
  • 91English-language vowel changes before historic r — In the phonological history of the English language, vowels followed (or formerly followed) by the phoneme /r/ have undergone a number of phonological changes. In recent centuries, most or all of these changes have involved merging of vowel… …


  • 92Lech-Lecha — Lech Lecha, Lekh Lekha, or Lech L cha (לך לך Hebrew for go!” or leave! or go for you the first two words in the parshah) is the third weekly Torah portion ( parshah ) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. It constitutes Genesis [http://www …


  • 93Vayeira — Vayeira, Vayera, or Va yera (וירא Hebrew for and He appeared,” the first word in the parshah) is the fourth weekly Torah portion ( parshah ) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. It constitutes Genesis [http://www.mechon… …


  • 94Toledot — Toledot, Toldot, or Tol doth (תּוֹלְדֹת Hebrew for “line” or “story,” the second word and the first distinctive word in the parshah) is the sixth weekly Torah portion ( parshah ) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. It constitutes Genesis …


  • 95Vayechi — Vayechi, Vayehi, or Vayhi (ויחי Hebrew for “and he lived,” the first word of the parshah) is the twelfth weekly Torah portion ( parshah ) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the last in the book of Genesis. It constitutes ) Joseph… …


  • 96Vayetze — Vayetze, Vayeitzei, or Vayetzei (וַיֵּצֵא Hebrew for “and he left,” the first word in the parshah) is the seventh weekly Torah portion ( parshah ) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. It constitutes Genesis [http://www.mechon… …


  • 97Vayishlach — or Vayishlah (וישלח Hebrew for “and he sent,” the first word of the parshah) is the eighth weekly Torah portion ( parshah ) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. It constitutes Genesis [http://www.mechon 32:4–36 …


  • 98Vayeshev — Vayeshev, Vayeishev, or Vayesheb (וישב Hebrew for “and he lived,” the first word of the parshah) is the ninth weekly Torah portion ( parshah ) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. It constitutes Genesis [http://www.mechon… …


  • 99Vayigash — (ויגש Hebrew for “and he drew near” or “then he drew near,” the first word of the parshah) is the eleventh weekly Torah portion ( parshah ) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. It constitutes Genesis [http://www.mechon… …


  • 100Shemot (parsha) — Shemot, Shemoth, or Shemos (שמות Hebrew for “names,” the second word, and first distinctive word, of the parsha) is the thirteenth weekly Torah portion ( parsha ) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the first in the book of Exodus. It …
