Large dish
1dish — dish1 S3 [dıʃ] n [: Old English; Origin: disc, from Latin discus disk, plate ] 1.) a flat container with low sides, for serving food from or cooking food in →↑bowl ▪ a serving dish ▪ an ovenproof dish dish of ▪ …
2Dish Network — Corporation Type Public Traded as NASDAQ: DISH …
3dish out something — dish out (something) to give something too freely and in large amounts. The mayor was famous for dishing out political favors to his pals. Usage notes: often it is criticism or unfriendly remarks that are dished out: She dished out insults as… …
4dish out — (something) to give something too freely and in large amounts. The mayor was famous for dishing out political favors to his pals. Usage notes: often it is criticism or unfriendly remarks that are dished out: She dished out insults as easily as… …
5Dish structure — A dish structure is a secondary sedimentary structure caused by liquefaction and fluidization of the soft sediment. The structure occurs mainly in clastic deposits like turbidites. Contents 1 Terminology 2 History 3 Description …
6dish — I UK [dɪʃ] / US noun Word forms dish : singular dish plural dishes ** 1) [countable] an open container like a plate, but not as deep as a bowl, used for serving or cooking food Place the fruit in a large shallow dish. an ovenproof dish a pie dish …
7dish — dish1 [ dıʃ ] noun ** ▸ 1 for cooking/serving food ▸ 2 prepared food ▸ 3 plates, etc. to be washed ▸ 4 someone sexually attractive ▸ 5 for radio/television 1. ) count an open container like a plate, but not as deep as a bowl, used for serving or… …
8dish out — verb 1. administer or bestow, as in small portions administer critical remarks to everyone present dole out some money shell out pocket money for the children deal a blow to someone the machine dispenses soft drinks • Syn: ↑distribu …
9dish*/*/ — [dɪʃ] noun I 1) [C] a container similar to a plate or bowl that is used for serving or cooking food Place the fruit in a large shallow dish.[/ex] 2) [C] food that has been prepared and cooked in a particular way Do you have any vegetarian… …
10dish out — {v.} 1. To serve (food) from a large bowl or plate. * /Ann s mother asked her to dish out the beans./ 2. {informal} To give in large quantities. * /That teacher dished out so much homework that her pupils complained to their parents./ 3. {slang}… …