by the Soviet Union in the event of a nuclear war.Fact|date=August 2008 The adoption of this term by the mainstream North American media with reference to the September 11th attacks began as early as 7:47 p.m. (EDT) on that day, when CBS News reporter Jim Axelrod said, Cquote | Less than four miles behind me is where the Twin Towers stood this morning. But not tonight. Ground Zero, as it's being described, in today's terrorist attacks that have sent aftershocks rippling across the country. [ [ CBS 9] , Washington, D.C., at Internet Archive's [ September 11 Television Archive] . Kathleen Matthews, of WJLA, Washington, D.C. said at 7:02 p.m. EDT, "Ground Zero for the terrorist attack here in the Washington area is of course The Pentagon." [ September 11 Television Archive] .] Rescue workers also used the phrase "The Pile", referring to the pile of rubble that was left after the buildings collapsed. [cite news |author=Hamill, Denis |title=Rescue Workers Keep Up Quest for Signs of Life Ruin All Over, But Not One Unkind Word |publisher=Daily News (New York) |date=September 16, 2001]

Other uses

The term is often re-used for disasters that have a geographic or conceptual epicenter.


External links

* [ History of the phrase "Ground Zero"]

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